Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Understanding Dog Worm Medicine

If you think your dog may have some form of worms or perhaps you've just come back from the vet confirming this suspicion, you might be feeling a bit worried. It's normal to feel a little anxiety after discovering your dog is sick. After all, worms are a parasite and are capable of killing their host. Dog worms are not a threat to be taken lightly.


Let me just say, it's very commendable that you've taken the time to investigate the subject. A dog owner who takes the time to investigate their dog's health has a lucky dog for a pet.


Now...about those worms...

I'm happy to say that your fears are about to be lifted. This article will give you plenty of relief from your worry over your dog's worms by explaining their symptoms, effects and how dog worm medicine will flush out the problem and get your best friend happy and healthy in no time flat.

Below I'll be explaining the three most common worm infestations.

When you understand how this parasite works, it makes fighting them more effective and increases the chances of a positive outcome. Additionally, by learning about dog worms here, you'll have some knowledge as to how to prevent them the next time around.

There are 5 different types of worms that can threaten your dog. They are heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and whipworms. They're all parasites, feeding off the nutrients and blood of your dog, multiplying within his body.

Additionally, these worms can be contracted to humans. If you have a dog with worms, make sure you wash your hands VERY frequently to avoid infection.

The symptoms of dog worms are relatively similar in each of the 5 different types of infestations.

The Symptoms:

loss of weight loss of appetite pot-belly appearance cough fatigue diarrhea vomiting

Here are the three most common dog worm infestations.

Roundworms: are the most common worm found in dogs. Their eggs live in fecal matter, decaying meat from rodents or wildlife and in the soil. Your dog can easily pick them up by licking any of the mentioned specimens. Also, roundworms are commonly passed down from mothers to their puppies through milk.

When the eggs hatch, these worms can grow up to 7 inches in your dog's stomach and from there, hatch more eggs. You may notice them in your dog's stool or vomit. They look like white spaghetti strings. Also, a pot belly is common in dogs with roundworms. This is because the worms live in the dog's digestive tract, causing irritation.

The biggest threat with roundworms is that they can multiple over and over so many times that they create an obstruction in your dog's digestive tract which ultimately leads to death.

Hookworms: okay, just on a personal note...I think these are the grossest. Hookworms have teeth and also live in your dog's intestine during infestation. The difference however is that rather than nutrients, hookworms live off blood in your dogs body. Their giveaway is when you find blood in your dog's stool...especially diarrhea.

They can kill your dog by causing anemia and sometimes internal bleeding. Time is of the essence if you find blood in your dog's stool, so don't wait.

Heartworms: these worms are contracted through mosquitos during the warm summer months. The mosquitos suck blood from an infected dog and pass along the worms to another dog. These worms are obviously tiny. They make their way to your dog's heart and start to feed off the muscle tissue.

This can ultimately lead to congenitive heart failure if left untreated.

Heartworms are treated in a preventative way with most young pups. They go on heartworm medicine at an early age to avoid the disease altogether.

In all three common dog worm cases, medicine will usually flush out the problem before things get out of hand. That is, of course, if you catch the problem early enough. That's why reading articles like these are so important. By having the knowledge ahead of time you prevent the health problem from happening. Everyone knows preventions is the best medicine.

Understanding Dog Worm Medicine

IMPORTANT: With any dog health issue, whether it be worms or some other parasite, knowing how to administer dog medicine is key.

It is sooo important that you take the time to learn how to give your dog medication the RIGHT way. All dog owners at some point in their dog's life will need to do this. Take the time now to learn step by step the correct way. I've made this incredibly simple for you with a quick step by step tutorial through the link below.

Check this out -----> How to Give Your Dog Medication

Remember, prevention IS the best medication. Take a moment to learn this vital skill and be confident that you can overcome ANY dog health problem that comes your way!


Stop Your Dog From Humping People's Legs

Do you want to stop your dog from humping people's legs? It has long been a prominent problem for dog owners and causes embarrassment to all concerned especially with a larger breed of dog whose very size will make it difficult for him to be stopped.

The best way to prevent a dog from even beginning to hump is to have it neutered as early as possible before it reaches puberty then the problem will probably never start. However, once the dog reaches puberty and starts the humping behavior it is going to be hard to dissuade him from the practice. If the dog has passed puberty then having him neutered will not guarantee the cessation of the habit. In fact it may take many months for it to dissipate but even then in all likelihood it will not disappear altogether.


If the situation continues after neutering it may be possible to stop the dog from humping by developing a system of distracting his attention once you recognize the signs that the activity is about to start. Get his attention by playing with him with his favorite toy or give him a favorite chewy or treat. Most dogs can be diverted from the activity by the magic words like "walk", "ball" or "leash" something that he relates to as an activity that he enjoys. Although this may be inconvenient when guests are visiting.

If this does not stop the dog from humping then he needs to be trained with firmness. The dog owner needs to take control with a firm "no" or "stop", words that the dog will become to understand as definite commands, then once he has stopped to make him sit or to lie down.

In some cases the humping behavior can become quite extreme as it is a way of the dog showing his dominance. If this is the case then the way to stop the dog from humping may be to put him in a time out situation in a cage or crate and over time once the dog realizes that his humping behavior is not rewarded but instead results in a removal from the scene then the humping behavior will stop. Be prepared for this to take some time.

It is always best to train your dog to understand basic commands so that he will do the normal, sit, stay and lie down type of orders immediately. His basic adolescent training should include these types of orders as well as no, stop, down etc. A well trained dog will normally be able to be controlled even if he does have bad habit's the commands should stop this and it should be fairly simple to stop your dog from humping in this manner. If he has been neutered and then well trained this problem should then not be an embarrassment when guests are visiting.

There are many publications available to assist you to not only stop your dog from humping but to prevent many other situations also. The earlier a training method is adopted and implemented the sooner you will be proud of your dog and his behavioral achievements.

Stop Your Dog From Humping People's Legs

Your dog needs to be well behaved especially to visitors to your home. Dog bites are a primary source of legal complaints and can result in a loss of friendship as well as a dent in your finances from a hefty fine from the courts. The coverage afforded by any home insurance policy will also be jeopardized if a vicious dog is known to be in residence. Teach your dog how to behave from day one.

For more information on Teaching Your Dog To Obey please go to


Homemade Dog Food and Your Dog's Nutrition

A dog is a person's best friend. This is how most people treat their pet dogs. That is why they want only the best for their dogs, most especially when it comes to their food. Given that fact, convenience usually takes a backseat when dog nutrition is the subject. Most dog owners would sacrifice their time and effort just to make sure that they give their pet dogs' healthy food. Rather than buy ready made commercial food in the grocery, which ingredients they are not sure about, these dog owners would opt to have a homemade dog food prepared for their pets.

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After all, with the huge number of dog food recipes found online, they will never lack of sources for the daily food to serve to their dog. What is important however is to make sure dog's nutrition is taken in consideration in every recipe they will cook.


With the potential for danger not only from commercial foods but even some of the ingredients for homemade ones, some vital information should be remembered for the sake of your dog. The usual healthy dog food would basically have a mix of vegetables, meat and starch. If your dog is switching from commercial to homemade food, you can mix a little of the former to the one you prepared to allow your dog to slowly get used to it.

It would be better to ask your veterinarian if it is a wise move to switch. Bear in mind that a well-balanced dog diet is one with 30% veggies, 30% starch and 40% meat. It would be good to note that most often than not, the meat in commercial foods is of a certain quality that is not fit for human consumption, why give it to your dog then?

Rotate the type of food you will give to your dog so as it will not tire of its food. For your pet's starch requirement, you can make use of rice, pasta, oatmeal or potatoes. For a variety of homemade dog food recipes, you can always refer to the internet and you will surely not lack of choices. But always keep in mind of the nutritional value contained in the ingredients of your homemade dog food.

Homemade Dog Food and Your Dog's Nutrition

What is a well balanced homemade dog food recipe? Dog food nutrition is important. Using the right ingredients in the right proportions will provide the right nourishment for your dog and keep him happy and healthy. The ingredients used in commercial dog foods are not always the best. And some homemade dog food recipes found on the internet use questionable ingredients. Visit and learn what are the right ingredients to use when making your own dog food recipes.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Training Your Dog - How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump Up on People

You may have experienced visiting another persons' house when you are almost knocked over by a dog jumping up on you that has not been trained. This is the way dogs greet each other in the wild. This may not be a problem when the dog is a puppy but they have a habit of growing up. Since there are people who do not like dogs, they will not appreciate this activity. If knocked down a child, or infirm person could suffer serious injuries.

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The best time to train a dog not to jump up is when it is still young. Once the dog gets older, it can be difficult to beat the habit. If owners have to yell at their dog to get down, it shows they have no real control over training their dog properly.


An effective obedience training way of stopping your dog from jumping up is to gently grasp its two front paws. Hold on until it struggles then let it go. Be careful as it may nip your hands in order to get free. With some dogs this training method can show almost immediate results, especially for large dogs.

