Sunday, October 23, 2011

Preventing Dog Bites and Aggressive Behavior

Dogs can make a wonderful addition to any family. They provide continuous love, companionship, and even protection. However, it is important to always remember that while we may think our pets are perfect creatures incapable of inflicting harm, they are still animals that have natural instincts that can manifest in aggressive behavior towards strangers, other dogs, or even their owners.


An estimated 800,000 Americans seek medical attention each year for injuries connected with dog bites. In light of this statistic, it is important to not only be aware of how to avoid dog bite injuries, but what to do if you or someone you know is bitten by a dog.


Before You Get Your Dog

If you are considering bringing a dog into your family, there are some safety facts to consider before making this important decision:

· What type of breed will fit your family best? You should speak to a professional about different types of dog breeds. Some breeds are genetically more aggressive than others, and some breeds are known to not respond well to children. You will want to consider all of these factors when choosing a dog.

· If you have children, are they old enough to have a dog? You will want to make sure your children are not likely to harass or harm your dog, as this may provoke aggressive behavior in the dog that will be directed at your children.

Once You Have Chosen a Dog

After finding the perfect fit for your family, there are a number of things you can do to curb aggressive behavior in your dog and reduce the likelihood of biting.

· Have your dog spayed or neutered as soon as they are old enough. This will curb some aggressive behavior at a young age.

· Make sure your dog knows that you are the dominant figure in the household. They may want to become territorial, and you need to reinforce that you are in control.

· Do not play aggressive games with your dog. Excessive running inside or wrestling will only encourage aggressive behavior.

· Enroll your dog in obedience training.

Dog Bite Prevention

By following the above steps, you will hopefully curb aggressive behavior in your dog before problems occur. To further prevent injuries, here are some final things you can do to avoid dog bites:

· Do not run away from a dog or make sudden movements

· Be careful around unfamiliar dogs, and do not approach one

· Do not make eye contact with a dog

· If a dog is eating, sleeping or taking care of puppies, do not disturb them.

If you would like more information on dog bite safety or dog bit injuries, contact the Minneapolis dog bite lawyers of Terry & Slane, P.L.L.C. today.

Preventing Dog Bites and Aggressive Behavior

Joseph Devine


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