Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Understanding Dogs and the Dog-Pack Instinct

In the wild, puppies are introduced into the pack shortly after birth, and must learn their place quickly to survive. For thousands of years, canine society has evolved to be gregarious and hierarchical. What does this mean to us? A dog pack works much like a business corporation. Taking advantage of this ensures our canine friends know who the boss is when it comes to protecting and caring for them.

First and foremost, you must make sure your dog understands you are the "alpha dog". In the pack, the alpha dog is the boss - the dog that runs the business of protecting and leading the pack. It's important for you to be the alpha dog so your dog knows who to follow and listen. In the wild, when a subordinate dog challenges the alpha dog, the alpha dog usually responds with a forceful growl or nip. Often the alpha dog forces the subordinate dog onto his or her back to show submission.


Humans can't really growl or nip, but there are other ways you can establish dominance over your dog. You feed him, lead him when you walk, and restrain his actions when needed. Use consistent positive reinforcement and firm correction. Never hit your dog - instead, a simple firm "No" is sufficient. Never give any more than a "No" as this will confuse your dog. Your dog will think you're paying attention to him (a positive reinforcement) and continue the unwanted behavior for attention.

Another way to stop negative behavior is distraction. For example, if they are chewing on something they shouldn't, immediately tell them "No" and pull them away from the bad item. A minute or so later after they have stopped chewing, offer them a chew toy. By doing this, you establish their boundaries and offer them reasonable distraction from the unwanted behavior.

A good way to establish dominance over your dog is to walk them. However, you must walk them the right way from the start. When you are getting ready to take your dog out for a walk, never put on the leash before the dog is calm and sitting patiently. This can be done as long as you have already taught your dog basic "sit" commands. Once your dog is ready, make him or her walk besides you. Do not allow your dog to pull the lead and dominate the walk. Shorten the length of the lead and keep the dog beside you, with you leading the way.

If you have a larger dog (60+ pounds) and they have a problem with pulling the lead, the use of a choke chain is recommended by most conventional trainers. Do not overuse the choke chain though, and let the dog pull the chain (it will tighten and correct his pulling). Never jerk the chain back too harshly when using a choke chain. A choke chain generally will safely and quickly correct pulling behavior and can eventually be replaced with a standard collar.

How do dogs in the wild share positive social bonds with the alpha dog running the show? Well, mostly through attention. They play with each other, groom each other, and sleep near each other. Even though the alpha dog is definitely in charge, he also protects the pack. So even though you may feel like a taskmaster always telling your best friend "No", understand that your dog craves this structure. Always balance positive reinforcement with obedience training. It offers him safety, food, play and mostly positive attention!

Understanding Dogs and the Dog-Pack Instinct

Dominic Lee is the spokeperson for - the premier internet destination for pet supplies, accessories, and products for pets. For products which can help you train your dog, please checkout:


Therapy Dog Training - Working With Your Dog

Therapy dog training, while important, is something with which many people are not familiar. A therapy dog is one that is used to do animal assisted therapy and activities. Organizations train the dog to help people in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and virtually anywhere people need some sort of therapy. So, then, how do dogs become therapy dogs? It is a fairly simple process.

pamper your dog

A Good Citizen


Though the requirements for therapy dog training vary from state to state, it is almost universal that the dog must be certified as a canine good citizen. In order to receive that, you have to train your dog to be focused and well behaved around distractions. Generally your local animal shelter or even a therapy dog training center will have classes available for you to learn how to turn your dog into a canine good citizen.

Classes for Therapy

Therapy dog training can start as soon as your dog has been certified as a canine good citizen. The training consists mainly of teaching your dog how to ignore things like hospital equipment and school noises that he or she may not be used to being around. They also train the dog to help with simple activities and therapy with those who need it. However, in many cases, the therapy is really just the presence of the dog. Those using the services of dogs trained in how to perform the therapy can be anything from walking them, to reading to them, to simply being around them.

Where to Go

If you are interested in therapy dog training for your four legged pal, then you should check out the internet or your local yellow pages. Whether you live in Virginia, California, or anywhere else, there is an organization in your area that will help you not only teach your dog how to become a therapy dog, but also get him out in the community and doing his part. Additionally, you can volunteer to help with everything from training to the therapy itself. Just get in contact with your local organization.