Another training method when your dog tries to jump on someone is to put their front feet firmly back on the ground. This method is more suitable for small dogs rather than bulky ones. Give a verbal command such as "down"or "sit down". Reward your dog with a morsel of food they like when they sit still without moving. When you are encouraging it to do this, it pays to be at the lowest eye level you can get. Your dog will respond more effectively when it sees you are in closer eye contact level rather than standing over it.

When training your dog consistency is most important. This means educating all the family to use the same repetitive commands and actions. If it does not receive consistent instructions, its training will become haphazard.

There will be times when you as a dog owner will become frustrated when your dog does not do as you ask. Persistent and regular training is necessary to achieve results. Your dog needs to learn to be obedient and do whatever you say. It needs to understand you are the dog owner and to respect you as such. You will soon know who is top dog in your family group as your dog will greet you more enthusiastically than others in your family.

The are basic activities other than training which make your dog happier and more manageable. It needs lots of physical activities including regular exercise. Also, give it a chance to play outside so it can get some fresh air and run around. Not all dogs will chase a ball but if yours does then you can play fetch the ball. Test how excited your dog gets when you say "go for a walk".

Training Your Dog - How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump Up on People

Make your dog training enjoyable for you and your dog. Begin training immediately. See the dog training manuals at Look for the "Special" Menu Dog Obedience e-book.


Signs of Parvo - Major Signs Your Dog May Have Parvo

Some dogs will not show signs of Parvo. This is usually the case with dogs that are over a year old or dogs who have been vaccinated. The two type of Parvo are Caridac and Intestinal.

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Cardiac ( a less common form of Parvo) occurs in young puppies (less than 8 weeks of age) and attacks the heart muscle.In this type of Parvo, a puppy may have difficulty breathing and may suddenly die. The Cardiac form can cause dogs that survive this disease to have scarring in their heart muscle.


Intestinal - This form of the Parvo virus causes extreme damage to the intestinal tract. Most dogs that contract this are less than 1 year old and between 6 and 20 weeks old (before the full set of vaccinations are given)

Signs of Parvo in the Intestinal Form

-High fever
-Loss of Appetite
-Diarrhea- Bloody and foul smelling

Signs of Parvo usually appear from 3 to 10 days after your dog has been exposed.

Diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration or shock. A temperature below 100.5 is an indication your dog is going into shock. To tell if your dog is dehydrated, lift up the scruff of the neck as mother dogs do (without picking up your dog). If the skin snaps back quickly, your dog is not dehydrated. If the skin is still bunched up, this means your dog is dehydrated. Another indication of dehydration is a dry nose.

Parvo is a very seriously and deadly disease. While it is more common on a young dog, it can infect any age dog.  While there are other diseases that mimic Parvo, if your dog has any of these signs, it is important to contact your Veterinarian immediately.

Signs of Parvo - Major Signs Your Dog May Have Parvo


Dog Training - How To Become A Dog Whisperer

From the movie directed by Robert Redford, "The Horse Whisperer:" A horse whisperer is a horse trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs and desires of the horse, based on modern equine psychology.

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The term goes back to the early 19th century when an Irish horseman, Daniel Sullivan, made a name for himself in England by rehabilitating horses that had become vicious and intractable due to abuse or accidental trauma.


Since the movie "The Horse Whisperer," the term Dog Whisperer has been developed and used by some dog trainers. The most popular trainer that calls himself the Dog Whisperer is Cesar Milan, but he is not the only trainer who uses that term. Paul Owen, who wrote the book "The Dog Whisperer," calls himself the Original Dog Whisperer and uses a much different approach to dog training than Cesar Milan.

In this article I am going to discuss becoming a dog whisperer by using the explanation described above: A horse whisperer is a horse trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the horse, based on modern equine psychology. A dog whisperer is a dog trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs and desires of the dog, based on modern canine psychology.

Adopt a sympathetic view of your dog's motives. Your dog's motives, needs and desires are simple. Every dog has social needs, the desire to interact and play. Your dog needs to have food and water and your dog needs a sleeping area.

With a clear understanding of your dog's needs and desires, you are able to use them to communicate to your dog and also set up boundaries to help your dog overcome any behavior problems and to live in a domestic situation.

Dogs are extremely social animals. We want to control the social interactions between us and our dogs. Depending on your dog's behavior problems we can use your dog's social needs to deal with any behavior problems.

For instance, some dogs are very demanding and slap their paws at the owner. The owner in turn pays attention and pets their dog. The dog learns that by pawing at the owner, the dog gets the owner's attention. To control social contact we can have the dog perform a quick obedience command. This puts the owner in control.

Playing is also very important to dogs. When you play you need to control the game. Many dogs love to play by their rules. I have seen a large number of dogs that love to steal socks or underwear or any object that they can get.

The dog walks into the room, sees the laundry basket and grabs the socks. The family members see the dog stealing the socks and take off after the dog. The dog loves this and runs around the couch, under the table and behind the chairs. If you look at it from the dog's point of view, the dog is training everyone to play by his rules. The dog is leading, the humans are following. We always want to be the leaders, not the followers.

Have your dog do sit stay for meals. Controlling your dog's food is a great way to communicate to your dog. Controlling the feeding times and by having your dog perform a command like "stay" for her meals is a great way to let your dog know who the leader is.

The stronger you are as the leader, the easier it is for the dog to live with us. Food is a great way to train and motivate your dog. By controlling your dog's food, you can control your dog's behavior. Your dog should always have access to water. Never use water to train your dog.

Your dog needs to understand that you are in charge of sleeping areas. Your dog should understand that you are in charge of the furniture and beds. It is okay to allow your dog up on the furniture--as long as they understand that it is your space and not theirs. Many dogs become very defensive of their sleeping areas.

If you allow your dog on the furniture make sure he understands that it is your. When your dog is young, keep a leash on your dog in the house. When your dog jumps up on the couch, walk over to him and say "Good dog, off." Then pick up the leash and gently pull your dog off the couch. In time your dog will learn the command and get off when you say so.

Those are the basic steps to becoming a dog whisperer. Learning about dog behavior is a lifelong study. After 18 years of training dogs I still attend seminars, workshops, read, view DVDs and work with other trainers.

If you are really serious about becoming a dog trainer a great place to start is the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. It is a great resource for dog trainers and anyone interested in becoming a dog trainer.

Dog Training - How To Become A Dog Whisperer

Eric Letendre the author of The Amazing Dog Training Man invites you to visit for leading edge dog training tips, instructional video clips and articles that will help you train and understand your dog. You can also get free dog training updates with a free Smart Dog Newsletter subscription, available at


Monday, November 28, 2011

Piroplasmosis: Protect Your Dog Well

Piroplasmosis is one of the diseases, sometimes fatal, most frequently seen in dogs. This disease, which destroys the red cells, is due to a parasite of the blood, transmitted by a tick bite. The treatment is effective on condition it is set up in time, but the complications can be serious.

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Which are the symptoms which one can observe?


The dog is laid low, it refuses to take nourishment, vomits and has a strong fever. Its urine takes on an abnormal colouring. The symptoms are not always easy to detect and it is advisable to consult a veterinary surgeon in case of doubts.

How is piroplasmosis transmitted?

Only ticks can transmit this disease. In order to be able to drink the blood of the dog, the tick injects an anticoagulant saliva, which contains the parasites of piroplasmosis. Once in the blood these penetrate in the red cells, multiply there, and make them burst. A dog affected by piroplasmosis is not contagious, to other dogs, to other animals, or to man.

What is the treatment for piroplasmosis?

The treatment is very effective assuming it beings rather quickly.

It is advisable to monitor the appearance of the symptoms well.

According to the stage of evolution of the disease, the veterinary surgeon will set up a treatment program in the form of injections which make it possible to destroy the parasite and of infusion, intended to rehydrate the animal and to fight against the hepatic and renal complications.

The animal will be also transfused to compensate for the lack of red globules.

How to prevent piroplasmosis?

wo techniques exist. First there are pesticides, which is the surest way to etablish real prevention. The product must destroy the tick before it has time to puncture the skin. It is thus necessary that it is poisoned in contact with the dogs coat, in a few minutes. The pesticides are in the shape of collars, pulverizers or pipettes.

The other method is that of vaccination. There is a vaccine which protects from piroplasmosis, but it is not 100% effective and appears very expensive.

For more dog caring tips and suggestions, visit my site at []

Piroplasmosis: Protect Your Dog Well

Steve Cowan is an Asia based businessman and writer,as well as an international racing driver and full time father.To discover more,visit his blog -What’s New Today,Stanley?- at


Understanding Your Dog's Urine Leak Control Problem

You may not know it but your dog's urine leak control problem may be more associated with its' sex than with any other issue. It is a proven fact that females have more issues with this particular problem than males. This article examines some of the more common causes behind canine urine leak control issues.

