Friday, September 30, 2011

What are Persian Cats

The Persian cat is for sure one of the most popular and oldest breed of cats in the world. Cat lovers love to keep Persian cats. Persian cats are called the Longhair or Persian Longhair in the United Kingdom. They are available in a variety of colors and are extremely cute and loveable.

In the year 1620, the first ancestors of the Persian cats were brought from Persia to Italy. They were imported by Pietro della Valle. They were brought to France from Turkey by Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc almost during the same period. It was from France that they reached to England.


Persian Cats have extremely long thick coats. They have short legs, wide heads with the ears set far apart. Their eyes are big, bright and mostly gooey. If you own a Persian cat, you need to cleanse it eyes frequently, at least twice a day. They can have any color or markings including pointed, golden, tortoiseshell, blue, and tabby. Their tipped types are called Chinchilla and Point types are called as Himalayan in the United States of America and Color point Persian in European regions.

Persian cats are gentle, and loving. They seek the love of their owners and their special attention. If you are planning to bring a Persian cat in your home, you need to get it vaccinated at 8 weeks, then for two successive months and after that, once on yearly basis. To maintain the health of you Persian cat, you need to provide it with a clean environment so as to avoid harmful bacteria.
Your Persian cat also needs regular bath although it hates water, but you need to be patient. Use towel and dry it and comb its hair slowly; you can also use a hair dryer in case if the weather is cold. Clean its eyes, ears and claws with wet cotton wool and brush your cat's teeth as well. Your Persian cats need four times as much protein compared to a dog. The best food for it is Persian commercial cat food which is easily available in stores. Your Persian cat must be in good health if you wish to play with it for hours.

What are Persian Cats

Did you know that your Persian cat may not know why you are trying to correct him? Click here [] to learn how to make him understand. This will remove the frustration and rapidly increase the speed of your cat's learning [].


Why Spay-Neuter is a Good Idea

Why Spay/Neuter Is A Healthy Choice

One of the most exciting additions to your family is often the four-legged kind. Having a pet is a great source of companionship and entertainment. However, it is also a great responsibility that involves making some extremely important choices. One of the decisions that most pet-owners have to make is whether or not to spay/neuter their pet.


What is spaying/neutering?

The term neutering technically refers to the removal of reproductive organs of both male and female animals. Also known as orchidectomy, neutering is most commonly considered the de-sexing of male animals, in which their testicles are removed. Spaying is the procedure performed on female animals in which their ovaries are removed.

The healthy pet

There are several health benefits to spaying/neutering your pet. As far as male animals are concerned, they are no longer susceptible to testicular or prostate cancer. It also nearly eliminates the risk of perineal hernias and penile tumours. Neutering also reduces hormone levels, lowering pet anxiety and tension.

The biggest health benefit from spaying your female pet is that it prevents pregnancy and the complications arising from pregnancy and delivery. This is very important because the United States abandoned pet population is often due to unanticipated house pet pregnancies. It also prevents unwelcome males from trying to seek out your female pet in heat.

A happy pet

Another reason for getting your pet spayed/neuter is the effect it has on their temperament and behavior. Male pets that have been neutered show a significant decrease in the desire to mark territory, including inside your home. This is an important habit to break early on so you can save your carpet and furniture. It also helps rid aggression.

A dog that has been neutered at a younger age is a lot less likely to roam or take off sporadically in search of a female in heat. This is important because it is often dogs to break loose that get hit by cars.

For more information on spaying and neutering, or other veterinarian services, visit the Chicago veterinarian clinics at

Why Spay-Neuter is a Good Idea

Joseph Devine


Getting to Know Your Cat

Spay or Neuter a New Cat
Millions of cats are euthanized each year in shelters due to the overcrowding of animals. Cats can easily have over 10 kittens in a given pregnancy leaving owners with problem of trying to find homes for these kittens. There is an easy remedy to this problem and that is spaying or neutering your cat. Not only is this the responsible thing to do but it is better for your cat. If unspayed female are more at risk of developing the following conditions: breast cancer, pyometra, tumors of the uterus & ovaries. While unneutered male cats run a risk of developing testicular cancer.

The Price of having a cat
When people see a cute kitten they immediately decide to adopt it. Once home they realize they have made a mistake. They are not prepared for the responsibility of a cat, not all members of the family are happy to have a cat, resident pets don't adapt well to the new addition or it just doesn't fit into your lifestyle. The costs of pet ownership can be quite high. Licenses, training classes, spaying and neutering, veterinary care, vaccinations, grooming, toys, food, kitty litter, and other expenses add up quickly.


Checking the health of your new cat
When a household decides to adopt a cat, be it from the shelter or a breeder a great deal of time should go into selecting the right animal. Have questions about where the pet came from, how they have interacted with the staff, do the pet have a behavior issue, etc. If you are buying from a breeder, ensure they are registered with an appropriate cat council. When visiting the cattery check out the overall health of the animals. Always have everything in writing, including the final cost of the cat, health guarantees etc.

Buying purebreds from pet shops or backyard breeders
If you are buying a cat from a pet shop or a backyard breeder there is probably little chance that a proper screening of genetic problems has taken place. Pet shops generally charge more for purebred kittens than a registered breeder would. Not only this, but they most likely won't have certified paper to ensure their authenticity and health. As a result, you may be buying a cat that could have substantial medical bills in the future or even pass away suddenly.

Seek veterinary help
People don't realize the seriousness of a medical condition & fail to take appropriate action & get the cat to a vet. This may be due to the lack of knowledge they posses or funds. Cat owners should look into the cost of having pet health insurance or a special Cat Fund prepared in case of emergencies.

Flea Control Product
Unless recommended by your veterinarian, cats should be treated with a cat flea treatment only such as Frontline. Pet owners think they will save money by sharing their dog's flea control product with their cats. This can prove fatal as cats are extremely sensitive to pyrethrins & pyrethroids which are often in dog flea products. The use of these on cats can result in death.

An appropriate diet
Cats have very specific dietary needs and as such need a balanced diet. There are many commercially available brands of cat food available which will fulfill your cat's dietary requirements. Don't attempt to feed your cat a home-made diet or other human consumed foods unless you have spent a great deal of time researching, as certain food s can do more harm than good.

Your roaming cat
Some owners feel that having your cat roam outside the home is beneficial for them. In actuality it may do more harm as free roaming cats & their lifespan is considerably shorter than that of indoor only cats, or cats with limited/supervised access outside. Outdoor cats run the risk of being highly stress by been hit by a car, attacked by another cat or dog, plus many other dangers they encounter which is very traumatizing.

Declawing VS not Declawing
Declawing has been a heated debate for many veterinarians, cat advocates, and owners alike. Some veterinarians consider declawing a "routine" surgery, while cat advocates consider it cruel, inhumane, and unnecessary in almost every case. Declawing is not for everyone and cat owners should have all the facts before making this decision.

Litter Box Maintenance
Cats will use a litter box only if it is kept clean, and if the litter is not scented or pleasant to the cat's feet. Carefully maintaining your cat's litter box will almost guarantee that you will not be faced with litter box avoidance problems. Don't try to over clean the box with disinfectant or bleach as cats are very sensitive to these and other chemicals. It is also recommended to have an automatic litter box to help in reducing the maintenance. If your cat suddenly starts urinating outside the box despite your careful maintenance, you should immediately suspect a urinary tract problem and call your veterinarian.

Getting to Know Your Cat

For more information on this subject or any additional pet health articles please visit


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cat Folklore

There have been many tales and legends about cats that have existed through the years. Here are some that have been passed down.

Noah did not take any cats on the ark because they did not exist at that time. When the ark started to be overrun with mice and rats, a lion sneezed and out came two cats from its nose. They quickly destroyed most of the mice and rats.


The Chinese believe that a cat is a crossed between a lion (dignity) and a monkey(curiosity and playfulness).

An Italian legend says when Mary gave birth to Jesus, a mother cat had kittens in the manger. Many artists have shown this event in their paintings.

Japanese sailors believe that cats having combined colors of red, white and black can predict storms.

The Chinese and Japanese believe the cat was excluded from the zodiac because a cat did not weep when Buddha died and killed a rat against Buddha's orders.

Russians believe that the cat Ivanovitch reigned over the animals in the forest.

A Polish legend says when a litter of kittens was thrown into a river to drown, the willows join their branches together so the kittens could cling to them. The buds on the willows in springtime are like cat fur hence the name pussy willows.

In the Brittany region of France, it is said that every black cat has one white hair. Finding the white hair brings good luck.

A Great Britain folktale tells of a poor orphan who sends his cat on a journey on a ship. The cat returns with a fortune for the orphan. The orphan marries his master's daughter and becomes lord mayor of London.

In the Ozark mountains of Arkansas, a woman who receives a marriage proposal and cannot decide, takes three cat hairs from a cat's tail. She wraps the hairs in white paper and leaves them on her doorstep. The next morning, if the hairs form the letter "y", it is yes and if the hairs form the letter "n", it is no.

