Many retailers are reporting that despite gloomy economic statistics sales of pet products in general are holding up well. Perhaps the high-end items like designer collars or custom-made beds are being set aside but even at this difficult time people still buy what has become in their eyes items that are essential to the well-being of their family and the pet dog or cat are very much a part of that family. The gourmet food that our pampered pooches have become used to are kept on the shopping list, as owners are reluctant to risk upsetting the digestive systems of their beloved animals. It has been shown that Female shoppers are more likely to buy cheaper brands of other products from medication to milk rather than switch to less expensive brands of pet food and pet-care products.
-- There are 74.8 million dogs in the United States and goodness knows how many cats.
-- 56% of dog owners buy a gift for their dogs during the holidays
-- In the past decade, dog owners giving pets a gift has increased by 12%
-- The average amount spent per dog gift is . More than 0 million will be spent on dog gifts in the holiday season
Sources: 1. Media Metrix 2.0, comScore Inc. 2. APPMA National Pet Owners Survey 2007-2008
The American Pet Products Association estimates that Americans will spend .4 billion this year on their pets - despite the dramatic slowdown in discretionary spending.
All well and good for those animals fortunate enough to grace the homes of these loving and well-intentioned owners who would rather cut down on their own spending needs than sacrifice the needs of their animals. Bravo!
But! We also hear from the dog rescue centers that they are being overwhelmed with abandoned animals and dogs, in particular who are being "forced out" or left tied to the gates of shelters with a note "I cannot feed my kids anymore, please look after my dog?"
Foreclosures spell disaster for thousands of pet dogs as home owners cannot keep up mortgage repayments, this is the grim reality for thousands of animals as recession looms, and foreclosure hits families right across America and Europe. Desperate times and desperate measures with everyone as a casualty, especially mans best friend.
The majority of pet owners love their animals, and would never do anything to harm them but unfortunately, many people are faced with a terrible dilemma, they have lost their job and now they face losing their home, which means they may have few alternatives, protect their family or protect their pets! They may be forced to accept accommodation that does not allow animals and if they refuse that accommodation, then their family could be at risk. Most pet owners will move heaven and earth but they may have just run out of options. The animal rescue centers are full to brimming and this could end up with them abandoning their dogs or cats to fend for themselves.
This economic crisis is forcing ordinary, decent people to do things they would previously have never considered and this is truly heartbreaking. Not only have they lost their job, their home but they are now faced with losing everything so, perhaps some of the incompetent banks who caused this global economic crisis in the first place, should now help to fund additional animal rescue centers so that they can house all these newly made homeless dogs and cats. After all, they managed to get themselves a nice rescue package from the government didn't they! They will still be getting their big fat pay checks every month, courtesy of us all, the general public, won't they?
Does Looming Recession Spell Disaster For Thousands of Dogs and Cats?
Rosemary has written many articles on dogs and cats and if you would like more invaluable information about the care of your pets and would also like to see fresh information on a regular basis then please visit her site at
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