As mentioned above, your dog's leak control issues may be due to its sex. As a female dog gets older, the problem becomes more common. The main reason behind this is simply due to the weakening of the urinary muscles. Canine urine leak control problems can happen within any breed although some breeds tend to experience the problem more often than others. Collies, boxers, and Doberman breeds seem to be most affected by canine urine leak control issues. But, in truth, it can occur in any breed, and the occurrence will increase as the animal ages, regardless of sex.


After a female dog is spayed, a condition called urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) may be the cause of the urine leaking. Treatment for this condition is similar to options in older dogs, such as estrogen (hormonal) therapy.

It should also be noted that your female dog's urinary leak control problem may also be due to its reduced production of estrogen. This will occur after the animal has been spayed. Estrogen is needed to maintain strong muscle tone in the bladder and urethra. This loss of tone can result in canine urine leak control issues.

Many females can benefit from estrogen replacement therapy. This can be started by visiting your vet who can prescribe the proper medication. Males can also experience this problem when their levels of testosterone fall below certain levels. Again, your vet can test to see if this is the underlying cause.

One thing that many owners should keep in mind is that the dog's urinary leak control issues may not be associated with bad behavior. Too often owners assume the pool of fluid is a sign of the animal's change in "manners" for lack of a better word. To assume this is to put your pet in danger as nearly all trained animals will not suddenly begin to void in inappropriate places for no reason.

For a few animals, the best course of action will require minor surgery. The vast majority of those suffering from canine urine leak control issues, however, can be treated with meds.

It is possible that your dog's urine leak control is from a simple issue such as a urinary tract infection or a blockage in the urinary tract caused by mineral buildup or a bladder stone. If this is the case, your veterinarian may have conventional options such as medications. Antibiotics will clear up any infection. Stones may require a procedure to flush them from your dog's system.

You may even be able to help your dog by the way you care and feed for your pet. The urinary system is maintained by the frequency of urination and the PH or consistency of the urine itself. Special prescription diets available from your veterinarian are made to avoid the formation of stones. Also homeopathic remedies could help the body maintain the correct PH for killing bacteria. Increasing the number of daily walks can help to encourage increased urination and drinking.

The only way to know for sure what is causing the problem is to visit with your vet. He or she will be able to tell you what the problem is and how to treat it. Your dog's urinary leak control problem can mostly likely be solved fairly easily.

Understanding Your Dog's Urine Leak Control Problem

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Dog Health Guide and has written on many canine health problems. See this site for more information on your dog's urine leak control treatment options.


Dog Emergencies - Make Your Own Dog First Aid Kit

Knowing dog first aid skills are very important, just as with humans and knowing what to do in the event of an emergency may mean the difference between life and death for your dog. Dog emergencies or any other extreme medical situations require that you get your dog to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.

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Of course, not every possible ailment will need professional treatment but better safe than sorry. If your dog ever receives any kind of injury it is always best that you be aware of what to do in advance (depending on what type of injury the dog has received). Different kinds of injuries require different kinds of treatments. Many kinds of injuries may require immediate medical assistance. It is a very good idea to know how to prevent any dog emergencies, treat various minor injuries with first aid and just when you need to seek immediate veterinary assistance and care.


In case an emergency ever were to happen it is easy to prepare for it in advance by creating your own dog first aid kit. It is very easy to create. Good ideas for containers could be a lunch box, a tackle box or some other shoe box sized plastic container. Water-proof and strong enough to withstand mild pressure is the best idea.

It would be a great idea to label the first aid kit on all sides with something such as "Dog First Aid Kit". It's also a very good idea to list a description of your dog(s) including it's name, color, weight, any health issues, distinguishing characteristics with a recent photo labeled with the name of every pet that you own.

An index card with the numbers of your local veterinarian, poison control, and other canine emergency numbers for your dog (emergency vet, etc) is also a good thing to include in the dog first aid kit. Here is a list of several items you should put in your dog first aid kit with brief explanations as to what each item is for. Remember, your dog's health may depend on it.

Dog First Aid Kit Basic Ingredients List:

Activated charcoal: for poisonings (1 gram per pound, mixed with water),

Antihistamine tablets: for insect stings and allergic reactions,

Betadine or Nolvasan: cleaning open wounds,

Blankets: several if possible, to help prevent against shock in the event of an accident or injury as well as a good way to transport an injured dog,

Blunt nosed scissors: to cut tape and clip. Keep these scissors with the kit.

Canine rectal thermometer: to take the dog or puppies temperature,

Cortisone ointment: Used as a topical anti-inflammatory,

Cotton balls and swabs: Used mainly to clean wounds,

Eyedropper or dosage syringe: to apply medications to your dog,

Eyewash: to irrigate the eyes of your dog,

First-aid cream: to sooth and protect wounds,

Gauze bandage: for wrapping wounds,

Gloves: both thin plastic to avoid contamination and thicker ones if you have a fear of being bitten,

Hand towels: to dry hands, for clean up, etc.,

Hydrogen peroxide (3%): has various uses, one of which is to induce vomiting,

Kaolin and pectin: to help diarrhea (1 teaspoon per 10 pounds),

Magnifying glass: to help locate any tiny objects

Muzzle: even the best dog may bite when in extreme pain. If you don't have one you can also make one from strips of soft long fabric, tube socks, etc.,

Nail clippers: best case scenario, have both human and canine nail clippers,

Non-stick adhesive tape: to help tape bandages in place,

Non-stinging antiseptic spray: to help clean wounds,

Pepto-Bismol , Maalox or Kaopectate: to help relieve minor stomach upsets,

Petroleum jelly: for use with the rectal thermometer, also an aid in constipation (1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds),

Saline solution: can be used for many things such as irrigating wounds,

Stretch bandages: for wound dressing,

Styptic pencil: to stop minor bleeding,

Syrup of Ipecac: used to induce vomiting (1 teaspoon per 20 pounds),

Tweezers or hemostat: use to pull our splinters or other small foreign objects,

Vegetable oil: for mild constipation (1 teaspoon per 5 pounds, mix it in with food)

If you can think of other items to add to your dog first aid kit, feel free to do so. This list is just a place to get you started in creating your own dog first aid kit.

Any of the following symptoms or injuries require IMMEDIATE medical action from your veterinarian. Contact your vet immediately if your dog or puppy has any of the following:

Been hit by a vehicle,

No pulse or heart beat,

Broken bones,

Puncture wounds to the abdomen or chest,

Spurting blood,

Bleeding from nose or mouth,

Bloated abdomen,

Repeated vomiting,

Pale gums,

Diarrhea for more than 18 hours,

Muscle tremors,

Problems with breathing or swallowing,

Refusal to eat for 48 hours,

Seizures or disorientation,

Unusual swellings (especially ones that are sudden, hard or fast growing)

In any emergency situation try and keep as calm as possible and to get your dog to the veterinarian as quickly as possible. If anything ever happens, call first to see if the office is open, and to let the vet know what has happened and that you and your dog are on your way.

If your veterinarians office is not open for whatever the reason, call your nearest emergency vet clinic. Always keep all emergency phone numbers, including those of your veterinarian and emergency veterinarian clinic, near your telephone.

Dog Emergencies - Make Your Own Dog First Aid Kit

Debbie Ray, owner of , and is a lifelong dog owner, teacher and internet business owner. Want to learn more about internet business? Purebred dogs? Let me teach you.

Copyright 2007 . Debbie Ray . All Rights Reserved


Pet Owners Guide to Spay and Neuter

What does it mean to 'spay' or 'neuter' your pet?

Whey you have your pet spayed or neutered, it means that you are having your animal undergo a minor surgical procedure to have their reproductive organs removed. Females are spayed and males are neutered. Depending on the health of your pet and its age, it may take a few hours or a few days at the vet for your pet to be ready to return home after the procedure. Most likely, he or she will be a little groggy for the first few hours afterward, and stitches may or may not need removal a few days later.


How is the spay or neuter process beneficial to your pets?

Your pet will enjoy a much higher quality of life once it has been spayed or neutered. Temperament issues as well as many health problems including future incidence of ovarian, breast, testicular, prostate, or uterine cancer are diminished or disappear completely. Interaction with other pets becomes much easier and in general, you will find that your pet is less anxious and high strung in most cases.

Why is a spayed or neutered pet beneficial to you?

Not only will pets get along better with other animals once spayed or neutered, they will also get along much better with you. Spayed and neutered animals are in general more good natured and affectionate. For example, cats are less likely to spray and dogs are less hostile toward other dogs who they may otherwise view as reproductive competition. In general, they are less likely to bite humans or other animals.

There is no heat cycle for spayed and neutered animals. This means no crying kitties two or three times a year or unwanted attention from male cats in the neighborhood.

Spaying and neutering also keeps your pet closer to home. They are less likely to take off the first time a door is left open and unattended or wander aimlessly around the neighborhood.

Why is spaying and neutering important to the animal community?

A great many tax dollars are spent every year in every city and county to curb unwanted cats and dogs. By cutting off the reproductive cycle of your pet, you are keeping unwanted animals out of the world, saving time and money and creating a better quality of life for the animals already here who need good homes. Animal shelters are already overflowing and stray animals that are not caught tend to wreak havoc: knocking over trash cans, attacking pets and humans, and scaring away wildlife.

