Thursday, October 27, 2011

Problems That Can Be Prevented With Jack Russell Training

Achieving successful jack russell training is indeed a pride of every dog owner, more particularly jack russell terrier owners. Seeing these little terriers perform tricks at your command will certainly fill your heart not only with pride but with happiness and self-fulfillment as well. But what if the pet you have been bragging about did something totally embarrassing like peeing at your friend's living room when you went there for a brief visit? Perhaps it'll make you wish that the ground would swallow you, right?

These behaviors, while totally embarrassing, can be prevented with appropriate jack russell training.


Urine marking.

This behavior is not uncommon among dogs. Most dogs, especially those that are not neutered or spayed have tendencies to mark places or things new to them. It's their way of saying, "Back off! This new couch is mine". Additionally, they mark to convey information like the dog's order in the pack or mating availability. Neutering or spaying your beloved pooch can help lessen the marking tendencies. Constant supervision will also prevent your pet from developing such habit. If you see your dog lifting his legs to mark, do something to distract him; clapping your hands or shaking a can or bottle with coins inside. Then give the command "No pee!" or "Stop it!" in a firm tone. During jack russell training to get rid of urine marking, be consistent in using this technique until the problem is totally solved.

Excessive Barking.

Just like urine marking, excessive barking is also one of the most common problems faced by many dog owners. It can be annoying to you and those near you especially if everyone should be sleeping yet your beloved terrier chose to let his voice heard literally. To address the problem, find out what makes your dog bark. Is he afraid to be alone? Or perhaps he is sees squirrels or other animals he thinks he is supposed to chase? To stop the barking, it is important that you provide everything he needs - protection against harsh weather elements, toys to prevent boredom and the likes. Additionally, remove the things that are making him bark - small animals he considered his quarry, boisterous kids running around, etc.

These two behaviors are not the only problems that can be prevented with jack russell training. If your dog problem is neither of the two, be rest assured that there will always be solution to it - and it often involves training.

Problems That Can Be Prevented With Jack Russell Training

Richard Cussons loves to write articles about dogs. Check out more of his articles regarding jack russell training at


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