When a black cat crosses one's path it is bad luck in the United States, good luck in Great Britain.

Owning a black cat is good luck but meeting one is bad luck. Stroking a black cat three times will bring good luck.

A cat born in May is bad luck. If a cat leaves the home of an ill person, that person will die.

If a cat sneezes near a bride on her wedding day, the marriage will be a happy one. If a cat sneezes three times in a row, members of the family will catch colds.

Fishermen's wives believe their husbands will return safely if a cat is kept in the house.

Cat Folklore

Frank Loethen lives with his wife and three cats, Sunny, Sinclair and Midnite, in Georgia. If you enjoyed this article, please visit my cat products website,, your one stop site for all your cat and kitten needs. Cat treats, cat toys, litter accessories and cat treats are among the many items on the site. You can also see my three cats on the site.


Dog Training - Bite Problems - Stop Your Dog From Biting!

A dog that bites is one of the dog owners worst nightmare. When it comes to dog training bite problems are among the most serious. Not only can a dog possibly injure its owner or a family member, but if a dog bites a neighbor or stranger, there can be serious legal and financial problems. A dog that bites is simply no fun to have as a pet. Before you think of getting rid of your dog, however, you should know that most behavior problems, including biting, can be successfully resolved.

stop your dog from barking

Puppies That Bite


A puppy who bites is not as serious a problem as a full grown dog. Many puppies who bite were taken from their mother too soon. The mother dog actually teaches her pups not to bite too hard. If this lesson was not learned, you are going to have to do the teaching. Buy chew toys for the puppy. This will give them something to chew on besides family members. When the puppy bites a person, give a yell, almost as an angry dog would. Don't strike the puppy, just yell. If this does not stop it, leave the room. Puppies don't like to be left alone, and will learn what kind of behavior creates this situation.

Young Dogs That Bite

If you acquired your puppy at a later age, or simply did not resolve the biting issue early, you have to start thinking a little differently. As a dog gets older, it seeks its natural place in the pack. A dog approaching maturity will bite others in the pack (and this may include you!) who it sees as subordinate. In other words, you have not established yourself as the alpha dog. One thing to pay attention to is how you feed your dog. If you always feed him first, this will contribute to his sense of dominance. So let the dog wait until you finish eating before feeding him. As with the younger puppy, make sure you show the dog that biting is not tolerating --yell a firm "no" and leave the dog alone when he bites.

Mature Dogs That Bite

A mature dog who bites presents the most challenging problem of all. There are some steps you can take that may resolve the problem. You can still keep the above suggestions in mind, as well as these:

For one thing, pay attention to when the dog bites. Owners sometimes provoke a fear reaction in dogs without knowing it. Standing over a dog when you greet him, then waiting for him to roll over, and then scratching his belly, for example, may seem like bonding behavior, but it's also creating a very submissive dog. This can also be a fearful dog, who snaps when frightened. Tying a dog with a chain or rope all day can also encourage aggressive behavior. If possible, change the place you keep the dog to a fenced in area.

Dog Training - Bite Problems - Stop Your Dog From Biting!

I know that I was worried about my dog biting and decided to do something to stop it right away. It is up to you whether you want to let it go or finally stop the dog training bite right now!


Dog Rivalry Problems - What to Do When Your Dogs Don't Get Along

Rivalry is Normal

If you live in a multi-dog household then you probably already know that dogs don't always get along. Even the best of friends sometimes have squabbles. Very often dogs may fight about who is boss, who gets to eat first, who gets to sit next to you and so on. In other words, status and rivalry can be big issues when you have more than one canine companion.


Here are some ways to deal with rivalry among pack members:

Always Be the Pack Leader

1. There will always be a dog in charge. When dogs live in a pack situation they take on a hierarchical command structure, with one always in charge. Unfortunately, it may or may not be the dog you choose. Your favorite may not be the one that is naturally disposed to leadership. If your favorite is 12 years old and a little frail, it's likely that a younger pack member has already assumed the leadership position in the household. If you are still treating the older dog like the pack leader - giving her special treats and preferential treatment - this is likely causing confusion and problems with your other dogs. They are looking to the younger dog for leadership and you are indicating that the older dog is the leader. There may be fights between the older and younger dog which the older dog really can't win.

You can help smooth the situation if you start showing the younger dog some of the same special treatment that you show the older dog. You don't have to stop giving your older dog special treatment but it will help ease the transition if you indicate that you are starting to accept the younger dog's new position.

Love is a Battlefield

2. Sexual issues. If you have dogs that are not spayed and neutered then, when your girls are in season, it's very likely that your boys will hate each other. They will probably fight. At other times everyone may get along just fine. So, unless you can completely separate your girls and boys when your girls come in season, you will need to resign yourself to this competition. Or, you can have your girls and/or boys altered. Unless you plan to breed your dogs it's often a good idea to talk to your veterinarian about having your dogs altered. Spaying and neutering are not slam dunk decisions. They are veterinary medical decisions with health consequences, so do get advice before making a choice.

What's Yours is Mine

3. Status. At any given time your dogs may be jockeying for position. There is probably a dog at the top who tries to keep the other dogs in line. There may also be a second-in-command who assists the top dog. If you have other dogs, these others may occasionally have squabbles over toys or food. They are actually fighting about who is more important and who has the right to take things.

You can prevent many of these problems by providing your dogs with plenty of toys, things to chew on, and places to sleep. As long as there is no shortage of things, your dogs will have less to argue about.

However, if there is one particular toy or thing that frequently causes a problem, you're often better off simply getting rid of it. For instance, if every dog wants the stuffed green froggy toy and it often causes fights, better to remove it than to let it keep causing trouble.

Food Matters

4. Many dogs will fight over food even if there is plenty and they aren't hungry. You can solve this problem by feeding your dogs separately - in different rooms or in separate crates. If you feed everyone together, at the same time, you are more likely to have fights.

These are some of the ways you can solve rivalry issues in a home with a pack of dogs. Remember that you set the tone for the entire group of dogs. You are the one who indicates who is in charge and how the dogs should behave. When all else fails, try separating the dogs until they are calmer.

Dog Rivalry Problems - What to Do When Your Dogs Don't Get Along

Mia Montagliani is the owner of two Manchester Terriers, Frodo and Ziggy. Mia is passionate about the welfare of animals and dogs. Mia is also committed to improving the relationship between owners and their dogs and helping dog owners train their dogs humanely, effectively and stress free. For more information, please visit For regular updates, hints and tips become a fan of the "Your Dog Needs You" page in Facebook.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dog Bladder Problems - Information You Can Use to Help Your Dog

Dog bladder problems can obviously be painful to the dog in question, but they can also be disturbing to dog owners. Dog bladder control issues often involve things like inappropriate urination or incontinence, and as an owner, you can quickly become frustrated. You should know, though, that any change in your dog's urination habits can signal a medical problem that needs addressing. Before getting mad at your dog, consider a visit to the vet, since the problem can have multiple causes, most of which are not the fault of your dog.

Symptoms of Dog Bladder Problems and Poor Dog Bladder Control


Symptoms of dog bladder problems include increased frequency of urination, inappropriate urination (your housebroken dog may suddenly begin having "accidents" in the house), blood in the urine, painful urination, and leaking or dribbling urine, either constantly or intermittently. Dog bladder control may seem poor.  You may notice a bad odor that is due to urine getting into your dog's coat.

If your dog seems unable to urinate at all, this is a sign of a very serious problem and you need to take him to the vet immediately to avoid severe illness.

There may be other signs that your dog is unwell, such as loss of appetite, sleeping more than usual, and depression.

Diagnosing Dog Bladder Problems

To diagnose dog bladder problems, you vet will need to perform a thorough physical examination of your dog. He or she will look for other symptoms in addition to problems with urination that can give a clue as to the root cause of the problem.

Your vet will also take a thorough history from you. The vet will want to know how much water your dog is drinking, how frequently your dog is urinating, and about any other signs of illness you may have noticed. Tests needed include a urinalysis to check for infection, x-rays to look for bladder stones or other problems in the urinary system, and maybe some blood tests.

Treating Dog Bladder Problems

Bladder infections are common problems in dogs, especially in females (that's because the urethra - the tube that leads from the bladder to the outside - is shorter in females than in males). Bladder infections can cause increased frequency of urination and sudden, strong urges to urinate, which may cause housebroken dogs to have "accidents" in the house. Infection causes the urinary system to become inflamed, narrowing the urinary passages.  This constricts or makes it difficult for the urine to flow correctly.  These infections are easily treated with antibiotics and prevented with a natural supplement.

Female dogs also suffer from USMI, where the muscle that shuts off the flow of urine through the urethra cannot completely close.  It happens after spaying and is believed to be a function of reduced estrogen production.  Medications can be given to your dog to compensate and correct the condition.