Every day10,000 humans born - and every day 70,000 dogs and cats born, too. Of these, about 11 million will be euthanized in an animal shelter - that means that almost 65 percent of animals turned over to the pound will have their lives ended there.

Spaying and neutering: it's not just for dogs and cats

Rabbits are third most often surrendered pet after cats and dogs. But even if you intend to keep your rabbit for life, spaying or neutering your pet will offer all the benefits that the process gives to cats and dogs: fewer instances of certain cancers and health conditions, better temperament, better pets.

Where to have your pet spayed or neutered

Your local vet - The procedure can be expensive, but they may offer a payment plan or discounted services.

Your local animal shelter - If they don't offer the service themselves, they will know who does.
Call SPAY USA - At (800) 248-SPAY, SPAY USA can help you find subsidized spay and neuter services in your area.

Visit - This website has a great many resources for taking care of your pet's health.

Pet Owners Guide to Spay and Neuter

Melissa Steele is a freelance writer for This site features Pet Essentials with Style including discount dog beds of all sizes and styles.


Kittens For Adoption

If you love cats then you will love to adopt some kittens. These kittens have probably been abandoned by their mother at birth and were probably found by a Good Samaritan who took them to an animal shelter where they were revived and cared for back to good health.

If you have kittens for adoption then you probably are trying to get homes for your baby cats and maybe cannot afford to take care of them yourself. You can try posting up posters that say you are offering kittens up for adoption. You can also find out if your nearest animal shelter knows people who are interested in these animals.


Since there are many breeds of kittens for adoption you can choose from cats like tortoiseshell kittens, Siamese kittens, Persian kittens, and other varieties. There is also the rare kind of kittens which everyone is always looking to get especially cat lovers.

Once you have adopted the kittens you must have all the right necessities such as toys and food to be able to take care of the kitten. It would be wiser if you planned how to take care of the kitten first hand before getting one. Maybe take care of your neighbor's cat for a week and see if you can hack it. It might be easier with a full blown cat but as a kitten you might have your work cut out for you. Cats however are easier to train than most animals and they learn very fast. You will have to have kitty litter for the kitten as well as provide a nice place for it to sleep.

Kittens For Adoption

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Pet Adoption. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here PET ADOPTION If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Psychological Benefits Of Adopting A Stray Dog Or Cat

We are experiencing a plague in the United States. Unwanted and stray cats and dogs. I believe a great deal of this is due to lack of education.

Some cities and municipalities put a lot of funding behind spaying and neutering education. Many communities have no-kill shelters, and a lot of other good is being done. But more can be done. The amount of strays is epidemic in the U.S and does not seem to be getting better. We know better, most of us.


For every baby born in the U.S there are seven cats and dogs born.

A female cat and her offspring can (and usually does) produce 420,000 kittens within seven years.

One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in six years (and usually does).

As many as 25% of dogs entering shelters each year are purebreds.

Approximately 61% of all dogs are killed in animal shelters.

Approximately 75% of all cats entering shelters are killed.

It costs approximately 0 to capture, house, feed, and eventually kill each stray animal -- a cost which you, the taxpayer, eventually pay.

Can you see the importance of becoming educated regarding spaying and neutering pets? The Doris Day Animal League has a wonderful program which can give you a great bit of important information.

I do not sit in judgment Though I owned pets all my life, I truly did not understand true pet care until I reached my adulthood. I only knew what my parents taught me which was very limited.

As a upper-middle class child, like other upper-middle class kids, my parents bought me "the dog du jour" or what was trendy from a recent movie. From Irish Setters to Golden Retrievers to Great Danes to Sheepdogs.
And only from the finest breeders.

There is nothing wrong with that. Those animals need homes as well, and I feel good about every animal I learned to take care of as a child (from wherever they derived).

As I matured, I understood owning and caring for an animal is more than "just looking good next to an exotic or popular breed". It is about bonding, caring, and loving that animal and learning unconditional love from it.

I will give you an example. The Northridge earthquake in 1994 destroyed my home. I was forced to move into an apartment that didn't allow dogs. I had a beautiful blonde golden retriever I was forced to give away.
I cried on and off for a month (even though Otis got a home in Malibu and was living better than me).

I moved back to my home state of Mississippi to take care of an ailing mom. As a writer, I knew this could put me in a vulnerable situation, but I also knew that my mom took care of me whenever I was ill and that was the right thing to do. And as I expected, writer's block set in and I did not write for four years. That was okay. One learns some valuable lessons (much more important than writing) when caring for an ill parent. She was once an English teacher, in love with the English language, and, as goofy as it might seem, sometimes I feel her soul is guiding my own text. I have heard more than one writer or artist share the same sentiment; didn't believe them at the time, now I do.

It was 1997. Some college friends from Newburyport, MA invited me up to relax and take a break from my loss. I went. They asked if I wanted to see a movie, and I said "sure, why not". We drove to New Hampshire as they wanted to see a new Jack Nicholson movie "As Good As It Gets". I enjoy his movies so figured I would at least be entertained, in spite of the depression and continued writers block I was experiencing.

If anyone has not seen the film, I strongly suggest it. Nicholson plays a crusty author with writer's block who is a rude misogynist, homophobic man who seemed to just take up space and complain. His neighbor, played wonderfully by Greg Kinnear was a gay man with an effeminate poodle-looking dog, that only served to make Nicholson more homophobic and stereotyping his neighbor (for the dog). Suddenly Kinnear is violently attacked in a robbery and nobody is there to take care of the dog. Enter (hesitantly), Jack Nicholson.

As time goes by, he is walking the dog, taking care of it, and his paternal instincts have kicked in. His
"hidden" love for Helen Hunt, who played a waitress at a cafe at which he frequented blossomed.

Everything changes for Jack. Nicholson realizes he has learned unconditional love from this little dog while his wounded gay neighbor recovered.

By the end of the movie, he "won the girl", befriended Kinnear, and it had a very happy and somewhat predictable ending, but, it was so well-acted and written, it swept the Academy that year.

I returned home to Mississippi to my small house, alone. I was a volunteer at an equestrian center owned by the University. I really was not a "horse-person" but enjoyed caring for them as always loved animals in general.

One day, a pack of three dogs showed up at the center. There had been a tornado that day, and they appeared to have been out in the elements for weeks. One seemed near-death and was frightened to death of humans. He barked at the omnipotent thunder so I named him "Thor".

A veterinarian friend of mine told me she would take him home and bring him back to health if I would keep him, probably wouldn't live long due to his trauma but could at least have a few happy months or years. I reluctantly agreed. By his teeth, she estimated his age to be around eight years old.

Fast forward twelve years. Thor is still with me and my shadow. I have written over 200 articles, essays, etc. since he's been in my life. I have written and produced the largest cartoon site on the Internet. I have the unconditional love of a beautiful, sweet successful woman who I would never have given the time of day, or vice versa, had I not learned what I learned from Thor.

He is a mixed-breed, probably part bearded collie and something else, who knows. He's very smart and wise reaching age 20. He is on the b.a.r.f diet (biologically appropriate raw foods) and does not eat dog food. Until this year, he had no vet bills for nearly 11 years. Now his heart is a bit weaker but he still has all his cognitive abilities and can be very puppyish. More on pet nutrition at

He's just a stray. A 35 pound ball of fur that looks somewhere between Benji and a sheepdog.

I never knew a stray mutt "Thor" could be my inspiration, even after seeing the Nicholson movie, but he is.

I have taken in probably 20 stray dogs and cats since I've had Thor but found them all homes. Thor does not like to share his space with me, and at his age, he is the boss. I don't want him feeling "replaced".

I encourage you to run by the shelter and take a look at some of the gorgeous sweet animals desperate for a home. Most shelters are not no-kill so most of them are on death row. You can be a hero to them, and believe me the payback is a million times over.

Don't believe me? Give it a try.

The Psychological Benefits Of Adopting A Stray Dog Or Cat

Rick London is a writer, cartoonist, e-tailer and animal-lover in the Ouchata Mountains of Arkansas. He created the world's first line of cartoon casual clothing (, many of his cartoon items are cat and dog-related and a percentage of sales benefits various animal causes. In addition to clothes he sells gifts and collectibles. He also founded Londons Times Cartoons in 1997, possibly the largest offbeat single panel cartoon site on the Internet and Londons Times Superstore which features over 65,000 gifts and collectibles bearing his unique award-winning cartoon images.


Guard Dog Vs Protection Dog

In today's world, people feel a need for security, for themselves and their families. Some people want to keep their property or business secure from intruders. Although alarm systems can do the job, many people choose to get a dog instead. In certain breeds, this guarding and protecting is a natural instinct and dogs have been doing this job for hundreds of years. So, once you decide to get a dog for security, should you get a guard dog or a protection dog? Is there a difference?

dog beds

The answer is, yes, there is a difference between a guard dog and protection dog. It is important for you to know the difference before you make a decision and buy a puppy. Think of it this way, a guard dog will guard your property and a protection dog will protect you and your family.