Therapy dog training can be incredibly rewarding. When you teach your dog how to react to the situations with which he will be presented, you are putting him in a situation to be more than just a pet. You and your dog together can be real additions to the community and help your fellow man.

Therapy Dog Training - Working With Your Dog

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of providing tips and advice on dog obedience training [] at home, including obedience, potty training and more.


Dog Training Tricks Help Your Dog Learn Faster

Training your pet can be very frustrating, but there are many dog training tricks that you can use to make your work easier. These tricks include:

pamper your dog

1) Make the training fun. This will help the pet learn faster. You can develop plays that you know are fun and you should incorporate whatever you want to teach the dog in these plays.


2) The training should also be fun for you. This will reduce your frustration and boredom.

3) You should only train the puppy for a few minutes each day. This way, the they will not get bored. A training session should be about 15 minutes long.

4) Food is also a great motivator for animals... You should use small one-bite treats whenever the dog does something right and you should praise it with a positive-sounding voice. You should know what your dog likes for this to be effective.

5) To teach your puppy common terms such as 'come' and 'sit', you can make use of one-bite treats. When the dog comes over or sits, give it the one-bite treats. You can practice this while you are doing other things such as watching TV.

6) Consistence is very important when training. If you change the training regimen, you will have to start from scratch.

7) One of the most important dog training tricks is that you should avoid getting frustrated or angry at the dog. The dog will sense this and it will be confused and scared.

8) You should understand your dog. Different dogs respond differently to different words and sounds and you should know what these are. You should note that different breeds have different capabilities when training the dog - learn what the capabilities, limitations, and special needs for your dog are.

9) Create a dog friendly environment. The dog will not respond well to training if it is scared of uncomfortable. A dog friendly environment also means limiting access to objects that the dog can chew such as shoes.

10) Get training early on how to train your puppy. There are many online and offline publications on how to train dogs. You should go for publications from renowned writers since some writer do not know more than you do. You can also get a dog training DVD.

11) Make sure you correct the bad behavior immediately after they have done something wrong such as 'going' in the house. If you do not catch the dog in the act, you should not punish it since it will not know why it is being punished.

12) Incorporate common commands such as 'sit' and 'come' in your daily routine. This way, your pet will get comfortable in performing them. An example of this is telling the dog to 'sit' everyday before you give it dinner or telling the dog to 'down stay' whenever you are answering the phone.

13) Finally, another of the important dog training tricks is that you should make sure the dog has mastered one command before moving to another lesson. You should never attempt to teach the dog more than one trick at a time as this will only cause confusion to the dog and frustration to you.

Dog Training Tricks Help Your Dog Learn Faster

Yoshie William is dedicated to the care of her pets, and providing information resources for those like minded pet owners. Please keep in mind that "A good dog is trained".

If you're a pet lover like me, I'd love to have you visit my blog:

House Train Your Puppy


How to Train Your Old Dog to Do New Tricks

If you want to start teaching your old dog to do new some new tricks, or have a new puppy that you want to teach, then you will want to learn all you can about various training methods that will work well with just about any dog. No matter how old your dog is, you can start to teach them a number of tricks without going to a lot of trouble in the process.

One of the more common tricks that people like to teach their dogs is to sit. This is a rather simple one, because it basically involves physically positioning them in the correct posture, then rewarding them. Although you may need to do this a few times before they get it down, it will be a trick that will stay with them for the entire span of their lives.


Some people want to know how to teach their dog to speak. This is a little bit more tricky in the sense that it may take a little bit more time than teaching your dog to sit. Almost all dogs naturally bark at just about everything, including people passing by outside, the phone ringing, or even the vacuum running. When your dog start to bark, you encourage them by saying "Speak!" and then giving them a treat to praise them.

Teaching your dog to roll over is another simple trick that can be done in just a few days time. It is easier if your dog already knows how to lay down on command, but if they don't, simply position them in that posture. Once you have them laying down on the floor, you will want to wrap your arms around their mid-section, rolling them over and giving them the proper command in the process. This might take a few tries, because not all dogs are the same, but eventually your pet will get it.

How to Train Your Old Dog to Do New Tricks

You might also want to read about infant girl shoes by going to


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Clipping a Dog - What's the Best Way to Clip Your Dog?