Bladder stones are another common problem causing dog bladder control issues. The can also result from infection, since stones can accumulate when the urine isn't flowing normally.  Stones can cause bladder infections, and they can also block the opening to the urethra. If the opening to the urethra is partially blocked, some urine may leak around the blockage and the dog may dribble urine. If the opening is totally blocked, the dog is unable to urinate at all, and this is a very dangerous condition. Bladder stones can sometimes be treated with medication, but most often surgery is needed to remove the stones.  Some stones (struvite) can be dissolved by changing to a Prescription Diet.  This type of diet may also prevent the future formation of stones.

Dog bladder control often diminishes with age, so older dogs are more likely to have problems like incontinence. This is because the muscles of the urinary sphincter may weaken. This condition can often, but not always, be treated with medication. If medication is not successful at treating the condition, "doggy diapers" may be an option to avoid messes around the house.

Dog Bladder Problems - Information You Can Use to Help Your Dog

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Dog Health Guide and has written on many canine health problems. See this site for more information on treatment options for dog bladder problems.


Socializing Cats With Other Pets Like the Experts

Cats are very territorial and may highly resent other animals moving into their home. If you have dogs, birds or small animals, you will have to make special arrangements for them to coexist with your new pet.

If you have a dog, your new cat or kitten will probably be terrified by him especially if the cat has never lived in a home with dogs or has seen dogs before. Introduce him to the dog gradually. Let the dog sniff the cat under a door so that they become accustomed to each other's scent. After a day or two, place the cat in his carrier so that he can see and smell the dog from a safe place.


When you feel the time is right, bring your cat out and let the two animals meet. Do not leave them alone together until you are sure that there is not going to be a fight. Some dogs and cats learn to live together, while others have problems establishing territorial boundaries and prefer to live in separate areas of the house. You can best determine if your dog will accept a cat and if your new cat will like living with a dog.

If you have small animals, reptiles, birds, or fish, you might not want to introduce them to your cat. Because cats are natural hunters, they may see your guinea pig or bird as prey or toy.

The other pet may feel threatened and develop stress if he comes into contact with the cat. If you allow your cat access to the room in which you house other pets, make sure that the cages or tanks are secure and that the cat cannot get into them.

Socializing Cats With Other Pets Like the Experts

Want More Information And Discount On Wholesale Pet Supplies? All You Have To Do Is Click Now!


Why People Love Halo Cat Food

One of the most popular cat food brands is the Halo cat food. Although a lot of people who have just bought cats will sometimes buy the food without bothering to heck the reasons why, there are many people who would love to know specifically why the Halo cat food is a good choice of food for the cat that is at your home. In this article, I am going to look at four reasons why there are so many people who have fallen in love with the brand, and who continue to buy it and feed their pets day in and day out.

High Quality


The first main reason why people love the Halo cat food is simply because of the fact that the food is of an extremely high standard. Definitely, you do not expect to spend money and then come to realize that the product that you spent your money on was absolutely useless. Instead, it is always very advisable that you spend your money on a product whose quality you can be sure of and which will benefit your cat in the way that you would like. The good thing with this brand is that the people who prepare the food are not just people who are second guessing, but they are people who know what they are doing, and are doing whatever they are doing very well.

Long Lasting

The second thing that you need to know about the Halo cat food is the fact that the food is extremely long lasting. This is a very important thing to consider because of the fact that you do not want to buy cat food only for you to come and see later on that the food that you have spent so much money on will not last a few days. Instead, you want to know that you can have sufficient stock in your house without having to worry about the longevity of the food. The reason why the food is long lasting is simply because of the fact that they have been able to put in preservatives that will not make the food dangerous to your favorite pet.

Generally, people who would love to feed their kittens and their cats the foods that will make them grow in a healthy fashion will definitely go with the Halo cat food. You too should go with the same brand if you are looking forward to similar results.

Why People Love Halo Cat Food

If you are really serious in your desire to get the best food for your pet, then I would advice you to go and make your purchases from PETCO. Halo cat food is not only nutritious, but also convenient for you.

About the author:

Nadav Snir operates a website which includes the best pet supply provider - PETCO, including coupons and discounts. To get the best prices possible, visit his site:


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Animal Attacks - Things You Should Know

We've all seen the horrendous images on the television; the Butch-looking Pit-bull or the militant Rottweiler, instilling fear in the neighborhood's inhabitants by barking and growling at small children who stroll near. Eventually, the animal is provoked, and before anyone realizes what is going on, his teeth are clenched around some poor women's neck, yanking and tugging until bits of flesh separate from the body. While these images do enhance the drama of reality television, actuality reveals that these events are not too uncommon. People are bitten by rogue animals every day.

According to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a subsidiary of the Department of Health and Human Services, there are over 4.7 million reported bites each year. Of these, 800,000 people seek medical attention, 386,000 need emergency medical care, and a significant number of people die. Animal attacks are a serious problem in American neighborhoods, affecting numerous families, whether it is from permanent physical or psychological injury to the loss of a beloved child. Attacks lead to arduous legal proceedings, stress on family relationships, and, in some cases, can cost the dog its life.


Many people assume that a well-trained family pet is harmless. If the pet has been with the family for a long time, the threat of harm is virtually non-existent. What few people know is that 39 percent of attacks come from the family pet, 60% percent of these pet have never bitten anyone before. The threat of attack from any household pet is real. Animal have emotions and can be provoked, even if unknowingly.

So the next logical question is: With the proliferation of animal attacks in America, how can such catastrophic attacks be prevented?

Unfortunately, not everyone can have the convenience of The Dog Whisperer's presence, but luckily, the entire third week of May is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. The American Veterinary Medical Association is working hard this year to make sure that Americans are more informed about their household pets, so that such attacks will not occur again.

Some of the things that the CDC suggests include:

· Paying attention to an animal's behavioral temperament

· Seeking professional advice before making the decision to own a new animal

· Immediately reporting stray animals or animals that show abnormal behavior

· Keeping your animal healthy and vaccinated

· Properly socializing the animal if necessary

Animal Attacks - Things You Should Know

These are only a few of the numerous issues dealing with preventing animal attacks. For more information on how to prevent animal attacks please visit

Joseph Devine


The Akc Dog Breed List - Your Registry Of Purebred Dog Pedigrees

The American Kennel Club dog breed list is a United States registry of purebred dog pedigrees. This registration is needed by breeders to sell registered puppies or for purebred show or sports participation. The AKC breed list included 900,000 dogs in 2006. This count included 123,760 Labrador Retrievers, 48,346 Yorkshire Terriers, 43,575 German Shepherds, 42,962 Golden Retrievers and 39,484 Beagles. These dogs have to be the offspring of parents registered as the same breed with the AKC to even qualify for inclusion in the list. The litter that the dog is born into must also be registered with the AKC.

dog house

Critics of the AKC are quick to point out flaws in the registry. For instance, while the list guidelines do confirm that both parents were registered as one recognized breed, the guidelines pay no attention to the health or show quality of the blood lines. Going by list gives you no insight into the quality of the dog breeder or the conditions the puppy was raised. The AKC has never really set forth any health standards for registration.


The list is divided into the following seven groups and one class.

Working Group: The Working Group includes 25 large breeds that are bred for the purpose of labor. Jobs like guarding property or livestock and pulling carts.

Hound Group: The Hound Group has 26 breeds that are instinctual hunters like sight hounds and scent hounds.

Sporting Group: The Sporting Group has 28 dog breeds that include Pointers, Retrievers, Setters and Spaniels that are known for tracking down and catching birds.

Non-Sporting Group: 18 breeds that some believe don't fit into any of the other AKC breed dog list categories.

The Terrier Group: The Terrier Group has 28 feisty breeds that are bred to hunt vermin both above ground and below ground in burrows or lairs.

The Toy Group: 23 small companion dog breeds like Poodles and Pekinese that are commonly referred to as lap dogs.

The Herding Group: 19 breeds that include Border Collies and German Shepherds that are bred to herd livestock.

The Miscellaneous Class: Breeds that aren't fully recognized. The breed is put on a waiting list to confirm an ample gene pool and positive breeding practices before eventually being classified into one of the other groups.

Foundation Stock Service: This class provides the foundation stock that eventually becomes a fully recognized breed in the United States once it is proven that the mating pair produces dogs that have the appearance and behavior of their parents.

The Akc Dog Breed List - Your Registry Of Purebred Dog Pedigrees

Scott Jackson has been in the Pet Industry for over ten years. He has managed large Pet Specialty Retail stores and has worked as a distributor rep in the pet industry. He is a pet owner and lover who has extensive knowledge in pet nutrition and care. He runs a website and where he gives information on pet care, location of Colorado independent pet retailers, vets, breeders and a general meeting place for pet lovers.

Visit and find the information you need.


Does Your Dog Snore?

Is your dog snoring? Are you among the pet owners that do not allow your dog to sleep in your room because of its snoring?

stop your dog from barking

Dog snoring is not a reason to worry but is sometimes irritating. Sometimes VERY irritating! It is a very common phenomenon in dogs. Dog snoring is mostly caused by a small degree of blockage in the throat of the dog. Obesity, a general reason of snoring in humans, is also to blame for some canine snoring. Certain breeds of dogs are more prone to snoring than the other. The most common breeds that snore more are Pugs, Bulldogs, and Sharpies etc. Breathing patterns can also be seen among dogs. There are breeds, which have heavier breathing while there are dogs that breathe quite lightly. The heavy breathing dogs are more prone to snoring than those who breathe quietly.


