As a dog owner, one of the most fun things you can do is to teach your dog to fetch. Notice I said "teach". Fetching does not come naturally to all dogs. Try throwing a stick in front of 10 different dogs. More than likely, 8 will sit perfectly still, and wonder in their little doggie minds if this human has gone bonkers. So, the question here is how to teach a dog to fetch?
Dog trainers have various suggestions on how to do this. As a long time dog owner (I had me a dog the moment I popped out of my mother!), I find the following 2 approaches to be the best on how to teach your dog to fetch --
1. The 2 identical toy approach
Here's a pretty straight-forward way to teach your dog to fetch.
Get 2 exactly identical toys. Something you know your dog will like.
Tease your dog with one and keep the other hidden. This is important because you want your dog to really get into this toy.
As soon as your dog gets excited, throw the toy a short distance away. Keep it short so that your dog doesn't lose sight of the toy.
More than likely, he or she will run to the toy and pick it up. Now, if you left it at that, even if you called out to your dog, there's a high chance he or she won't know to come back.
This is where you pull out the second toy and call to your dog. Upon seeing this toy, chances are your dog will run back to you with the first toy in its mouth.
Retrieve the first toy, praise your dog, pat it and give it a yummy treat. Now take the second ball and repeat the process while hiding the earlier one.
Simple enough method to teach your dog to fetch, don't you think? But what if, after you threw the first toy, your dog doesn't go after it? What do you do in this case? Let's look at approach number 2.
2. The "show me and bribe me" step-by-step approach
If your dog really doesn't get it, another way to teach your dog to fetch is this. Lead your dog to where the first toy is and encourage him or her to pick up the toy. Once your dog does this, retrieve the toy and praise him or her, pat it and reward it.
The idea here is to get your dog to associate picking up the toy with a reward. Once this is established, the next time you do a fetch lesson, have a family member or friend walk your dog to the toy, then lead him or her back to you for the treat. Can you see how this builds the fetch lesson in your dog's mind.
You can see that learning how to teach your dog to fetch doesn't have to be difficult. Use either of the 2 approaches above and you will have hours of fun and joy with your pet in the future.
Once you are able to teach your dog to fetch, look for other tricks that your dog would love to learn. More fun for the 2 of you!
Teach Your Dog To Fetch - How To Teach A Dog To Fetch Any Object Anywhere In Under 3 Days!
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