A guard dog is trained specifically to be a working dog, not a pet.  They are used as police dogs or military dogs and cannot "turn off" their training. Guard dogs can be trained to work at 3 distinct  levels of security.

Alarm Dog- This is a large breed with a deep, threatening bark. He will sound the alarm when someone approaches, but will take no action. In many cases, the alarm dogs bark is enough to deter unwanted visitors.

Sentry Dog- A guard dog used as a sentry is most often used to guard the outside of a large property, such as a warehouse or shipyard. The dog is free to roam on his own without instruction from his owner. Because they are trained to attack anyone who trespasses, they are the best possible protection for this type of situation.

Attack Dog- An attack trained guard dog is trained to attack and even kill if given the command by his handler. These dogs meant to be used as police K-9 or military service dogs. Dogs trained at this level are not sociable at any level and are not suitable as pets.

Protection dogs are family dogs that will protect and defend their family in any situation they feel is threatening. Some of the most popular breeds for protection are, Rottweilers, German Shepherds and  Giant Schnauzers. The Doberman is the only working dog bred specifically as a protection dog. These breeds are extremely loyal and become true family members. They can be socialized with children and other pets, as well as other family, friends and neighbors. These dogs should never be trained specially to do what comes naturally to them. They should be bred with special consideration for their natural instinct to protect. These breeds do however, need to be obedience trained and need to know their position in the family. They can be dominant, so it is important to establish your alpha role. Exercise is extremely important if you want to have a well behaved, well adjusted protection dog. These dogs need plenty of activity because they are big, physical animals with lots of energy.

The main distinction between a guard dog and a protection dogs is ultimately in the training. It is always best to seek a professional when you have determined what you need from your working companion.

Guard Dog Vs Protection Dog

Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to or to for further information


Dog Ear Infection - Yeast Infection Treatment and Advice

You might have heard of using apple cider vinegar for natural remedies in people, but have you heard of using it for your dog's health, more importantly did you know it can be used for dog ear infection treatment? Apple cider vinegar helps with gases, as an aid to digestion, for constipation, and many other ailments. It can even be used to deter mosquitoes and other annoying insects! But best of all for your dog ear infection yeast can't grow in it!

dog harness

Many herbalists recommend the use of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended that you buy vinegar made from cold pressed, organically only grown apples to get the benefit of the naturally occurring enzymes.


In its most natural form, apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It is even used to treat mange!

There are many other benefits to using apple cider vinegar. It is known to reduce common infections, prevent muscle fatigue after exercise, increase resistance to Illness, and protect against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is very rich in the vitamins, and goodness found in fresh apples, most notably potassium which helps to balance acid levels in the stomach. Most importantly of all for dog ear infection though is Yeasts inability to grow in apple cider vinegar, or anywhere near it for that matter. Dog ear infection treatment can be very effective with apple cider vinegar though as a warning it can sting the dog's ears especially in a severe dog ear infection when unfortunately you may need antibiotics to start the healing process. When the dog ear infection is healing you can use the solution below to keep your dogs ears clean and more importantly - Yeast free!

Now you know the way things are. If you dog has pointed ears then they're less likely to get a yeast dog ear infection but more likely to get infections caused by debris, and if he or she has floppy ears then it's vice versa. Typical. Some dogs have hairy ears which are very susceptible to yeast dog ear infection and other types of dog ear infection. Dogs that swim a lot and lead an active outdoor life will be in danger. What's more the yeast is ever present in the dog's body and is ready for action on any number of triggers. Dogs like humans have ups and downs and it's often the downs when the yeast monster strikes.

Now if your dog has a dog ear infection and it's yeast it's going to be pretty obvious, not only will he or she let you know, but the smell will confirm any doubts. With Canines the dog ear infection comes on fast. Some vets will prescribe ear drops, others will give you antibiotics as dog ear infection treatment. Antibiotics kill the bad as well as any of the good bacteria reducing your pets resistance to future attacks. It's for this reason I've included the three best tips I've used to treat my dogs for over three years now.

Other treatments you can use now are as follows:

1. To actually kill off the yeast infection you need to purchase some apple cider vinegar and make a solution of 25/75 vinegar and water, that's 1x vinegar to 3x water. This needs to be put in a container so it can be "dropped" into the pet's ears. You know the thing, an ear drop device! 5 drops each ear twice to three times a day. If you get ear drops from the vets, it's basically the same thing but without chemicals.

2. A second method I've found very useful for dog ear infection is crushed garlic in organic olive oil. I get one clove, crush it and chop it up then put it in two tablespoons of and let it rest for and hour or two or until all the garlic has sunk to the bottom. Put a few drops in your ear dropper and into the dogs ears as gently as you can. Its important to make fresh batches of this every time. Garlic can be harmful to dogs if it's allowed to remain in the oil for more than a day.

3. Another solution to help sooth the ears during a dog ear infection is to buy organic, natural, probiotic yogurt, it must be all of these and must state on the tub that it contains active strains of bacteria. Apply a small amount to your dog's ears and rub in well. This contains natural bacteria to kill the yeast and is soothing for your pets ears.

I've used these three methods to maintain an environment where a yeast infection simply can't settle in. Maintaining healthy ears on your dog is sadly people neglect to do until it's too late. Dog yeast infections is painful for your dog so always be careful when using these methods.

Dog Ear Infection - Yeast Infection Treatment and Advice

If you would like more information on the correct natural treatment for dog ear yeast infections as well as food suggestions and other helpful tips just visit


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cycling and Male Sexual Health

With the Tour de France 2008 well under way, an interesting article has surfaced looking at the effects of cycling and male sexual health. Specifically that cyclists could suffer sexual problems if they do not use the correct bike.

The report by a Urology Consultant and Surgeon (Vinod Nargund) from St Bartholomew's Hospital in London, England, and published in the online Urology Journal BJU International, claims that the act of cycling puts pressure on nerves and blood vessels which can affect a mans sperm count, and that cycling also restricts the flow of blood and generates heat which could result in me having difficulty with erections, and other aspects of male sexual health.


It is estimated that over sixty per cent of men who cycle experience genital numbness, due to the bicycle saddle making contact were the nerves and blood vessels enter the back of the scrotum and penis.

Additionally, both mountain bikers and those who cycle with too much pedal resistance are at greatest risk of impacting on their male sexual health.

While there is no clear established link between cycling and male infertility, it is a conceivable side effect.

In order to avoid male sexual problems men must choose the right bike, with the appropriate frame, and make the proper adjustments for height, posture and balance. Always use a padded saddle and cycling shorts are essential. Take regular rest periods, and when possible cycle in lower gear.

So take care and protect your male sexual health.

Enjoy the Tour!

Richard Main

Cycling and Male Sexual Health

To learn more about mens health issues, please visit Richard Mains website at:


Age To Get Puppies Spayed

Having your puppy spayed is by far the best way to ensure that we combat the problem of unwanted dogs. There are a huge number of healthy dogs put to sleep each year in America and an even greater number waiting in shelters to be adopted. Much of the trauma that these animals go through would be spared if only we took a more responsible view regarding the age to have puppies spayed.

Puppies are sexually mature at around six months old. From this time on a bitch can become pregnant and have her own litter of puppies, despite the fact that she will still seem like a puppy to you. Therefore, if we wish to keep the overpopulation of dogs to a minimum, the best age for puppies to be spayed would be before they are six months old. This should be before the puppy comes on heat for the first time.


Not only is this the best age to have puppies spayed from the viewpoint of controlling the dog population, it is also better for the dog on medical grounds. You will have reduced the risk of your dog suffering from mammary adenocarcinoma by about 98% when she is older.

Whether there is a limit regarding there being too young an age to have puppies spayed is a much discussed subject. The American Medical Veterinary Association now advocates the spaying of female puppies from as early as 7 weeks. There are many other reputable organisations who agree with the AMVA on this decision including The Humane Society of the United States and The Kennel Club of the United States.

There has been years of research into the subject and findings have been contra to previous beliefs. It was thought in the past that operating so early in life could cause the dog problems in later years. It has now been proved that there are no medical contraindications for the procedure at this age regarding either behaviour or physical well being. Many veterinarians however, will still not agree to the procedure at such an early age and are still of the opinion that the best age to have puppies spayed is at around six months, just prior to first season. Veterinarians who are involved with The Humane Society of the United States are particularly supportive of early age spaying if it means that the animal can be adopted from a shelter rather than euthanized. Another rule for some is the weight of the puppy. Some will only spay if the animal weighs at least two pounds.

The majority of specialists will say that the ideal age to have puppies spayed would be at six months. In some cases this can be reduced for an early age spay from as young as 7 weeks. Either way, the important issue is that you do have your puppy spayed. This will be one step closer to helping reduce unwanted pregnancies and save the trauma that unwanted dogs have to endure.