The reason for some breeds to snore more is due to their facial construction. The dogs with pushed in faces have smaller air passages that results in difficulty in breathing. Dog breeds with shorter faces require lots of exertion to make best use of their nostrils and airways. It is very similar to the condition if humans being able to utilize only twenty five percent to the nostril passage for breathing. Hence, it takes them more work to breath and they are more susceptible to dog snoring.

One worry with the breeds like Pugs, Bulldogs, Sharpies etc is that sooner or later the windpipe of these dogs might in fact flatten which of course will make it even more difficult for them to breath. There are some vets that are recommending that small insignificant surgery can be done when the dogs are still young that will open the nostrils and improve their breathing. This will not affect the appearance of the dog and will solve the dog snoring problem in many cases.

Dog snoring is not really a health concern but interrupts in dog's sleeping habits. It leaves the dog irritated and sleepy. Sometimes allergies are a cause of dog snoring, which should be taken care of. Also age factor plays a great role in dog snoring. The older dogs snore more as compared to the younger ones.

There are various reasons that can be the cause of dog snoring apart from genetic and hereditary ones. The most important cause of dog snoring is obstruction in the air passage of the dogs that results in the vibration of certain parts of the throat of the dog. Another cause of dog snoring is some of the allergies that cause blockage in the airways of the dog. Dog snoring can also be the consequence in fat dogs. Like human beings, dogs that are obese are more prone to snoring. If you correct your dog's weight the snoring should vanish. Sometimes it is found that there is excess tissue in the throat of the dog that causes problems in breathing and results in dog snoring. If the snoring is heavy, it is always advisable to take the dog to veterinary doctor.

Does Your Dog Snore?

Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit Start Work at Home for more information on starting or developing a home business or his official site to find out more.


Dog Door Solutions

Countering Risks to Installing Dog Doors

dog harness

Some dog owners are not convinced by the advantages of dog doors because of the fact that these doors could be used against them by intruders and evil doers. But for really concerned dog owners, there is no need to be worked up because there have been many innovations on the traditional manual dog door.


The most popular and effective dog door known today is the controlled access dog door. These doors may be electronic, electro-magnetic, magnetic or infrared. They open automatically only when the censors installed in them can sense and recognize the collar that your dogs are wearing.

Dog Door Solutions

Remember, there is always a dog door solution available to all dog owners. With a wide variety of dog doors to choose from and numerous ways and techniques for installing these doors, there is definitely a dog door out there to suit you.

There are several alternatives, too, to suit special cases like those who rent the place they're staying at. There are no restrictions that cannot be resolved with a little bit of creativity and resourcefulness. For instance, one can use sliding glass doors. You can also replace the old doors with doors where dog door mounting is possible.

When finally deciding to get that door, just don't forget to consider where you'll be installing your door, what type of door you will be using and the size of the door you install for the safety and easy access of your dogs.

Dog Door Solutions

Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit Start Work at Home for more information on starting or developing a home business or his official site to find out more.


When Should a Puppy Be Spayed?

A dog owner needs to decide whether the pet needs to be surgically sterilized or not. Unless your dog is of an outstanding breed and the owner a trained breeder, one should always neuter or spay the dog. Normally a puppy should be spayed just before it enters puberty and the procedure can be performed as early as the age of six weeks. A veterinarian can schedule the surgery anytime after all the vaccinations have been given. Do your homework well before the surgery as one should not be misguided.

The main reason behind getting the puppy spayed is to stop overpopulation, as it is a dangerous and costly problem. When there is an overpopulation of pets it becomes difficult to find a loving home for them.


Spaying has health benefits too. Spaying completely eliminates uterine infection and ovarian cysts. Spaying done before the first cycle reduces the potentiality of breast cancer as well. Testicular cancer, perianal adenomas and prostate enlargement is minimized in neutered males.

Spaying is also called ovario-hysterectomy. The ovaries and uterus are surgically removed in this surgery. Neutering is removing the testicles of the male to stop sperm production.

If you have not gotten your pet spayed, you run the risk of having a set of litters. Keeping a constant track on your dog's natural principal urges is not easy. In the interest of the dog's well-being and other social problems, it is best to get the pet spayed. Dogs that have been neutered or spayed get along well with other dogs and follow a better behavioral pattern. Clear your doubts on issues related to the surgery by doing some simple research.

Taking rest after surgery becomes very important for the dog. While some may feel tired and uncomfortable, other won't feel the pain at all, and in the excitement of returning home may run and play. Too much of movement may not be good; keep it in a kennel to reduce its movement.

A cone shaped plastic collar placed around the dog's neck will stop the dog from licking or biting the stitches. Keep a track of the speed of recovery. Discharge or inflammation must immediately be brought to the notice of the vet as these are signs of infection.

When Should a Puppy Be Spayed?

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about when a puppy should be spayed [], please visit Spay and Neuter Online [] for current articles and discussions.


Cat Giving Birth - What You Should Really Do After the Cat is Post Birth?

Some veterinarians advise giving your queen a shot of oxytocin within 12 hours of giving birth. This shot may be dispensed for you to administer at home, or you may need to take your queen to the veterinarian for it.

This shot is given to make sure that no remnants of the placenta are left in the uterus where they might cause infection. It is also helpful in inducing the milk supply. Your veterinarian may also recommend that the queen be put on an antibiotic for seven to ten days after the kittens are born to help ward off any minor infections the kittens might catch while nursing.


Provide your queen with clean bedding, and make sure she and the kittens is house in dim lighting, away from any drafts and the hustle and bustle of the household. The room temperature should be kept at 70 F or 21 Celsius.

If this is not possible and the room is too cold, then an infrared heating lighting or a heating pad placed under the toweling is recommended. If, on the other hand, the room is too hot, the queen will separate herself from the kittens to cool them down.

Always place her food, water and litter pan within easy reach as the queen will not want to leave her kittens. Lactating queens have high nutrients needs, so give her all she will eat of a high quality cat food.

You can determine the sex of each kitten by simply lifting up its tail and checking against the drawings. The queen will always pick up her very small kittens by the scruff on their neck but they grow up quickly and soon she will not be able to lift them this way.

Between seven and ten days, the kittens will start to open their eyes. At three weeks they will be more alert and ready to eat semi solid food, and they will start using the litter pan. By six weeks, they will become more playful and by 11 weeks they should be well on their way to settling into their new homes.

Cat Giving Birth - What You Should Really Do After the Cat is Post Birth?

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Igloo Dog House and Purses And Handbags


Monday, September 26, 2011

Building Your Own Bunny Pen From Scratch

Quite a few people are interested in getting an unusual animal, something out of the normal canine or cat. Although they don't want something too foreign like a ape or a tiger, then you should look into getting a rabbit. Although A bunny isn't as easy to win over as a dog or a feline the amount of love that you get from them more than makes up for the lack of easy love. However one of the biggest issues with them is getting a good quality pen or rabbit condo for them to be happy living in. Some of the basic needs that a rabbit ought to get out of their rabbit hutch is: freedom to spread out, jumping up room, waste container, and of course food, and attention.

When searching for a good quality bunny cage or a rabbit hutch you will notice that any one that includes everything your bunny needs to be happy that they cost a lot of money! Anything big enough for them to stretch out and vertical layers so they can bound around you are looking at 0+ worth of pen. There is an substitute however if you are really looking forward to having a bunny and don't mind breaking out a little elbow grease there is a solution. There are lots of plans that you could use to create your own rabbit condo or rabbit cage.


Some of the best items that you can use to create your own rabbit coop are wire squares. Wire squares are put together to make organizer squares, however when taking each wire side it makes a great wall on the coop. Then you need to find a good floor to use. You could use whichever vinyl or just regular plywood to make a nice surface, however vinyl is going to be your best bet for the reason that of the fact that it will be easier to clean and bunny pee won't cause it to rot out. This is where you can get really imaginative, you can choose how many layers you imagine your rabbits brand new cage ought to have or how long or how high the roof should be on it. Typically you might get by with under 0 in resources and have a extremely nice and big cage for your rabbit. The only downfall is of course that there is some assembly required.

Building Your Own Bunny Pen From Scratch

If you are serious and fascinated in building your own coop for your bunny Best Rabbit Hutch, and Building Your Rabbit Cage will be able to support you through the process step by step. Keep in mind that you can get truly imaginative and make this project your own. Maybe you have limited space and you need it to not be too elongated or wide but lofty is OK? It doesn't matter if you are making your incredibly own for the reason that you decide all of the proportions!


