As you watch your spending power drop-and your stress level rise-you just might find that a dog is definitely man's best friend during tough economic times. Recessionary worries have many households worrying about the bottom line but dogs can be a lifesaver during a rough economy. Although dogs incur costs ranging from food to vet care, Rover just might be your answer to the recession.
If the economy has caused you to cut back on extras like shopping and restaurant dining, don't despair. With a dog waiting for you at home, the idea of staying home-rather then heading out and spending money-has new appeal. You've got a built-in reason to cook dinner at home or to head to the dog park instead of the mall. And have you had to cut out the gym membership? No problem-your dog is ready and willing to be your new exercise partner (and one that will remind you unmercifully when it's time to exercise!)
If the tight economy has also means cutbacks in travel, your dog is again happy to help out. Can't afford that week-long holiday? Rover's happy to take a day trip with you to the local lake or state park.
Tightened budgets also mean cutbacks in everyday items but that's no problem as far as your dog's concerned. While you might not be OK with that home hair cut, Fido's happy to skip the groomer's visit. And while the kids might not want anything but the latest toys, your dog will love stuffed animals from garage sales and thrift stores.
It's a proven fact that pets are marvelous stress relievers, an asset that's more important than ever during tough economic times. Dogs can also serve another important role: socializer. If you've lost your job and now see fewer people every day or you've just cut back on social events, you're probably looking for a way to get out and about without spending money. Take a neighborhood walk with your dog or head out to play in your local dog park, both good ways to interact with people with similar interests without spending a dime.
Most of all, though, dogs know the best things in life are free. What's the most valuable thing in your dog's world? Your companionship. That and a sunny day and a good belly rub and your dog is on top of the world. He's a good reminder that money doesn't buy happiness.
Recession and Your Dog - Why Your Dog May Be Your Best Friend in Tough Economic Times
Professional writers and husband-wife team Paris Permenter and John Bigley publish, a site featuring tips for dog lovers, by dog lovers. The extensive site include the Dog Tip of the Day, the Dog News Blog, and more. To download a free copy of How to Put Your Dog on a Budget, visit
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