Very few people see clipping their dogs as an art form. Instead, they just tackle certain areas, such as scraggly fur on the feet, to keep their dogs from tacking in mud. In an effort to get rid of undesirable hair, however, many owners forget that clipping their dogs can actually cause damage.

When you decide to clip your dog's fur, keep his breed in mind. If you clip a longer haired breed incorrectly, dust accumulates in the coat, causing skin problems. In addition, parasites like ticks and fleas can move and breed more freely if your dog's coat isn't card for or clipped correctly.


You need to trim your dog's nails to avoid breaking, splitting, and pain while walking. That's because overlong toenails cause the nail to turn sideways, or even to dig into the foot. When a dog has claws that are too long, it becomes easy to catch them on hard surfaces or to break or split them.

Injuries also easily occur during clipping of nails. The quick of the nail will bleed it it's cut. This is the source of blood supplying the nail, as well as where the nerves are located. This keeps the nail alive and growing. However, this area is situated far back inside the nail, and will only be exposed if you cut the nail too short or if it splinters. This can be sensitive or painful.

When cutting your dog's nails and hair, make sure you always use very sharp clippers. For nails, make sure you get the right tools for the job - nail clippers for people just don't work for dogs. There are lots of new types of nail clippers out there that are made to cut down on pain and damage.

If you live in an area that's cold in winter, don't clip your dog during the cold months unless you have to. The winter can be very stressful for your dog if his coat isn't long enough to protect him. Remember that dogs can get frostbite the same way we can.

In the summer, make sure you don't clip your dog's hair too short. If you do, you'll be exposing his skin to the sun - a dog's fur helps keep him cool in hot weather. Shortening the hair is okay, but don't cut the hair so short the skin shows.

If your dog is sick or otherwise unhealthy, avoid clipping him. That's because it can cause more stress. Only clip a sick dog to remove broken nails or dirty fur that can't be cleaned.

Walking your dog on concrete daily can help keep your dog's nails worn down in a more even, gradual way. This helps you avoid having to deal with clippers.

Of course, for the best results, talk to a professional dog groomer with the experience to clip specific breeds.

Clipping a Dog - What's the Best Way to Clip Your Dog?

It's also important to look into the right dog training tools to make sure your pooch behaves like you want him or her to.

Click Here for a proven dog training program that you can start using today to improve your relationship with your pet!


The Benefits of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet

Pet owners everywhere are faced with an important decision when they acquire or adopt a new, young pet: "Should we have Fluffy fixed?" This is a very important decision as it has potential repercussions on a number of different fronts.

The first reason to alter a pet is to prevent the birth of unwanted litters. The American Humane Society views this as the most important reason to alter a pet. They have animal shelters across the country that house animals that have no homes due to over population. One of the reasons the shelters are overpopulated is that too many animals are left to reproduce freely.


Another reason to alter a pet is that the pet will be happier and more content with its world. Unaltered pets have a tendency to be anxious or frustrated. The pet may pace, whine, act aggressively, or act inappropriately with furniture or people. The pet is unable to achieve happiness inside the house or outside and is driven in this unhappiness by something he or she cannot understand. Altering a pet will put an end to this behavior because the drive is gone.

As pet lovers everywhere will attest, pets always die too early. They are never around long enough. Altering a pet has the potential to increase the animal's life span. This is because spaying a female pet will eliminate uterine infection and can reduce the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering a male pet will prevent testicular and prostate cancer. On top of these health benefits, the pet won't face as much danger from being in fights, being run over, or even exposed to disease while on the prowl searching for a mate.

Some people feel they cannot afford to have their pet altered. What they don't realize is that not altering the pet can lead to some very expensive consequences. The cost of spaying a pet is a drop in the bucket of what it costs to feed and to raise a litter of puppies or kittens. When all goes well, the cost of vet care for the mother and all of her babies is substantial. When everything does not go perfectly, it is even worse. Problems during delivery can lead to a C-section, lost puppies, and even the loss of the mother. An altered pet requires fewer vet bills, and, with the reduced food intake, is less expensive overall.

For more information on pets and their issues, please visit

The Benefits of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet

Joseph Devine


Dog Breeding - What You Need to Know About Dogs in Heat

For people who want to know the facts about dogs in heat, there are certain questions that they need practical answers to. The heat period in canines is known as the estrous cycle. This is the period when the dog has a big chance to become pregnant when mated with a stud. The obvious sign is vaginal bleeding and swollen vulva. Particularly in small breeds, the bleeding is not profuse. You will also notice that the female dog will urinate more frequently. And when there are male dogs that suddenly hang around your yard, it is a sure sign that your pet is in heat.