Protect Your Pet - Common Household Dangers to Your Dogs

Your home is full of potential dangers for your beloved pet. Some of which aren't that obvious at first sight. Here are some common sense precautions that you can take to protect your pet. It's a sad fact that a large number of pets fall ill or die each year from poisoning by household items and food. Some are even poisoned by their loving owners who unwittingly feed them foods that are poisonous to dogs.
Make sure all your household cleaners and chemicals are out of reach and locked away. Take a look in your garage and lock away any bottles of brake fluid or antifreeze, both highly toxic to dogs. Secure your household rubbish, make sure your dogs can't get to any table scraps or other rubbish however tempting it might seem! Make sure you never leave any medication lying around. Some human medications such as aspirin or Panadol are highly toxic to pets. Be VERY careful when using poisons or baits in the house or garden and make sure your pets can't enter the contaminated area.

pamper your dog

There are a number of foods that although harmless to humans and sometimes other animals can be very toxic to dogs. Here's a list of foods to avoid giving your dog. This is not meant to be a complete list, if in any doubt consult your local vet as soon as possible.


Poisonous Foods
Alcohol Avocado Broccoli Chocolate Coffee beans, grounds or bags Fruit stones and pips Garlic Macadamia nuts Milk Moldy food Onions Raisins and grapes Raw potatoes and potato peelings Rhubarb leaves Salt Tea leaves or bags Tobacco Tomato plant stems or leaves Yeast dough
In the Garage/Shed
Antifreeze Brake Fluid Fungicides Herbicides Insecticide Mineral Spirits Paint Paint Remover Pesticide or Poisons Petrol Weed killer
In the Kitchen / bathroom
Bleach Deodorants Detergent Disinfectants Human medications Mothballs Nail Polish Nail Polish Remover Suntan lotion
Signs of poisoning

If you suspect your pet may have eaten or come in to contact with any poisonous material contact your vet straight away. Don't wait and see if it gets better, some poisons act very quickly and any delay could cost your pets life.

Some symptoms that can point to poisoning include:
vomiting diarrhea increased urination restlessness hyperactivity muscle twitching or shaking seizures

Protect Your Pet - Common Household Dangers to Your Dogs

For more great tips on looking after your dogs make sure you check out and


Doberman Pinscher

What Does It Look Like?

The Doberman pinscher is a medium size dog. The height of a Doberman pinscher bitch shoulder vary between 24 to 27 inches (61 to 68 cm), and the height of a Doberman pinscher male shoulder vary between (66 to 72 cm). The male weigh is between 75 and 100 pounds and the bitch between 65 and 85 pounds. There is often a slight difference in type between bitches and dogs, with males being masculine and females being feminine.


Let us talk about their bodies which contain a deep, broad chest, and a very powerful, compact, and square muscular body of large size. But recently they start to appears in a new look with primarily bred, slimmer or more sleek-looking Doberman Pinscher. This look becomes one of the most popular body types for most the owners, like those who use their Doberman Pinschers as a competitive with others. Butt he traditional body type is still what many other owners looking for and others who use the dog for protection. Anyway, it is impossible to have a full control on the dog body like the size and the weight. The animals used in show must follow specific rules like size and weight, but it is not possible to find male weights over 100 pounds or you might find a female that is also larger than called for by the breed standards.

Those who are looking for a Doberman Pinscher to provide personal protection or for use in police agencies or the military generally seek out the larger examples and some breeders create specific breeding pairs in the hope of getting a litter of larger dogs.


The most comm. color for the Doberman is the black. But, there is another color genes exist in the Doberman, which for the color dilution and this provides four different color phenotypes: black, red, blue, and fawn (Isabella).

Despite of that the Doberman Pinscher has mostly being seen with a short tail, it is actually born with a tail that is longer than most the other breeds'. The short tail is the result of docking, a procedure in which the majority of the tail is removed within days of the dog's birth.


Doberman Pinschers will often have their ears cropped, a procedure that is functionally related to both the traditional guard duty and to effective sound localization.

Doberman Pinscher

Tony Mark

For more information Doberman pinscher


Take Care of Your Dog

Dogs are man's (or woman's) best friend so treat them as such! Be a good friend to your dog, give it lots of tender loving care and you will have a companion for life!

knit your dog book

Your dog has instinctive compulsions to dig, herd, retrieve, chase and chew. You, as the owner, are responsible for teaching your dog when these behaviors are appropriate. Keeping your dog on a balanced exercise program will stimulate its mind, keep it healthy and escape boredom. Destructive dog behaviors can be lessened or eliminated by making sure your dog gets enough exercise with supervised play. Exercise also burns calories that will keep your dog looking trim and slim! Exercises vary with breed type, size, sex, age and health. If you are lazy, your dog will be lazy and become destructive. Walking your dog a few times a day around the block and a short stint of running around the back yard is not enough. The owner must get creative and play games such as fetch, Frisbee, free running (look for dog friendly parks) and even swimming.


You want your dog to look good and smell clean. Brushing your dog on a daily basis, giving it frequent baths and checking for fleas and ticks are all good ways to have a hygienic dog.

If you have a small dog or a lap dog, you can carry them with you in a small shoulder bag for quick and easy transportation. Your dog is able to accompany you wherever you go and will attract lots of attention for being so cute. Place your hand under the dog's ches and use your other hand or forearm to support its hind legs and bottom. Never pick up your dog by its front legs, tail or scruff of the neck. If you have a large dog, mostly it will be on a leash when you transport it but if you need to pick it up, lift your dog from underneath and support the chest and rear with your arms.

Your dog will want a cozy, warm and quiet resting place to call his own. Make sure there are no drafts and keep it off the floor. Using a training crate is a great idea and lining the crate with a blanket, towel or pillow will make it soft and your dog will enjoy sleeping inside. You can also buy a dog bed or create one out of a wooden box. Be certain to wash the bedding often to keep the doghouse clean. If your dog has access to the outdoors, your backyard or garden, make sure that there is sufficient shade to protect it from the hot summer sun and provide plenty of cool water to prevent overheating. Dogs aren't big fans of cold and rainy weather and it is imperative your dog has warm and dry shelter in these conditions.

Your state or local community will have regulations on how to license and identify your dog. Your dog should wear a collar with its name and your phone number on it in case it should get lost. Microchipping your dog is a good option and not very expensive. This procedure is relatively harmless and a microchip the size of a grain of rice will be implanted under your dog's skin. This microchip will contain all the information needed to help return your dog safely to you should it become lost.

Take Care of Your Dog

Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit Start Work at Home for more information on starting or developing a home business or his official site to find out more.


Picking Small Dog Carriers For Your Pup

Small dog carriers are ideal for small dogs, of course. There are so many, however, that it can be hard to choose the best one. There are so many things to think about when you are picking out a carrier. It has to suit your dog, first of all, in more than just size. The good news is that because carriers for tiny dogs are becoming more popular, it is easy to find the best one - even if you have designer tastes!

dog crate

Like say, there are many things to consider when it comes down to picking out the right carrier. First and foremost, why do you want the carrier? What, precisely, do you intend to use it for? Naturally you want to carry your dog in it, but is it for airplane travel? Or do you simply want to take your four legged friend around with you wherever you go? Some people prefer carriers they can carry over their shoulders. Some do not. Think about these things before you make your final choice.


Once you have done that, you are one step closer to making a decision about what carrier to purchase. Specifically, you are now ready to start trying to find the best possible deal. Going on the Internet can really help you, no matter what kind of carrier you are interested in buying. Of course, you have to understand that the price is going to be proportional for more upscale and sought after dog carriers. Still, going online is a great way to get a deal on over the shoulder ones.

For traveling purposes, you need to think about a few aspects as well. For instance, you are going to want to take the material of the carrier into strong consideration. Soft plastics and things like that need to be avoided. It can get much too hot and uncomfortable, especially since you dog will have to be in his carrier for a while. If you have to go with a plastic carrier, a hard type is better.

You always need to call ahead before you travel anywhere with your dog, to make sure that pets are allowed. For planes, it should not be a problem. However, a lot of trains do not allow pets unless they are trained service animals. With planes, there may be size restrictions. These typically do not apply to small carriers, but it is still better to err on the side of caution.

There are also little strollers available for small dogs these days. They are great for old dogs, young dogs, and all other types of small dogs. Plus, they will be kept safe from passing pedestrians, they will be comfortable, and they will not be getting into anything.

Small dogs can also fit into body carriers, which are also like backpacks, or the papoose cradles in which babies are sometimes carried. They are light, so it will not strain you. Your dog will be perfectly comfortable as well.