Age To Get Puppies Spayed

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about spaying puppies [], please visit Spay and Neuter Today [] for current articles and discussions.


Dog Aggression - How to Curb Canine Aggression

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.7 million American - almost two percent of the population- were bitten by dog in 1994. According to the American Humane Association, dog bites are a major health problem for children, which can be more dangerous than measles, mumps and whooping cough combined. Most of the dog biting victims are children under the age of 15 over half of these bites occur on the dogs owners property.

Training aggressive dog first requires some basic understanding of why dogs become aggressive. Dogs have an instinct to defend their territory or anything they feel, belongs to them. Your dog may cause harm if he feels threatened by some changes in their environment. Such aggression normally finds its root in the lack of security and confidence. In such instances, simple dog obedience training would not curb aggressive dog behavior.


Training aggressive dog seriously and properly with special aggressive dog training will however solve the problem. Aggressive dog behavior includes barking and,growling, snarling, snapping, biting, and baring the teeth and many other issues. It is therefore important to prevent such aggressive dog behavior early before it taking to the next level of aggression.

Here a few tips to prevent dog aggression:

Early prevention techniques

Always check with a veterinarian before looking at alternative remedies. This will help rule out any medical causes for dog aggression.

Neutered or Spaying- Especially in male dogs are much less likely to be aggressive toward dogs and other people. These behavior benefits are particularly true if you castrate your dog between the ages of 9 and 12 months, and females between seven and 12 months.

Muzzle - If you know your dog has aggressive tendencies, then it is irresponsible to risk the health of other by not taking suitable precautions. a muzzled dog will often be avoided by people and so muzzling may also help prevent your dog from being provoked to attack.

Use a Choke Collar or choke Chains - A choke collar is used both to remind your dog you need his attention and to correct the dog. To perform a correction, pull the collar or a leash attached to it firmly and quickly. Say "NO!" while doing so in a firm voice. Release the tension just as soon as you apply it. If he obeys you, give him a reward and praise for his obedience.

Get professional help. Aggression woes won't disappear by themselves. They require in-home support from an animal behaviorist.

A dogs aggressive behavior is due to lack training, supervision and control by the owner. It is advisable that you start to train your puppy while they are still young to prevent them from developing aggressive behavior. It is also important that you carefully observe and try to communicate with your pet so that both of you will have a clear understanding of where each of you stands in the pack.

Dog Aggression - How to Curb Canine Aggression

For learn more, please visit us our website at [] David Marshall is freelancer owner and author of []


Friday, November 25, 2011

Fat Dogs - How To Get Overweight Dogs to Diet and Slim Down Without Whining

Obesity in dogs is a growing problem, which can cause many problems including heart disease, joint problems, and diabetes. Almost half of dogs in America are fat, especially beagles, dachshunds, basset hounds, and Labrador retrievers. Before your dog reaches the point where they need insulin shots, you can slim them down. It will take almost a year, but it's worth it.

Even puppies shouldn't be overweight - all dogs need to be slim, not fat, to be healthy. A dog is at the right weight if you can feel the ribs without excess fat covering. From the side, the dog's belly should be tucked up, and from above, there should be a noticeable waist in front of the hips. When you feel his ribs, they should be shallow indents which you can count, although you shouldn't be able to count them just by looking.


A major cause of overweight dogs is feeding them table scraps. While it is fun to feed your dog leftover food, there are serious consequences. One is, of course, that the dog will become unsure of who is the alpha in the family. The alpha is the one who eats first, and if the dog is being fed before or during the meal, the hierarchy of the family becomes unclear. Also, table scraps may not provide the right nutrition for a dog. For example, many dogs fed table scraps can get vitamin A toxicity, and excess protein and phosphorus. If a dog is fed exclusively table scraps, they usually won't get enough calcium and can get over-activity of the parathyroid glands.

To reduce the weight of fat dogs, one option is to just keep to the same feeding schedule, but feed the dog less, starting by feeding the dog only ¾ as much as you do now. This option, however, can produce a dog that whines a lot, so many owners can add bulky vegetables to the food. You can also get special low-calorie foods, which are high in bulk so the dog feels better fed. Dogs don't usually like low-calorie foods, but they will eventually eat it and get used to it.

Another option, which can keep the whining down, is to change the feeding schedule to twice a day instead of once a day. Never leave food out all day long. Treats need to stop being given, but instead of a treat, overweight dogs can be fed one of the two small meals. If you really want to give your dog a treat, use a carrot or an apple.

A balanced dog food is at least a quarter protein and 1600 kilocalories of energy per pound, but if the dog is not active, overweight dogs will need less food. For canned dog food, the calorie intake is measured at 500 calories per pound, although if the dog food is all meat, it's 600 calories a pound. For dry food, 1500 calories per pound, and semi-soft or moist food is 1350 per pound. So if a dog weighs less than 11 pounds, feed them about 4 ounces of dry food a day. Up to 22 pounds, feed 5 ounces, 22-50 pounds gets 11 ounces, 55-75 pounds gets 17 ounces, and 75 pounds or more get 35-30 ounces of dry food.

All these calculations don't necessarily work, though, as each dog metabolizes food differently and has different activity levels. Remember, a dog doesn't have to eat every day, and can go up to five days without eating. Also, spaying or neutering the dog does not cause obesity.

If your dog only nibbles at the food, don't be fooled. Nibblers tend to eat more in the long run than gobblers, and thus gain weight quicker. And if the obese dog is picky, the dog will eventually become accustomed to the healthy food, it may just take a while.

Once your dog is on a diet, keep track of the dog's weight. If the obese dog has lost even a little weight over two weeks, you're on the right track.

Walks should be given regularly (a couple times a day), but don't overdo it at first if the dog is really fat. Moderation in everything is the key to seriously overweight dogs. The goal should be double the amount of the walks your dog is getting now. Once your dog is trim, though, it's good to walk your dog a lot - most dogs don't get enough exercise.

Fat Dogs - How To Get Overweight Dogs to Diet and Slim Down Without Whining


A Step by Step Plan in Caring For Sick Ferrets

Having sick ferrets at home is like a nightmare for some owners. To them, seeing their beloved pet ill is like taking away that fun and happy setting. It is downright challenging and at times nerve-racking, considering the possible outcomes and consequences.

Sick ferrets are often taken to the doctor for check-ups and treatment. While this proves to be the first option among owners, there are also things that one can do to relive and aid his pet.


1. First, upon noticing symptoms and signs, it is best to keep your pets comfortable and warm. As much as possible, get him a separate cage to avoid other ferrets from getting sick.

2. Keep sick ferrets hydrated. A constant supply of clean water can also be a likely replacement for any lack of sustenance or possible depletion in their food intake. Diarrhea, being a common sickness, can also be remedied by giving your pets lots of fluid.

3. Refrain from giving sick ferrets over-the-counter medicines. Giving them aspirin or cough medications can be dangerous for ferrets. So, before giving them any type of bought medicine, make sure to consult your veterinarian first.

4. Monitor their food intake. As much as possible, try to make sure that your pets are still eating despite their condition. Give them foods that are appropriate, depending on the type of disease. For instance, if sick ferrets are recovering from post-surgery procedure or are recuperating from an intestinal problem, soft and easy to digest foods are usually given.

5. When it comes to administering food, feeding sick ferrets may not come as easy. Generally, since they have been recovering from a previous illness, you may find it hard to feed them. This is where hand-feeding becomes necessary. All you have to do is open his mouth, place a small dab of food right under his palate, and assist him until he consumes said food item. You may need to do this for a couple of days or until your pet is strong enough to eat all by himself.

6. As to increase his appetite, you may start giving him soft foods as starters. Afterwards, you can try mixing canned food with baby food to help him familiarize with various textures and tastes. It may take awhile before you can give him normal ferret treats. Just remember to support these preparations with vitamins and supplements.

Sick ferrets need extra attention as well. While having two or more ferrets is harder, giving the sick one ample time to recover truly initiates the healing process. A little extra effort from you is also needed, for you have to keep up with every requirement to make sure that they will easily recover.

A Step by Step Plan in Caring For Sick Ferrets

Want More? Get Your FREE Secrets to Having a Healthy, Happy, Well-Behaved and Long Lived Ferret Mini eCourse
--Understand Your Ferrets Behavior
--Unique Tips to Train Your Ferret
--3 Best Ferret Care Tips
--How to Potty Train Your Ferret
--3 Crazy Ferret Myths
Yours For FREE for a Limited Time Only

Seth Evans is ferret enthusiast, if you would like more great information on Sick Ferrets please visit Don't forget to claim your FREE eCourse!


A Dogs Communication - Could Your Dog be Trying to Tell You Something?

Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.

When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display.


A lonely dog who bowls may be sending out a gathering cry to other dogs nearby. Wild dogs on the other hand, never back, they only howl. Could the barking of domesticated dogs be a form of communication more closely resembling speech? A pet dog that shares a close relationship with his owner and has been taught to understand many words obviously makes an effort, sometimes quite successfully, to give meaning to his own utterances.