On the average, the heat cycle in female dogs occurs when they are between six and twelve months old. However, it can happen sooner or later in some dogs. The smaller dog breeds usually experience their first cycle earlier while the larger dog breeds might come into heat later than the average. Normally, a female dog comes into heat two times in a year.


There are four parts in the estrous cycle of female canines:
The first stage is called proestrous which could last for as short as 4 days or as long as twenty days. The female dog is not open to male dogs at this point. The dog is usually shy while she bleeds and has a swollen vulva. The second stage of being in heat is the estrous part. It could last between 5 to 13 days long. At this stage, the color of the secreted blood is lighter and the female dog becomes more receptive to males. The third stage is called diestrous in which there is lesser secretion and female dogs start to become disinterested in male dogs. If the dog is pregnant, the pregnancy will last between 60 and 64 days. The final stage is called anestrus in which the heat cycle is over. The dog stays in this stage for about 5-11 months.

For most breeders, testing the levels of progesterone is the best way to determine the most fertile days in order to have higher chances of getting the dog pregnant. For pet owners who don't want puppies, spaying is the best option. But as traditional practice, it is best to allow a female dog to undergo a cycle first or have puppies at least once. Nowadays, pets can be spayed earlier. You can get information from your vet as to the most appropriate time for spaying your dog.

Dog Breeding - What You Need to Know About Dogs in Heat

To learn more about your dog, visit our dog information site. Looking for a great dog lover gift? Visit


Homemade Dog Food Benefits

Homemade dog food is the healthiest thing we can feed our dogs. It is free of additives, preservatives, and chemicals because you make it fresh at home. The benefits of making your dog's food at home are numerous but they include:

Complete Control Of The Contents
Health Benefits
Less Health Care Costs
All Natural Ingredients


They all coincide with each other. If your dog is eating the proper food, they become healthier. This, in turn, leads to fewer visits to the vet and lower vet bills. Homemade dog food promotes better health for your canine. They have shinier coats, better breath, and less gas. Dogs are much happier eating homemade dog food too because you can offer them more variety; not just dried up food pellets. Many homemade recipes include chicken, fish, rice, or eggs. You may also choose to give your pet a vegetarian or raw food diet. This is made much easier when you are on a homemade diet.

The number of homemade dog food recipes that are available on the web are growing everyday. There are even specific recipes for certain dog breeds or recipes for very large dogs. You can have a vegan dog is you choose to go that route. The possibilities are endless. All it take is a little research and effort and you will be feeding your canine the best diet for them. Be sure to check with your vet before starting any customized diet to see where your dog's health can be improved. Your dog will thank you.

Homemade Dog Food Benefits

I hope you enjoyed finding out the benefits of feeding your favorite four-legged friend homemade dog food. If you are interested in making your own dog food at home, feel free to check out the recipes on this page at Thank you for taking the time to read my article. - Jessica B.


Barking Dog Problems

Barking dog problems can be neighbor dogs or your own dog. In either case, dog barking is one of the most frequent complaints of dog owners. Responsible dog owners will train their pets to control excess barking. And it is excessive barking that is the problem. Dogs bark, that's just what dogs do. But the constant yapping frays nerves and strains relationships between people.

Neighbor Dog


Is your neighbor dog barking? Many areas have ordinances against dog barking, but law enforcement people will seldom become involved in dog barking problems. Neighbors must work it out some way. Your neighbor with the barking dog may not know how to train the dog to stop barking. You could suggest some training material. You could suggest some ideas yourself too. Maybe the dog owner doesn't care. This may require more drastic action.

One possible solution is the ultrasonic noise generator. Dog barking triggers a blast of ultrasonic noise irritating to the dog but not to people. This works for many dogs but not for all. It's worth a try on the neighbor dog.

Your Dog

Maybe the problem is with your dog! Do not despair. It is very possible to train your dog to control barking.

The first step to control your barking dog problem is to observe. Just watch your dog for patterns to the barking. Can you see a cause for the noise. Often barking is from boredom or loneliness. Your dog may simply need more attention. But make sure your dog is not training you. Link some rewards for the behavior you want and some negative happenings with undesired conduct. Also lack of exercise causes some dogs to bark just from excess energy. Can you make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise?