Picking Small Dog Carriers For Your Pup

Needless to say, there are all different types of Small dog carriers. There are just as many things to think about when you are buying one. Take all of these tips into consideration and you are sure to find a carrier which will suit your small dog perfectly for all of your Dog Travel.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog History, Description and Personality Traits

Description: The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is low to the ground and a long dog. The head is in good proportion to the rest of the body, with a flat skull but is rounded and tapered. The muzzle is parallel with the skull. They have a black nose, in the merle coloured dog, here we find this may be butterfly. They have wide set eyes that are medium to large, with dark rims that add depth to the eyes. The eyes are shades of brown, varying with the coat colour, the exception to this is the merle coated dog which may have blue eyes, which can be either both eyes or one.

dog collars

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi dog breed has beautiful black ears that are large in proportion to the rest of the body and head that suits this breed. This dog has a prominent breastbone, which is deep. Their legs are very short, with front feet setting slightly outwards. With a long low set tail that sets this dogs' look. Coat colours include brindle, black and brindle, saddle, fawn, red, black and grey marbled, black and tan with or without white. The main difference between this corgi, and other corgi breeds is the Cardigan corgi has a long tail. Height of dogs is 10 to 13 inches, with bitches being the same. Their weight, which has to be watched, should be between 11 and 14 kg. This dog's life expectancy is between 12 and 15 years.


History: Some people believe the Cardigan Welsh corgis ancestors came from the Celts In 1200 BC. Throughout history, the Cardigan and the Pembrokeshire Welsh corgi were interbred so most people thought this was the same breed until 1934. At this time, they were separated into two different breeds. Corgis have been used as cattle drivers and were very much a part of the working groups of dogs. Today they are very much a companion dog.

Temperament: The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a highly intelligent breed, with a great willingness to please, and are renowned for being reliable, loving and faithful. It is important to socialise this dog well, particularly when they are young, to help gain a good, balanced, dog.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog History, Description and Personality Traits

For more information on different Dog Breeds, Dog Training and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas and Morkies please visit our websites below.

Teacup Puppies For Sale

Teacup Yorkie


Why Spay and Neuter?

Can you imagine working at a Humane Society where literally thousands of dogs and cats are euthanized because of the volume of animals coming through the doors?

Statistically, a female cat can give birth to 20,000 kittens in five years. The lions share of these are brought into a Humane Society by the public, or picked up by Animal Control and then taken to a Humane Society. The numbers for dogs aren't quite as staggering but are still excessive.


One Humane Society in East Texas reports 9,003 dogs and cats were brought to them in 2007. Of those, 6,708 were euthanized and 2,904 were adopted. Since 1988 their records show a total of 193,363 animals have gone through their doors; 145,000 were euthanized.

Humane Societies have become a dumping ground for unwanted or stray animals instead of a rescue and adoption center. Unfortunately, there's only so much room in any facility. With every nook and cranny filled, the only option for those not adopted is to be euthanized.

So why is this happening? I wish I could say that all pet owners are responsible and have their pets spayed or neutered. The real key in controlling the number of unwanted animals is a proactive spay and neuter program. This solution is so much kinder than having defenseless animals euthanized.

Some Humane Societies are hosting educational programs to teach school children about responsible pet ownership. Some are including a "lost and found" section on their websites to try to reunite owners with lost pets. Others are supporting more stringent laws and penalties for owners who don't spay or neuter their pets.

Any effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals is worthwhile. Won't you do your part?

Why Spay and Neuter?

Debbie Foster is the owner of Pet Beds Unlimited and an avid animal lover. You can find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers [], and dog pens [] at []


Dwarf Hamster Aquarium

Yes the aquarium that you would keep fish in makes a great home for your pet dwarf hamster, of course minus the fish and the water!  There are two types of aquarium construction, glass or plastic and each has their advantages and disadvantages.

A 10 gallon aquarium minimum size for one pet and use a larger  size if housing two or a mother with a litter.  Benefits of using an aquarium to house your pet::


As the sides are of smooth  construction, it makes it more difficult to escape Provides opportunity for you to observe your pet and their antics and opportunity for you pet to observe their outside surroundings

Generally aquariums are made from two types of construction, glass or plastic.The benefit of a glass aquarium is that is the glass doesn't scratch as easily should your pet decided to scratch at the glass.  However the weight of a glass aquarium can make it more difficult to move around and to take care that nothing is tossed against the sides as it could shatter the glass.  Plastic construction is lighter weight making it easier to move and relocate however tends to show scratches easier and is more break proof should it be dropped or something tossed against it.

When using an aquarium for you pets home you will need to make use of a breathable lid.  They can come in different types consisting plastic with holes or screen construction. Using a lid is important for many reasons:

Should you pet decide to pile up their bedding to assist them to climb up to the top of the aquarium the lid will deter escape Helps to stop things falling or being dropped into their home Helps keep other pets from entering their home, such as a pet cat!

Location of your dwarf hamster aquarium is important.  As the sides are of solid construction, make sure it is not placed in direct sunlight as it can heat up quickly inside making it unsafe for your pet.  Always avoid locating any pets home in drafty areas, close to heaters, air vents or where there is no indirect sunlight.

One necessary item your pet will require is a water bottle that they can sip from.  By using Velcro pads, you can attach the bottle at the perfect height for your pet.  Also available at pet stores you will find water bottle hooks that are specifically designed to hook onto the top of the aquarium. 

As dwarf hamsters, generally prefer to be observed than held or touched, using a large aquarium creates a great opportunity for your family to observe your pets daily activities and their funny antics!

Dwarf Hamster Aquarium

Kym Sutherland is an author and enjoys writing articles that benefit dwarf hamster owners. To see an example of a dwarf hamster aquarium being used, come to the website, and sign up for the free newsletter. See you soon!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Feeding This Diabetic Dog Food Could Cure Your Dog's Diabetes

Diabetes is no fun for humans or animals, with the desire for sweet things, the copious urine output and the huge thirst, to mention just a few of the common symptoms.

pamper your dog

And it's on the increase in humans as well as dogs and cats. Why should this be happening now?


Leaving the human cause aside for the purposes of this article, lets look at a typical diet for dogs in the western world, those who are not fed a quality diabetic dog food, that is.

Most people feed their dog a commercial brand of pet food. You're lured by the manufacturers claims, which are mostly untrue, and by smiling vets and dog breeders on the colourful packets.

Health depends hugely on diet. Arguably, it could be considered the major cause of ill health in all animals, you included.

I want you to imagine, for a moment, that you are the owner of a dog food manufacturing business. You have to pay

rent on the premises services to the premises - electricity, telephone equipment purchase and upkeep wages for your workers, including tax, health, sick and holiday pay packaging for the end product storage for the end product advertising and marketing the end productAll this costs money. And you haven't even bought in the raw ingredients, the food, yet.

Would you be a bit tempted to buy in low quality, low cost raw ingredients? After all, with the price of meat going up all the time, you have to consider whether your potential customers would pay the higher price your product would be? There's plenty of competition about and customers are generally lured by low prices.

And they probably say - it's only for dogs.

(I don't know about you, but my dogs aren't 'only'.)

Don't get me wrong. I don't want you to sympathise with the commercial pet food manufacturers. But if you can understand where they're coming from, you'll understand why it would be a good idea to make your own diabetic dog food.

I'm not suggesting all commercial pet food manufacturers are the same. But they do all face the same problems.

So not only is the meat low quality, it's also bulked out with a filler.

Fillers can be anything from sawdust, to melamine (remember Chinese pet food?), to a market glut of any carbohydrate.

For the past few decades, the production of sugar has soared with its huge demand. This has resulted in a world glut.

Now, whenever there's a world glut, the price drops. So buying sugar for bulking out commercial pet food is cheap.

I'm sure you've now made the connection between your dog getting diabetes and feeding him a commercial pet food. After all, no dog evolved eating processed sugar even in small amounts, let alone the huge amounts that go into pet food.

So the best diabetic dog food is to make it yourself. Then you know what goes into it.

I am offering you the chance to make a huge impact on the health of your beloved dog, simply by switching to the diabetic dog food I recommend.

It's easy, it's quick, you probably have most of the ingredients already. And it won't cost you any more.

Are you ready to make a commitment, to feed your dog my diabetic dog food, to see his health change almost overnight?

Feeding This Diabetic Dog Food Could Cure Your Dog's Diabetes

If you liked this article, then I invite you to sign up for my free, weekly ezine on how to improve your health and that of your family, including pets, naturally. Included is a complementary ebook on how to have a healthy dog, starting today. Visit


Pre-Installed Dog Doors

Pre-installed dog doors are specially designed doors for pets to use. It can be removed by the owner as and when he desires. It is a self framing and energy conserving door offering easy entry and exit for dogs. Most have maintenance-free rigid metal frames with durable weather proof seals. Some doghouses also come with a pre-installed dog door.

dog crate

Excellent quality and extreme functional design are the major features of this door. It is very easy to dismantle and relocate. With a pre-installed dog door, you can decide when you want to let your dog out and when you want it in. Some pre-installed dog doors are electronic and are operated by a sensor or computer chip in the dog's collar. Most models come with a template and an instruction manual.


Usually, pre-installed dog doors are made from strong aluminum or high-impact thermo plastic or vinyl. These removable doors help to keep heat inside in winter months. It can be removed in the summer months to enhance interior ventilation. For extra security, it has heavy gauge steel interior lockable panels. Types of pre-installed dog doors include classic, automatic, electronic, and magnetic. Some of them have mesh screens and others have shatter-resistant tempered glass. Pre-installed dog doors can be placed in walls, windows, wooden doors, screen doors, French doors, and alongside sliding glass doors.

