Monday, September 26, 2011

Protect Your Pet - Common Household Dangers to Your Dogs

Your home is full of potential dangers for your beloved pet. Some of which aren't that obvious at first sight. Here are some common sense precautions that you can take to protect your pet. It's a sad fact that a large number of pets fall ill or die each year from poisoning by household items and food. Some are even poisoned by their loving owners who unwittingly feed them foods that are poisonous to dogs.
Make sure all your household cleaners and chemicals are out of reach and locked away. Take a look in your garage and lock away any bottles of brake fluid or antifreeze, both highly toxic to dogs. Secure your household rubbish, make sure your dogs can't get to any table scraps or other rubbish however tempting it might seem! Make sure you never leave any medication lying around. Some human medications such as aspirin or Panadol are highly toxic to pets. Be VERY careful when using poisons or baits in the house or garden and make sure your pets can't enter the contaminated area.

pamper your dog

There are a number of foods that although harmless to humans and sometimes other animals can be very toxic to dogs. Here's a list of foods to avoid giving your dog. This is not meant to be a complete list, if in any doubt consult your local vet as soon as possible.


Poisonous Foods
Alcohol Avocado Broccoli Chocolate Coffee beans, grounds or bags Fruit stones and pips Garlic Macadamia nuts Milk Moldy food Onions Raisins and grapes Raw potatoes and potato peelings Rhubarb leaves Salt Tea leaves or bags Tobacco Tomato plant stems or leaves Yeast dough
In the Garage/Shed
Antifreeze Brake Fluid Fungicides Herbicides Insecticide Mineral Spirits Paint Paint Remover Pesticide or Poisons Petrol Weed killer
In the Kitchen / bathroom
Bleach Deodorants Detergent Disinfectants Human medications Mothballs Nail Polish Nail Polish Remover Suntan lotion
Signs of poisoning

If you suspect your pet may have eaten or come in to contact with any poisonous material contact your vet straight away. Don't wait and see if it gets better, some poisons act very quickly and any delay could cost your pets life.

Some symptoms that can point to poisoning include:
vomiting diarrhea increased urination restlessness hyperactivity muscle twitching or shaking seizures

Protect Your Pet - Common Household Dangers to Your Dogs

For more great tips on looking after your dogs make sure you check out and


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