Sometimes a training collar may help. But make sure you don't jump straight to what you think will be the instant solution. Deal with the real cause and your dog will be better adjusted in the long run. The cause of the excess barking is where you must spend your effort.

Barking Dog Problems

Believe me I know how stressful dog barking can get! Visit our site to get help with barking dog problems.

Go to and stop the dog barking fast.

Al Bullington's nerves cannot handle constant dog barking in the daytime or at night.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Female Puppy Spayed

For those of you who are unaware of what spaying is, it is the surgical removal of the female's uterus and ovaries in animals. It is also known as "fixing" or "ovariohysterectomy". Spaying has become very common among all kinds of animals but especially with dogs and cats. Spaying seems to be the only procedure that prevents pregnancy in dogs and cats.

Is spaying a good idea?


If you have been paying close attention to the latest articles all round the world, you will learn that there is an overpopulation of pets and just not enough potential owners. There are too many puppies and kittens and almost no one to take care of them. Hence spaying plays an important part. Spaying your pet may seem like your helping solve a national problem but in reality you are helping your pet. You are ensuring a longer healthy life for them. Spaying is definitely a good idea; it is giving your dog additional years of life.

Spaying female dogs:

For most of us having a litter of puppies sounds very interesting and in some way we believe we are helping our dogs develop better or so. This is not true. Having a litter of puppies does not alter the maturity of any dog. Spaying is advised since not all the puppies find homes. Also, not every pregnancy goes smooth. They suffer from very difficult labor, health problems in the mother, puppy mortality etc. There are tons of dog owners who regret allowing their dog get pregnant and swear to never let it happen again.


Spaying is the procedure in which the female reproductory tract is completely removed. The ovaries, uterine horns, oviducts and the uterus are removed. It is a major surgery since it involves entering the abdomen. Do not get worried, it is a routine surgery and hence very safe. Spaying your puppy is necessary, it is not an option. This procedure rules out the possibility of pregnancy with your dogs completely.

When should you spay your female dog?

Most people are under the misconception that they should spay their female dogs after its first heat or first litter. Spaying can be done even before your dogs first heat cycle. Spaying your dog reduces the chances of it getting mammary cancer or any other reproductive cancer. It reduces it by nearly 70%. It does not just help to prevent cancer; it helps to prevent pyometra which is a disease that overtakes almost every female dog. It is recommended that you spay your dog before it is six months old. However, it is never too late to spay your dog. Remember that spaying your dog is basically you taking measures to prevent your dog from getting any fatal diseases while ensuring it has a healthy and long life. So if you have female puppies or dogs, no matter how old, rush over to the closest veterinarian and have your female puppy spayed. Give them the quality, healthy life they deserve. Enjoy more years with your faithful, loving pet.
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Female Puppy Spayed

Find more articles like this at, all tips for you puppy lovers.


Dog Obedience Training - How To Train Your Dog To Obey You At Your Command

Obedience dog training has been one of the most vital part of dog training as it improves the communication between you and your dog. It also assist in preventing of unacceptable behavior like chewing, digging, excessive barking, jumping up, whining e.t.c.

knit your dog book

In dog training, obedience is a very important and that is why you will see so many articles and theories online and at the end of the day, it will not work. But I will show you in this article, secrets to get your dog to obey you at your command. Here below are the simple tips to achieve this task.


1. Reward: Firstly, let me sound this note of warning, never reward/praise your dog when it has done nothing that deserve that, got that. Only reward your dog when it does what you ask of it and make sure you reward it immediately and if it is correction make sure you do that at that instant, doing the correction at other times may confuse your dog.

2. Slow and steady: some one said "slow and steady wins the race." In dog training, you have to take the commands slowly and one by one. make sure it masters one command before going to another. Then continue to mentally challenge your dog during the process of training.

3. Timing: Time and accuracy is another essential thing in dog training obedience for example, do not try to correct your dog if it is not in the act of unacceptable behaviors. Late correction will only succeed in confusing your dog, so make sure you always watch out for this whenever you want to reward or correct your dog for anything.

