Friday, September 23, 2011

Never Hit a Dog When Dog Training

You should not EVER hit a dog for any reason at all. Hitting does NOT teach the dog anything other than to fear you, and obedience is born of love, not fear. Not only will hitting not work, but it is completely counterproductive to effective dog training of any kind.

dog bed

In order to effectively train a dog, you must learn to understand how a dog thinks - and yes, they DO think.


First of all, dogs are pack animals. That is their nature. Dogs do not expect to live in a democratic society in which everybody gets a vote. From a dog's point of view, it is absolutely essential that the "pack" (and the dog views the family as his pack) have a leader - a boss - an ALPHA dog. The alpha dog is in charge of the pack. The alpha dog makes the decisions for the pack and keeps the pack safe. It's a "dog" thing that you do need to understand.

Unless you are the alpha dog, the dog WILL become the alpha dog. He will nip at his other pack members. He may snarl, growl, and otherwise show the others that he IS in charge. So first of all, you must establish your position as alpha dog, but you don't do it by hitting the dog. Hitting is not a language that a dog understands.

When the dog misbehaves or transgresses, simply stop the behavior and roll him over onto his back. Hold him there and stand over him while saying "NO" firmly and in a forceful TONE of voice. Volume doesn't count. The only thing that matters is TONE. The next thing to do is show him what the correct and acceptable behavior is and then lavish praise on him when he complies.

Never Hit a Dog When Dog Training

Milos Pesic is a certified dog trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Dog Training [] information website. For more articles and resources on dog training, dog training certification and programs, free online dog training classes, dog potty training and much more visit his site at:



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