Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Benefits of Neutering Your Male Dog

While it can cost you quite a bit of money, neutering your male dog may be a great idea if you are not planning to use him as a stud or show him at dog shows. When a dog is neutered, his testicles are removed so he is not able to breed. Many people find that having this surgery done on their dog is very beneficial. Here are just a few of the benefits that neutering can provide to you when you make this decision.

Prevent Problems with Behavior


There are quite a few behavior problems that dogs that are not neutered can have. One of those problems is marking, since dogs often mark their territory with their urine. This can result in urine on your house and it can even turn into an obsession to your dog. Neutering eliminates this problem in most cases. Males that are not neutered often get in fights and are more aggressive and they often try to challenge you or other dogs because the testosterone makes them want to be dominant. Male dogs are more obedient and less likely to fight when neutered.

You'll also find that sexual arousal can be a big problem in dogs that haven't been neutered and this can definitely become embarrassing. Dogs often end up humping the legs of people and other embarrassing things, which is a problem that can be eliminated with neutering. Other behavioral problems that can be prevented when you neuter your dog can include distress when a female dog goes into heat and distraction.

Prevent Future Health Problems

Another of the benefits that you can enjoy when you neuter your dog is that this can help to prevent a variety of future health problems. Once neutering is done, you can be sure that your dog will not develop testicular tumors in the future. There is some protection against perianal tumors as well as prostate disease as well, because these diseases both are testosterone stimulated. In dogs that don't have their testicles drop down the way that they should, having them neutered is definitely important because testicles that are retained are more likely to end up with tumors.

Lower Fees

In many cases, if you have neutered your dog, you will end up paying lower fees. Often the fee for a license for your dog is a lot cheaper when the dog is neutered, since males that are neutered are thought to create fewer problems.

These are just a few of the benefits of having your male dog neutered. Of course, it can be a bit expensive, and often this can end up costing you about 0 to have it done if it is done right. You also need to remember that you can't show dogs in certain shows if they are neutered. Some dogs may put on a bit of weight if they are fed too much. This means you will need to feed neutered dogs a bit less and make sure he gets enough exercise to prevent excess weight gain after he is neutered.

Benefits of Neutering Your Male Dog

Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at www.ohmydogsupplies.com - where you can find pet dog steps, dog beds, pet gates indoor, and more unique dog gear that you'll never find at your local pet store.


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