Pre-installed dog doors come in small, medium, large, and extra large sizes. Choosing the correct size will ensure the comfort of your dog. It is available in heavy-duty frame construction with dead-bolt lock and tempered glass. It also comes in a variety of colors including white, almond, and bronze. A range of wood choices are available including Masonite, pine, and cedar. Top quality pre-installed dog doors are available in a number of standard and custom dimensions.

Pre-Installed Dog Doors

Dog Doors provides detailed information on Dog Doors, Electronic Dog Doors, Patio Dog Doors, Screen Dog Doors and more. Dog Doors is affiliated with Soft Dog Crates.


How to Tell If Your Dog Has a Dry Nose - Dog Symptoms For a Dry Nose

Many dog owners don't know if a dry nose is a good or a bad thing for a dog to have. A dry nose may be a sign of possible health concerns. By recognizing dog symptoms for a dry nose, you will be in a better position to help your vet figure out what is wrong with your dog.

pamper your dog

It's totally normal for dogs to have a dry nose or moist nose from time to time. Temperature can affect your dog's nose. If, however, your dog's nose does not look healthy, you may be on to something. Keep an eye out for some of the following dry nose symptoms for dogs:


Does your dog have cracking or flaking skin? Can you see flaky pieces of skin on his nose? Is your dog constantly touching his nose with his paws? Does he seem irritated and is he constantly trying to scratch his nose? Can you see pink spots on your dog's nose? It could be a sign of skin cancer. Dogs can get skin cancer on their nose or other body parts that are not protected by a layer of fur. The fur offers protection from UV rays in a similar fashion to what clothes do for humans.

But perhaps the plastic bowl you use to feed your dog is the reason behind your dog's dry nose... Plastic can sometimes lead to irritation because of the chemicals causing an allergic reaction. Your dog's nose becomes irritated and your dog wants to scratch it.

How do you know what causes your dog's dry nose condition? It's best to take your dog to your local vet and let him or her determine what the problem is. Your veterinarian will probably ask you if you've noticed anything abnormal about his dry nose symptoms and ask you to record this information on a chart. Always keep detailed notes about your observations as you can really help your vet determine what's wrong with your dog and allow him to get the relief he wants for his dry nose condition.

In some cases, veterinarians may need to perform a biopsy on your dog's nose in order to find the cause. Several disorders can display similar symptoms, so you're better off requesting advice from your vet as opposed to friends.

Your veterinarian could also recommend that you see a veterinary dermatologist. These professionals specialize in skin disorders for cats and dogs and they can be of great help in diagnosing your dog.

Don't freak out as soon as you see your dog getting a dry nose because the cure could simply be a change to his diet. Although we do our best for our beloved four-legged friends, we sometimes feed them food that is harmful to them. Go ahead and take a look at the ingredients in your dog's food. Can you see wheat or animal by-products in the list? These animal by-products are animal remains that can't be turned into human food because of strict regulations. Regulations for animal food are a lot less stringent.

Animal food manufacturers can get away with putting a lot of harmful substances into dog food. Try to find a reliable manufacturer of healthy dry dog food. You can normally find such food in a natural or holistic pet store. These specialty pet stores do not normally sell anything that could harm your pets.

How to Tell If Your Dog Has a Dry Nose - Dog Symptoms For a Dry Nose

If you enjoyed this article and if you want to learn more about your dog's health, then visit Dani' blog ==> dog health problems.

Tip: If you would like to learn how to deal with minor dog health problems BEFORE they become major ones, check out my review about the best dog health book on the Internet and discover how you could save a lot of money on vet bills.


Friday, September 23, 2011

The Importance of Sterilizing Cats!

Numerous articles have been written about the importance of spaying and neutering cats and the health benefits that are gained by doing so. Many people are aware that the sterilization process is a good thing and abide by the usual recommendations. However, every once in a while it is a good thing to write a reminder to those, who do not believe in spaying or neutering, about why they should.

Spring and summer is known across our country as the "kitten season." Many female cats will be giving birth and many kittens will be unwanted and end up in shelters or even put to death by their owners.


A female cat can come into heat as early as four months - especially in the springtime. Locking a cat in the house may seem like a great alternative, but it plays havoc with a cat's health.

The reproductive system that nature created in a female cat is amazingly efficient. Having kittens is a very natural part of a female cat's life and not having kittens, without the help of being spayed is very hard on a cat.

Male cats are always willing and able to mate, and if they do not have anyone to mate with, it does not present a problem. They will just sit around and wait until a female presents itself.

Female cats on the other hand have reproductive needs that have to be met, that is the way nature created the female cat. If you do not want kittens, it is important to have your female spayed by at least six months of age.

Why? The cat's breeding season is usually between January and October and females go into heat every two weeks until they are bred and have a litter of kittens. A female can produce a litter of kittens every 65 days!

If a female does not mate and repeatedly comes into heat, the danger of life threatening uterine infections and uterine and ovarian cancer can become a sad part of your cat's life. Spaying also reduces the risk of mammary cancer.

Spaying your female between four and six months is easier on them, as they have less postoperative complications, they suffer less bleeding, require less surgery time, their organs are seen more easily and they recuperate more rapidly.

Males that are not neutered can become aggressive toward their owners, will get into fights with other males as they search for amorous females. The frequent fights expose them to infectious diseases, abscesses from wounds and many males will spray pungent urine to mark their territory, which can and usually includes the house. It is recommended that males be neutered between nine and ten months of age, this is before they reach their sexual maturity.

I recently had our new male kitten neutered at six months, his surgery took less than five minutes, he needed only two minutes of anesthesia and we had him home by the end of the day, happy as he could be.

Veterinary research has shown that the earlier you neuter cats the less behavioral problems you will have. Sterilized cats tend to be friendlier.

Both male and female cats that are not spayed or neutered have a tendency to spray, wander off and are apt to get lost or hit by a car.

A single cat (spayed/neutered) has no need for sex and does not miss what is never has known. Even though a spayed/neutered cat has a lower metabolism there is no need for the cat to become overweight or obese, that blame falls on the owner's shoulders for over feeding. Our 12-year-old male has maintained his same weight for over the last 7 years and is beautiful, slim and trim.

Reduce your cat's health risks by spaying/neutering, the earlier the better and you will have one happy cat, less vet bills and when the news man on the television asks "do you know where your children are," you will know your cat(s) are home where they belong.

The Importance of Sterilizing Cats!

If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at


Never Hit a Dog When Dog Training

You should not EVER hit a dog for any reason at all. Hitting does NOT teach the dog anything other than to fear you, and obedience is born of love, not fear. Not only will hitting not work, but it is completely counterproductive to effective dog training of any kind.

dog bed

In order to effectively train a dog, you must learn to understand how a dog thinks - and yes, they DO think.


First of all, dogs are pack animals. That is their nature. Dogs do not expect to live in a democratic society in which everybody gets a vote. From a dog's point of view, it is absolutely essential that the "pack" (and the dog views the family as his pack) have a leader - a boss - an ALPHA dog. The alpha dog is in charge of the pack. The alpha dog makes the decisions for the pack and keeps the pack safe. It's a "dog" thing that you do need to understand.

Unless you are the alpha dog, the dog WILL become the alpha dog. He will nip at his other pack members. He may snarl, growl, and otherwise show the others that he IS in charge. So first of all, you must establish your position as alpha dog, but you don't do it by hitting the dog. Hitting is not a language that a dog understands.

When the dog misbehaves or transgresses, simply stop the behavior and roll him over onto his back. Hold him there and stand over him while saying "NO" firmly and in a forceful TONE of voice. Volume doesn't count. The only thing that matters is TONE. The next thing to do is show him what the correct and acceptable behavior is and then lavish praise on him when he complies.

Never Hit a Dog When Dog Training

Milos Pesic is a certified dog trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Dog Training [] information website. For more articles and resources on dog training, dog training certification and programs, free online dog training classes, dog potty training and much more visit his site at:



Rabbit Care

Many people love to keep rabbits as pets. Rabbits serve as lovely and wonderful pets, you just need to take little care of them and make sure that you are giving them a proper diet. A typical diet of rabbit consists of hay, fresh vegetables, water and cereals. Rabbits love fruits, but you should give them fruits in limited quantities, otherwise it may cause obesity in rabbits. Also, make sure that you provide them plenty of water as rabbits dehydrate very quickly. These steps will ensure that your rabbit stays in a healthy condition.

Timothy hay is among the best food items that you can give to your rabbit. It is rich in various nutrients and vitamins. Majority of people give cereal pellets to their pet rabbits. These are available at supermarkets, pet food stores and farm suppliers. These were originally given by rabbit breeders, as these items provide good amount of vitamins and minerals that too, at a reasonable cost.


