Barking dog problems can be neighbor dogs or your own dog. In either case, dog barking is one of the most frequent complaints of dog owners. Responsible dog owners will train their pets to control excess barking. And it is excessive barking that is the problem. Dogs bark, that's just what dogs do. But the constant yapping frays nerves and strains relationships between people.
Neighbor Dog
Is your neighbor dog barking? Many areas have ordinances against dog barking, but law enforcement people will seldom become involved in dog barking problems. Neighbors must work it out some way. Your neighbor with the barking dog may not know how to train the dog to stop barking. You could suggest some training material. You could suggest some ideas yourself too. Maybe the dog owner doesn't care. This may require more drastic action.
One possible solution is the ultrasonic noise generator. Dog barking triggers a blast of ultrasonic noise irritating to the dog but not to people. This works for many dogs but not for all. It's worth a try on the neighbor dog.
Your Dog
Maybe the problem is with your dog! Do not despair. It is very possible to train your dog to control barking.
The first step to control your barking dog problem is to observe. Just watch your dog for patterns to the barking. Can you see a cause for the noise. Often barking is from boredom or loneliness. Your dog may simply need more attention. But make sure your dog is not training you. Link some rewards for the behavior you want and some negative happenings with undesired conduct. Also lack of exercise causes some dogs to bark just from excess energy. Can you make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise?
Sometimes a training collar may help. But make sure you don't jump straight to what you think will be the instant solution. Deal with the real cause and your dog will be better adjusted in the long run. The cause of the excess barking is where you must spend your effort.
Barking Dog Problems
Believe me I know how stressful dog barking can get! Visit our site to get help with barking dog problems.
Go to and stop the dog barking fast.
Al Bullington's nerves cannot handle constant dog barking in the daytime or at night.
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