Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dog Collar Size - Picking the Right One For Your Dog

Your dog will be wearing their dog collar for a long time. This is because they hold important information such as ID tags. This means that if your dog happens to get lost, when it is found you can be located as the owner and get your dog back. So you do not want the dog collar to be too tight on your dog since it will be wearing it a lot, as this would be uncomfortable for your dog. On the other hand, a dog collar is very important for when you are walking your dog, as you attach your leash to it, so you do not want your dogs collar to be too big, as if it spots a cat it will likely run off after it. You do not want it to slip off!

dog kennels

First of all, it is important to note that there are no one-size-fits-all collars. There are many collars to pick from. There are three things to consider when picking the right size collar for your dog. First of all, you need to consider the width of the collar. You will also need to consider the length. Finally, you will need to consider how tight the collar feels on your dog before making your decision. Below are some tips for each one, to help you make a good decision;


Width is another way of saying how thick a collar is. When deciding how thick a collar should be, you should go with common sense. Consider the size of your dog. You should never get a poodle and one-inch wide collar. Not only would this look ridiculous, but your dog would struggle to hold the weight of it on its neck. Conversely, you will want to give a big dog a thick collar so it is not too flimsy.

This is a very important step. Before you buy a dog collar, make sure you measure your dogs neck. Take this measurement and then add two or three inches on to the measurement. The length you are left with should be the correct target length of whatever collar you buy. Do not worry about not being able to find a collar to fit the length of your dogs neck. There are lots of different sizes of collars out there.

When you put your collar on your dog, you should be able to slip two fingers in between the collar and your dogs neck. If you are unable to do this, then you know that the collar is too tight on your dogs neck and should be loosened so it does not restrict your dogs breathing. If you can slip more than two fingers in, then you know that it is too loose.

With these tips, you should be able to find the correct size dog collar for your dog easily.

Dog Collar Size - Picking the Right One For Your Dog

If you are interested in getting a dog collar, be sure to visit my site Dog Collar Help first!


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