Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Incontinence Dog Problems - Common Causes and Solutions

An incontinence dog problem occurs when your dog involuntary urinates. In most dogs this happens at night or suffers from minor leaking during the day.

There are a number of things that can cause incontinence in a dog. The cause is usually based on your dog's age and sex.


Female Spayed Dogs: An incontinence dog problem in a female dog that has been spayed is usually due to a weak sphincter muscle (called USMI). Spaying appears to negatively effect estrogen levels in the body which causes this muscle to atrophy (weaken). If USMI is the problem, then there are medications that can be prescribed to help strengthen the muscle.

Medications can be prescribed for this condition which strengthens the muscle and could potentially result in a cure. This includes estrogen hormone therapy or use of a drug called phenylpropanolamine.

Younger Dogs: When incontinence is seen in younger dogs it can be due to a behavioral problem or structural deformity in the way the ureters (tube from the kidney to the bladder) connect to the bladder. If it isn't formed correctly it blocks the flow of urine and requires surgical correction.

Older Dogs: In older dogs where muscle weakness is a natural part of aging there isn't much you can do beyond keeping your dog clean. You can also consider buying diapers for your dog that will pull moisture away from the body.

All Dogs: Bladder stones and infection could cause an incontinence dog problem. Stones can partially block the flow of urine. Infection such as bacterial infection causes the route the urine follows to narrow. The combination of the two create real incontinence problems for your dog. Treatment involves either medications to dissolve the stones. If this doesn't work, or can't work for the type of stones (there are multiple types) your dogs is suffering from (usually oxalate), then surgery will be needed. The infection can be treated with common antibiotics.

Homeopathic Alternatives for an Incontinence Dog Problem

There are some natural approaches available to help strengthen the bladder, support the urinary system and help to prevent or assist conventional medicine with the treatment of infection. One type of product focuses on infection. These herbal ingredients help to restore the PH of the urine, an important step in helping the urine to its job, killing bacteria that is colonizing in the urinary tract and flushing crystals, the building blocks of stones, from the body.

The second type of homeopathic remedy may help to strengthen the bladder and help if urination is behavioral, such as urination by a nervous or stressed dog. Ingredients for incontinence dog such as Cantharis (for shy dogs that can't control the urge to urinate when stressed), Causticum (for accidents when your dog sneezes), Equisetum (bladder ache and helps with frequent urination) and Ferrum phos (for bladder support).

An incontinence dog problem requires a visit to a veterinarian. Ask your vet about conventional, surgical and natural homeopathic treatment options.

Incontinence Dog Problems - Common Causes and Solutions

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Dog Health Handbook and has written on many canine health problems. See this site for more information on incontinence dog treatment options.


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