A dog who wishes to assert his importance and boldness instinctively employs all of the effects that make him look bigger and more frightening, raising his back ton increase his height and holding his head high in defiance. A dog who wants to show submission does just the opposite, making himself look small by crouching down with his tail between his legs and his ears laid back flat.

A dog who wishes to assert his dominance will take a perpendicular position with his head over the other dog's shoulders, while nudging or pushing, with his neck arched, head and tail raised and tense. The conventional play invitation is a posture with the forehead crouched, the hind quarters high, a wagging tail, bright eye and a little yap. A rigid stance with a steady gaze and a high, trembling tail is hostile. A high, steady tail signifies self confidence, and held low indicates inferiority, fatigue, ill health, or a bad mood.

Pawing at the neck is an expression of affection, nose-nudging is another invitation to play. Paw-giving is a conventional canine gesture with two possible meanings. When he gives his paw to his owner while avoiding eye contact he's saying "Please forgive me" or when he wants attention, he is saying "I'm here, don't forget me." When he offers his paw to another dog, it's a sign of submission.

An owner, who takes the trouble to observe his dog and pay him the courtesy of listening to him, can establish a simple two-way communications system with his pet. Canine messages are generally very elementary, as he asks much less of us than we do of him. "I'm hungry," "I'm thirsty", "I need to go out", or "Come with me I think something is wrong" are among the messages he manages to convey very well considering his limited means. His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say "I've missed you!"

A Dogs Communication - Could Your Dog be Trying to Tell You Something?

Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed On the site, customers can read articles about anything pets as well as shop for the latest fancy dog collars, dog dresses, fancy dog beds,and more for their best friend. Feel free to check out the site at


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Catch Dog Joint and Muscle Problems Before They Get Out of Control

We love our dogs and try to take care of them as best as possible. But problems occur despite our best intentions and precautions. Common ailments include arthritis, muscle strains and pulls and hip dysplasia. However, your beloved pooch need not be in constant pain and discomfort. The first step is to identify whether there is a joint or muscle problem. Even if in doubt, a visit to the vet is never unwarranted, especially if you are able to catch a problem before it gets too serious.

Different factors can affect the health of your dog's joints. Infection, degenerative disease and physical trauma are all known factors that cause joint problems. Joints work improperly due to bone, muscle, ligament, tendon or nerve damage. Physical signs of joint problems include obvious pain, swelling, rigidity and an increase of body temperature. However, these symptoms are not necessarily due to joint problems. Understanding common joint and muscle problems that dogs have will help you to see the warning signs and help you to understand when your pet starts acting out of the ordinary.


Arthritis: Arthritis is caused by muscle strain near the connection with a tendon. Symptoms of arthritis in dogs include limping or stiffness, having a difficult time rising, reluctant to jump when it was previously not a problem and even obvious pain. Now, noticing these symptoms after a weekend hiking or camping can be quite normal, but any prolonged symptoms are best checked out by your veterinary.

Muscle Sprain or Strain: Muscle injuries are not only one of the most common injuries in dogs, but the most difficult to diagnose. Most often, muscle sprains or strains go undetected simply because dogs do not show pain the same way that humans do. If you are noticing obvious pain, most definitely take your pet to the vet. Dogs mostly show signs of "slowing" or "favoring" rather than yelps or cries in pain. Favoring a leg for more than a few days or acting lethargic are reasons to be concerned.

Hip dysplasia: The basic definition of hip dysplasia is any abnormal formation of the hip joint. This abnormal formation causes looseness to the joint, which results in physical symptoms. Some breeds are more prone to dysplasia than others, but it is beneficial for all dog owners to know what to look for. After regular exercise the puppy may refuse to walk any farther and sit back on its legs. Another warning sign in puppies is that their back legs may look a bit underdeveloped.

Even if your dog appears normal, it does not mean that he or she has escaped hip dysplasia. Some dogs simply accept the pain and you won't notice any sort of complaining until the hip has degenerated into joint disease. The only way to know for sure your dog doesn't have hip dysplasia is through a pelvic x-ray.

When it is Time to go to the Vet:
Any sort of obvious pain is cause to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Even if you're fairly confident that it is simply arthritis, you will not know for sure until your dog is examined.

What to Expect at the Veterinarian:
At the visit, the vet will want to do an overall physical, especially if your dog is a new patient or it has been awhile since the last visit. The physical will include a dental check, physical palpitation for any bumps or lumps and confirmation of spaying or neutering. A dental check-up is more important than some owners realize. Bacteria can lead to infection, which then can spread throughout the entire body if left untreated. When the visit is for possible joint or muscle problems, the vet will most likely want an x-ray to rule-out hip dysplasia and verify any other theories.

Hopefully, all checks out well with your pet and there are no problem other than the need for a little extra rest! We all love our pets and sometimes all does not turn out well after a vet visit. But, there are many ways to treat joint and muscle problems while alleviating discomfort. Ignoring a problem is never the solution and when in doubt, make an appointment and have the vet check it out!

Catch Dog Joint and Muscle Problems Before They Get Out of Control

Let [] help you raise a well-trained, happy and healthy dog. Learn about house training your puppy, obedience training, dog health and much more!


Great Danes - Does Neutering Benefit Them?

Great Danes have friendly nature hidden in their large and imposing appearance. And many people love Great Danes because of that. But unfortunately, hundreds or probably thousands of Great Danes are being euthanized every year. Not just that! Great Danes are not the only breed euthanized every year. Other breeds of dog as well as cats are the common victims of euthanizing. How could these things happen to such wonderful and innocent creatures?

Humans, especially irresponsible pet owners are the ones to blame for this situation. Pets are usually given up in shelters or worst, abandoned on their own because of various reasons. One reason is that, the owner is not responsible enough to take measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies or breeding. They might not have heard about spaying or neutering or if they have, they are not informed enough about these procedures.


Dog neutering, also called castration, refers to removal of an animal's reproductive organ, either all of it or a considerable large part of it. This prevents them from producing unwanted litters thus lessen the number of dogs being abandoned or turned over to shelters and later euthanized when no good heart is willing to take them home for good. In addition, neutering helps your male Great Danes stay inside the house more and not escape especially when there is a female dog in heat nearby. Some people also believe that the procedure helps improve a dog's behavior - a dog becomes more tranquil, less aggressive and has longer attention span. Still others believe that it helps prevent hereditary diseases such as tumors and certain types of cancers, hip dysplasia, eye defects and epilepsy.

Most dogs are neutered between five and eight months of age but humane shelters and veterinarians are starting to neuter their male dogs at a younger age - even as young as six weeks of age. This early neutering does not affect the growth rate and there are no differences in skeletal, physical or behavioral development between animals neutered early and those neutered at a more traditional age. In fact, animals neutered at a younger age often have faster recoveries than those neutered when they are old.

Some owners are hesitant to neuter their dogs because of cruelty issue. The procedure only involves removing of the dog's testicles surgically. No harm is done to a dog during the neutering process. Through neutering, you are just being a responsible dog owner who helps prevent the spread of unwanted dogs and most of all, prevents death of countless unfortunate souls.

Great Danes - Does Neutering Benefit Them?

Richard Cussons is a dog enthusiast. His site about Great Danes is filled with information about this breed as well as effective tips in Great Dane training.


Does Your Dog Have A Fear Of Thunder?

Fear of thunder and other loud noises is a common problem in dogs. No one really knows why some pets become afraid of noises and some don't. Dogs can easily develop these terrible sound sensitivities which tend to get worse the older the dog gets.

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Left untreated the fear of loud noises can easily turn into a phobia (an excessive, persistent and irrational fear response to stimuli). The good news is that these fear-related problems can be successfully resolved with the right training and lots of patience.


A small recent study has found that certain dog breeds are more prone to developing noise phobias than other breeds. Many of these dog breeds at risk include breeds such as: German Shepherds, Collies, Beagles, and Basset Hounds.

Please realize that more research needs to be done in the area of fear of thunder since this particular single study was pretty small overall. This study did have another interesting finding: that dogs suffering from separation anxiety were also more likely to have noise and thunderstorm phobias.

What are the typical signs of a noise phobia, such as a fear of thunder?

Individual pets may display their particular signs of noise phobias in various ways such as: Panting, pacing, drooling, chewing, trembling or shaking, expressing anal glands, barking, urinating/defecating, trying to escape or hide.

Concerning thunder and thunderstorms, dogs may possibly be fearful of other storm-associated trigger events such as: lightning, loud rain, static in the air, a change in barometric pressure, smells associated with thunder storms, ionic changes, and many other things we are are not even aware of.

Another thing to consider is the owner's own attitude during the storm. You should act as if absolutely nothing unusual is happening. If the actual owner is also nervous during storms their pets pick up on this and can have a stronger fearful reaction than if the owner were actually calm during the storm. This one thing alone can easily influence the severity of the dogs fear during the storm event.

How are thunder phobias treated?