Hay becomes almost essential for ensuring good health of rabbits. Presence of hay in stomach of rabbit ensures that your rabbit does not suffer from any digestive tract problem or gastrointestinal stasis. In addition to it, hay provides a good amount of minerals and vitamins at a low food energy cost. Alfalfa is another popular type of grass that you can feed to your rabbit, but do take care of the quantities.

Fruits are unhealthy if given to rabbits in large quantities. Most of the fruits sold in stores consist of high level of food energy and carbohydrates. Some of the best fruits that you can give to rabbits are berries, apple, kiwis, pineapple, peach and other citrus fruits. These if given in large quantities may have a negative impact on the overall health of rabbit, thus you need to ensure that you give such stuff in a prescribed quantities. Most fruits sold in pet stores are filled with sugar and high food energy carbohydrates. A good diet is must for your rabbit to grow in a healthy manner.

Rabbit Care

A healthy and a proper diet will ensure that your rabbit stays in the best of health. If you are looking for some good Rabbit Cages then do visit


Is Your Dog Nervous? Here's a Solution

Is your dog nervous especially when there is a stranger around or when he is in a new situation or location? What you must know is that this is actually a very common condition and is really not a cause for worry. If your dog is always nervous, then the first thing that you should do is to determine the cause of his nervousness. If the reason for his condition is a particular person, then maybe you can tell that person to simply ignore the dog to minimize the friction between them. If it is a particular spot or object in your house, then you can probably move the dog to a different place. Indeed, knowing the reason that makes your dog nervous is the first step in finding a lasting solution to the problem.

stop your dog from barking

One of the most effective solutions to dealing with a constantly nervous dog is to have it mingle with a dog that is more confident. Dogs usually emulate other dogs especially ones that they consider dominant. Having your dog around another dog that is more comfortable with his surroundings will help him become comfortable with his surroundings as well. Just make sure that the other dog has no aggressive or violent tendencies that could lead him to harm your dog. Let your dog play with the other dog and keep the atmosphere as light as possible. Putting your dog at ease is indeed one of the keys to curing his nervousness.


Do you know that diet can also make a dog nervous? If you notice that your dog is always nervous then changing his diet may solve the problem. It may help if you give him all-natural foods instead of commercial dog foods that may be full of chemicals and other artificial additives. Consult a holistic veterinarian about the best possible diet for your dog. There are commercially available all-natural dog foods that can be bought in specialty stores but it would be best of course if you can prepare your dog's food yourself.

Is Your Dog Nervous? Here's a Solution

If you need extra help in helping your dog conquer his nervousness then you can turn to natural supplements that can help calm down dogs. Choose supplements that are made from herbs and other natural ingredients. The best thing about natural supplements is that they don't have any side effects and are not addictive or habit forming.

Now that you know the possible reasons that make your dog nervous and what you can do with it, it's time to help your best friend.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Train Your Dog to Stay Off the Sofa

When training your dog to stay off the sofas there are a few simple rules that should be followed to optimise your success. Firstly, it important to ensure that everyone in the family follows the 'no dogs on the sofa rule' as failure by anyone in the family to enforce this rule is likely to result in nothing but confusion for the dog. In addition to this, it is also important to consider what will happen when the dog is left alone in the house - what areas of the house will you allow the dog access? Ideally, you don't want your pet to have access to sofas or chairs while you are out of the house as this could cause further confusion for the dog by creating a situation where it is able to sit on the furniture without reproach. In addition, this confusion could result in hostility from the dog when attempts are made to intervene and remove the dog from the sofa.

dog kennel

As well as setting basic ground rules as outlined above, it is also important that everyone in the family reacts in the same way when the dog jumps on the sofa, which it inevitably will do at some point during it's training. The important thing to remember here is that you are training your dog to behave how you want it to behave, therefore compliant behaviour should be rewarded. Some people make the mistake of punishing the behaviour that they don't want, and thus by punishing the dog each time it jumps on the sofa, they risk instilling a sense of fear and possible hostility within the dog.


Essentially, it is important to realise that instead giving a negative response when the dog jumps on the sofa, you should gently coax the dog back onto the floor and give it a treat when it complies - positive behaviour should gain positive rewards. Also, as tempting as it may be to either lift, push or drag the dog off the sofa, this is not recommended as it may result in a negative response from your pet. The only time it is advisable to lift the dog off the sofa is if the dog is still a puppy in which case they are at risk of causing damage to themselves by jumping from high objects.

So far we have looked at the various methods that should be used in conjunction to help your dog realise that the sofas are out of bounds. These methods are most effective if they are put in place when the dog is a puppy; however they can be equally effective when used consistently with older dogs too. But the one strategy that is the most effective in keeping your dog off the sofa is by ensuring that it has a comfortable place of its own to sit, such as a cushion or a padded blanket, and, as always, your pet should be rewarded when it uses its own special "doggy seat".

How to Train Your Dog to Stay Off the Sofa


Cleaning Your Dog's Ears

Avoid dog ear infections by practicing preventive care. That means regularly examine and clean your dog's ears. Cleaning your dog's ears is important for good grooming and overall health. This is especially true for canines with pendulous ears, lots of hair in their ears, allergies or other medical problems that render them susceptible to ear infections.

stop your dog from barking

Keeping the dog's ears clean is important because a damp environment creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, often leading to painful sensitivity, redness, swelling and infection.


Some guardians never check their dog's ears unless the dog is shaking or scratching its ear(s).

That's unfortunate because, by that time, there is usually an ear health problem requiring veterinary intervention to determine if the dog is infected, infested or needs treatment.

Before cleaning the dog's ears, inspect for potential problems. Take note of any matter in and around the ear canal, particularly excess wax. A dark wax may be a sign of ear mites.

Do not use water when cleaning your dog's ears.

A weekly ear cleaning with an approved cleansing solution, or a mixture described at the bottom of the page that you can prepare at home, minimizes or prevents dog ear infections.

If ear problems are discovered, soak a cotton ball thoroughly in the ear wash. Squeeze out excess and gently clean dirt, wax and other matter from the exterior area of the ear, and consult your veterinarian. Hold the ear flap up so the ear is tilted up; fill the ear with cleanser until it runs out. Do this while holding a towel to catch overflow from head shaking. Gently massage the base of the dog's ears so you hear a squishing sound. If your dog attempts to move around the ear may be infected or you may be massaging too vigorously to free the discharge, so be very gentle. Aggressive pressure is not required.

Unless the ear is infected, the dog will probably enjoy this part of the cleaning.

If you don't hear the squishing sound, you may not have enough cleaning solution in the ear or you are not creating enough movement. The cleaning will start at the part that protrudes from the side of the head or flops over, and also the external part of the ear that is gnarled, fleshy and, in some breeds, hairy around the entrance to the ear canal. From the external opening, the L-shaped ear canal descends vertically before taking a 90-degree bend for a horizontal jaunt to the ear drum. You should clean up to the external ear canal and no further -- the vertical part before the 90-degree bend! Use your finger as a gauge to a safe access area to clean into the external ear canal -- as far as you can see with a flashlight -- and gently clean with a cotton-tipped swab only if you have been instructed by your veterinarian.

Otherwise, use cotton balls or soft cotton cloths around the entrance to the ear canal, with a gentle, veterinary-approved cleaner. Be careful not to rub too hard as you can do more harm than good by rubbing the ears raw, leaving a nesting ground for bacteria and ultimately infection. Hydrogen peroxide is sometimes recommended but should be avoided because it leaves excess moisture and that can lead to the very difficulties you are trying to prevent. Finally, use an ear drying powder or cream and fold ear flaps back for about five minutes to dry canals.

You'll be surprised at the amount of debris you can remove.

If you would prefer to make your own dog ear cleaner, here are three good recipes your veterinarian will approve of. Choose one or the other, don't use them all at the same time, and never use them to treat an ear infection.

Recipe #1: Mix one part white vinegar with one part rubbing alcohol (50/50 mixture) in a squirt bottle and shake well.

Recipe #2: Mix 50/50 vinegar and water, massage it in the ear for 60 seconds, clean the dog's ear with cotton balls (not Q-tips). If your pet requires medication, apply it afterwards.

Recipe #3: For cleaning and to get rid of ear mites, soak a few crushed garlic cloves in oil (mineral oil, olive oil, or almond oil) overnight. Garlic helps kill the bacteria that can lead to ear infections. Put 3-5 drops of oil in the ear canal after thoroughly cleaning your dog's ears. Do this once a day for at least a month. Oil will smother and starve the mites.

Use dog ear cleaning recipes only as indicated above. Site owners or their agents will not be responsible for any injuries resulting in the use or misuse of the recipes. Use with your own discretion.

Cleaning Your Dog's Ears

We have existed as a company since 1985, but it was a love of dogs, the dogs that have been a part of our life, and the passing of one dog in particular, Rusty, that inspired the creation of created to provide the things your dogs and pets need.

The two sites are dedicated to the dogs we have loved so deeply, and who have given us so much love in return. Purebreds and mixed breeds, but mostly rescues in need of a home. We educated them, but each one has had something to teach us in exchange.