Thursday, November 3, 2011

Easy Ways to Break Your Dog From Embarrassing Humping Habits

Does your dog like to embarrass you in front of company by becoming a little too "friendly" with a guest? Did Fido go "nuts" when your boss' wife bent over to pick up the keys she just dropped? It can be both embarrassing and upsetting to see your dog, who's usually cute, innocent, sweet, or even docile start humping everything in sight. Here are some tips you can try to nip this bad habit in the bud.

Demand Their Undivided Attention:


At first sight of your dog showing this truly embarrassing and unruly behavior, you must get his attention. You may clap your hands together sharply, use a stern, crisp voice, or even spray them with water. Be sure not to do anything that may cause undue harm or damage to your dog.

You may also try to distract them with their favorite toy if they are humping something or someone.

It is important to determine the reason your dog is acting this way. Contrary to popular belief, humping isn't always a sexual expression. Your dog may just be trying to show dominance over the object of his humping, or may simply be trying to relieve stress. Female dogs may hump just as feverishly as male dogs. Another explanation may be that your dog simply wants to play. As puppies, humping is a form of getting others to play with them. Humping is very common of dogs from 6 months up to 2 years of age.

Humping for Dominance

Some dogs have the desire to be dominant. As a dog humps something, serotonin flows to the brain in increased amounts, making him feel satisfied. The sexual aspect and the need to feel dominant often coexist. This goes back to the primitive instinct seen in dog packs. The alpha male leader of the pack has the power and social status to mate with any female he chooses. The alpha has first dibs in a pack. Although most often seen in males, the behavior is seen in females as well.

Another reason he is humping may be to get attention. Try leaving the room and see how he reacts. If he stops humping, try praising him.

Become the Alpha Dog

Another key to breaking this habit is to show Fido that YOU, not him, are the alpha male. You don't have to be cruel or hurt him; simply be a strong, positive leader to him. You can set boundaries for your dog and still show him love. This can be done by being in control during walks, having a set feeding schedule, and by limiting where he can sleep.


Neutering is also an option to keep your dog from humping. Neutering can decrease the testosterone level in your dog, reducing his desire to hump.

Although normal, humping is still an embarrassing habit. If you can figure out why this behavior is happening, you can decide which option may be best for you. If he's doing it to be playful, he likely will grow out of it. If he's doing it purely for pleasure, or as a "stress reliever", you should probably consider neutering. If your dog does it for attention, try becoming the alpha. As you can see, just because your dog may hump a hole through a fencepost, all is not lost.

Easy Ways to Break Your Dog From Embarrassing Humping Habits

Rebecca J. Ann has a great passion for dogs. She loves dogs as much as she loves her family. Knowing that heartworm disease is one of the top 10 dog killers, she has built a site about Heartgard for Dogs, where you can learn everything you need to know about Heartgard for dogs and generic Heartgard for dogs.


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