Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Benefits of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet

Pet owners everywhere are faced with an important decision when they acquire or adopt a new, young pet: "Should we have Fluffy fixed?" This is a very important decision as it has potential repercussions on a number of different fronts.

The first reason to alter a pet is to prevent the birth of unwanted litters. The American Humane Society views this as the most important reason to alter a pet. They have animal shelters across the country that house animals that have no homes due to over population. One of the reasons the shelters are overpopulated is that too many animals are left to reproduce freely.


Another reason to alter a pet is that the pet will be happier and more content with its world. Unaltered pets have a tendency to be anxious or frustrated. The pet may pace, whine, act aggressively, or act inappropriately with furniture or people. The pet is unable to achieve happiness inside the house or outside and is driven in this unhappiness by something he or she cannot understand. Altering a pet will put an end to this behavior because the drive is gone.

As pet lovers everywhere will attest, pets always die too early. They are never around long enough. Altering a pet has the potential to increase the animal's life span. This is because spaying a female pet will eliminate uterine infection and can reduce the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering a male pet will prevent testicular and prostate cancer. On top of these health benefits, the pet won't face as much danger from being in fights, being run over, or even exposed to disease while on the prowl searching for a mate.

Some people feel they cannot afford to have their pet altered. What they don't realize is that not altering the pet can lead to some very expensive consequences. The cost of spaying a pet is a drop in the bucket of what it costs to feed and to raise a litter of puppies or kittens. When all goes well, the cost of vet care for the mother and all of her babies is substantial. When everything does not go perfectly, it is even worse. Problems during delivery can lead to a C-section, lost puppies, and even the loss of the mother. An altered pet requires fewer vet bills, and, with the reduced food intake, is less expensive overall.

For more information on pets and their issues, please visit http://www.sanantonioveterinarianclinics.com.

The Benefits of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet

Joseph Devine


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