Dogs get excited. They just do. The problem is when they get so excited that they will jump at full force at you or other folks. So how do you teach your dog not to jump at people? Are there dog discipline techniques that are simple yet effective for your dog's lifetime?
Here are 3 simple steps you can take to teach your dog not to jump at anyone --
1. Use a leash as a control tool
The end-goal is for your dog to stay on all fours or on its hind. So, at least during the training period, have your dog wear its leash.
Here's what you do. Hold the leash so that your dog has a bit of slack but not enough to jump all the way up. Every time it tries to do so, restrain it by the leash and collar. Then say in a firm voice "Down". It cannot stay in mid-air and will be forced to get down. This is what you want.
Do this often enough that your dog understands the command means he or she has to get back on all paws or on its hind.
2. Make the jump unrewarding
To teach your dog not to jump, remember to never touch your dog or make eye contact when it jumps up at you. The moment he or she is down on all fours or on its hind, pat it, praise it, give it a yummy treat. This way, your dog will learn it's not rewarding to jump up. And much more lucrative to be on all fours or on its hind.
3. Cover all scenarios
Do exactly as described above in steps 1 and 2 in various situations and with different people. Outdoors, indoors, with family members, with guests. The idea you want to convey to it when you teach your dog not to jump is that being on all its feet or on its hind is the best behavior expected of it.
Needless to say, whatever you do, be consistent in your dog discipline lessons as above. And, never ever use physical force or shout when you teach your dog not to jump. You don't want to scare your dog or injure it. Or worst, make it fearful of you.
Just consistently and persistently apply these simple dog discipline techniques, and you will soon see good results.
You will be a happier owner for it, and your dog in turn will be a happier pet. Try these techniques to teach your dog not to jump for yourself!
Teach Your Dog Not To Jump - 5-Minute Dog Discipline Techniques That Will Last Your Dog's Lifetime
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