First and foremost, remember to refrain from giving any kinds of rewards or punishments. This is probably the most important thing to follow through with if your dog has a fear of thunder. Petting or comforting a thunder phobic fearful pet during a storm is really positive reinforcement of an undesirable behavior. If you try to console the pet during the storm it may potentially signal the dog that the storm really is actually something he should really be afraid of - just the exact opposite of what you want the pet to really feel!

Don't ignore your fearful dog either - just the fearful behavior. If your dog comes to you, let it share your company, but don't baby her while she's with you. Don't punish the pet for showing fear but don't reward it either. Doing either will probably only increase his current anxiety level.

What else can be done for a dog with a fear of thunder?

Three of the most used options are various medications, changing the dogs actual environment, and behavior modification therapies.

Medications: These can be given individually or in various combinations. If your pet has a problem with thunder storms please consult with your veterinarian for his medication suggestions and dosage recommendations. Your veterinarian will probably suggest you treat your dog with some kind of tranquilizer. Keep in mind, these medications need to be given hours before the storm is predicted to happen.

Alternative therapies, natural herbal mixtures, are often recommended such as Rescue Remedy. Another I have heard of used by an AKC judge is Peppermint Oil which can be purchased from any health food store. Put a drop or two of oil on the bottom of each foot, right on the individual pad a few hours before the storm is to happen. Like anything else, sometimes these work, sometimes they don't on particular individual animals.

Change the dogs environment: Changing the dogs environment can hopefully reduce the volume level of the storms sound and help make the pet less aware of what is going on. A few things you can do are:

o turn on some soothing music or the TV to mask the storm noises until the storm has past,

o rub your dogs coat with a fabric softener dryer sheet to decrease the static in it's coat,

o cover windows so the dog can't see the lightning and other storm related activities,

o keep your dog away from glass doors and windows,

o keep outside gates locked and closed, and

o don't confine your dog to a small space such as a crate (the scared dog could seriously injure itself if it were to try to escape).

Behavior modification therapies: There are a lot of special techniques used to help change the dog's overall response to the noise (in this case thunder). Counterconditioning is one way. Here the actual negative stimulus is associated with a positive event the pet enjoys. For example, the only time the dog gets his most favorite treat of all is just before a thunderstorm happens and during it.

Desensitization is another behavior modification method often used. In the case of thunder and noise phobias the dog is taught to be calm when the noise level is low, and then, over time, the noise level will be gradually increased. An example of this would be to get a storm CD and play it in your home to get the dog used to the sounds over a long period of time, gradually increasing the volume while keeping your dog calm. This is a very slow process overall to be effective so be patient - you probably won't know it is working until someday you simply realize that your dog isn't scared anymore.

Overall, it is important to be aware that fear of thunder and thunderstorms as well as other noise phobias are very common problems in dogs (and some cats). Medications, changing the pets environment and using various behavior modification therapy techniques are all helpful in reducing the dogs overall fear.

Talk with your veterinarian or a local animal behaviorist or trainer in your area if your dog shows signs of any kind of noise phobia. These pet professionals can help you develop a treatment plan for your own individual pet to help it overcome it's Fear of thunder or at least to deal with it in a more comfortable fashion for you both.

Does Your Dog Have A Fear Of Thunder?

Debbie Ray, owner of and, is a lifelong animal lover and dog enthusiast. Interested in more dog information? Training and health tips? Thinking about getting a purebred dog? Interested in German Shepherds? Check out my sites for more information.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Are Laser Pointers Safe for Your Puppy Dog?

Are laser pointers safe to use with dogs for training or play? Some dogs have developed serious "obsessive-compulsive" type behaviors (known as a "stereotypie") when allowed to chase the dot from a laser pointer, yet others do not develop these behaviors. So how do we know if our dog is at risk of developing a stereotypie when exposed to a laser pointer, and is the light dangerous to our dog's eyes?

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Some breeds seem to have a greater tendency to develop abnormal behavior when exposed to a laser pointer, but these breeds are also popular as Service Dogs and many have been trained to 'target' a laser dot in their work without developing abnormal behaviors. So, while some people say that certain breeds should not be allowed to play with laser dots, that does not mean that your particular dog of this breed will develop a stereotypie. Conversely, it does not mean that just because you don't have a dog of one of these breeds your dog is safe, either.


Some signs that a stereotypie may be developing are:

- pawing or scratching at the area/s where the dot was last seen for more than 1 minute after the dot has gone

- patrolling the area/s where the dot was last seen more than 1 minute earlier

- repeatedly returning to the area/s where the dot has been seen for no apparent reason other than to chase the dot again

- developing strong chasing behaviors for other light or shadow sources

If your dog displays any of the above signs then it is time to stop using the laser pointer as your dog is at risk of developing a serious behavioral problem. You should consult an experienced animal behaviorist if using a laser pointer is important to any of your training goals.

It is strongly recommended that you do not use the laser pointer to play games with your dog. Nearly every dog will enjoy chasing the laser dot, but it is not worth the risk. There are safer games to play, and dogs who enjoy chasing laser dots will probably be just as happy to chase a ball or play tug.

If you are training your dog to 'target' a laser dot, then approach training with the aim of minimising chasing behavior. Introduce movement slowly, and be mindful that you are teaching your dog to 'target' using some specific behavior that you have defined and trained. I suspect the risk of a stereotypie developing is minimised when training is approached in this manner.

Treatment for obsessive light or shadow chasing should be performed under the guidance of a veterinary behaviorist. Medications are available which may be effective. Do not under any circumstances attempt to punish obsessive light or shadow chasing.

Is the light from a laser pointer safe for a dog's eyes? Generally, the light emitted from a laser pointer is very weak and will probably only cause temporary dazzling if pointed directly into a dog's eye by accident. Prolonged or repeated exposure could be harmful and should be avoided.

Are Laser Pointers Safe for Your Puppy Dog?

Aidan Bindoff is Editor of, a free ezine for people training their own dogs. Each edition has easy to use training advice based on positive reinforcement methods. Subscribers have access to a large archive of back-issues they can consult for just about any behavior or behavior problem.

As Featured On Best Ezines


Pet Adoption Fundraising Ideas

If considering ways to help out not-for-profits in the community that do so much good for others consider being involved in fundraising. Agencies such as those who deal with the homeless, the elderly, helping at-risk youth, agencies that help disaster victims often run on a shoestring budget and are in need of financial support.

Also, agencies that help a segment of the community, but are often overlooked are shelters for animals. These shelters often provide food, medical assistance and immunizations for those animals who are lost or who have been abandoned.


If looking to financially help pet shelters there are a number of pet adoption fundraising ideas that can be implemented. The pet adoption fundraising ideas may not directly provide adoption for the pet, but will help the pet shelter to care for the animals until adoptive families arrive.

Adoption Fundraising Ideas

There are many creative adoption fundraising ideas that can be implemented. Some are proven and successful ideas such as a walk-a-thon.

A walk-a-thon is an opportunity for an adoptive pet or a family pet to walk with their owner. The idea behind this adoption fundraising idea is that neighbors, family, and friends pledge a certain amount of money for time or distance walked. Or, a sponsor can donate a set amount of money simply to support the walk-a-thon.

The event is very beneficial for not only does it raise money to assist the pet shelter in the work that they provide, but also brings attention to the plight of abandoned or lost pets. It can also be used as an event to highlight the importance of spaying or neutering pets.

Pet Adoption Fundraising Ideas


For more information on fundraising ,do visit Fundraising Ideas []

a website that specializes in providing Fundraising []


Dog Training for Aggressive Dogs

Has your dog been displaying signs of aggression? Aggression in dogs needs to be dealt with right away because even low levels of aggression can escalate with time if they are not dealt with properly.

If your dog is not neutered, make an appointment with your vet right away. Although training is still necessary, neutering a dog can help with hormonal aggression. Not all aggression is hormonal, but it will be much easier to deal with behavioral aggression once hormonal aggression is taken care of.


Second, evaluate your dog's behavior. What triggers his aggressiveness? Different types of aggression include food aggression, toy aggression, aggression towards other dogs, and aggression towards people. If your dog has one of the latter two, take special care of your dog during walks to make sure he cannot harm people or other dogs.

Next, recognize what warnings you get when your dog is feeling aggressive. These can include growling, pushing or leaning into people, jumping on people, aggressive stances, or ignoring commands. These are signs of low level aggression, which is typically used as a warning by your dog when she feels threatened. They are a dog's way of asserting control over the situation.
Left unchecked, the dog's low level aggressive behavior can escalate to the more dangerous higher level of aggression. Signs of high level aggression include biting, snarling, snapping, jumping up and barking aggressively, staring, and displaying of teeth.

When a dog is exhibiting any of these behaviors, it is vital to start behavior modification immediately. Although most low level of aggression can be dealt with by the owner using dog training techniques such as Nothing In Life Is Free (NILIF), it is often best to seek professional help when your dog starts to display signs of high aggression.

Dog Training for Aggressive Dogs

Lynn loves all dogs, especially well-behaved ones.
To learn more about dog training, visit her site at