Dog Obedience Training - How To Train Your Dog To Obey You At Your Command

Hence I implore you to go to  obedience dog training where you will get more tips on how to train your dog successfully and prevent bad behaviors from your dog like excessive barking,chewing,whining,digging e.t.c. Click here to get more tips on how to get most out of your dog


Concerning Your Dog's Sleep

Dogs love to sleep. For the record, most dogs sleep for about 14 hours a day. This is including short naps and long dozes. You may think that dogs can sleep just anywhere. That is another misconception. Some dogs are, for a fact, particular about where to sleep.

pamper your dog

Where to make your dog sleep is not an easy decision to make. You cannot just decide for your dog, though. It is better that you observe your pet where it usually takes its nap or where it normally sleeps first. Of course, you cannot just let your dog sleep around just anywhere. Let's say your pet loves to take its nap on the sofa, but you hate its hair spread all over the couch. Discipline your dog when you need to. Train your dog if you plan to designate a place for it to sleep.


Many dog owners allow their dogs to sleep with them on the bed. This is not advisable, though. You may allow your dog to sleep with you in your room but not on your bed. However, if you have a strong bond with your dog and your dog does not have any unusual or unpleasant behavior, allowing your dog to sleep on the bed with you should not be a concern.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding where your dog sleeps. These include the age and size of your dog, its behavior, how it sleeps, and the materials used for the bedding (in case you plan to buy your dog a bed).

The age and size of your dog will help you determine how big or small bedding or a cage you should choose for your pet. If you are to buy bedding and you are petting a puppy, you have to determine how big its breed can grow. Unless, you are willing to buy new beddings each time it outgrows the old one. Now, if you have an adult dog, what you need to consider is how your dog sleeps. Does it curl or does it stretch? The materials used for the bedding should also be considered as there are materials that when combined with urine, can produce poisonous substance.

Provide a bed for your dog. If you can afford to buy your dog bedding, it will be a much more comfortable option. For young puppies, folded up towels will do. You can also knit scrap cloths or old clothes that are not anymore being worn. This should keep the puppies warm during the night. Adult dogs can sleep in rags. There is also a variety of beddings available for them. You should be careful, however, in choosing beds for your dog. Make sure that the materials used for the bed passed the health and sanitary standards.

Another option is a sleeping quarter. We already know about a dog's sleeping pattern. Dogs sleep and nap a lot. So, providing them a sleeping quarter could be a good move. Just make sure to always keep it clean and dry. The size of the sleeping quarter should also be spacious enough for your dog to be able to move or turn around with ease. See to it that the cage will not restrict your dog to move, stretch or stand up comfortably.

Concerning Your Dog's Sleep

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on dogs and pets and visit our associated site funny pet videos.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dog GPS Collars - Track Down Your Dog When He Runs Away

With the development and refinement of GPS technology, we have now seen a plethora of more creative uses for these devices. Chief amongst these in my mind is the creation of the dog GPS collar. This an absolutely brilliant idea and one I will explore in this article.

knit your dog book

The basic problem with dogs is when they run away. Maybe they escape through the gate or by some other means, but once they're gone they sure can be tough to track down. I know that I have often had to spend literally hours combing through neighborhood after neighborhood for my pup, only to finally be relieved (but tired) when I found her not all that far from home.


With the new dog GPS collar, this never has to happen again. All that you have to do is attach this collar around the dog's neck and it has a built-in GPS tracker already in it. If Fido escapes and you can't immediately hunt him down, just turn around and log onto your computer. From there you will be able to see exactly where he is. This is so great because it vastly reduces the chance of losing your dog in a fatal car crash.

I love that GPS is stretching so far into our lives. It really has some great applications, and I suspect we'll find more and more as time goes on. In the end, it is all about safety and convenience. Save yourself money, grief, and time by investing in a dog GPS collar.

Dog GPS Collars - Track Down Your Dog When He Runs Away

The author has written about technology, dog GPS, the Bluetooth GPS receiver, and other innovative uses of this new "mapping" tool.


Heat and Pregnancy - The Most Stressful Times in a Dog's Life?

Any woman who's experienced PMS or been pregnant can empathize with other women going through the same thing; it's not much different for your dog! When she's in heat or due to be, she'll experience rapid and turbulent changes to her hormonal levels that may temporarily alter her character.

The heat cycle - also known as 'season' or estrus - usually happens for the first time when your dog is around eight months old but some breeds don't start until they are eighteen months old. After that, it should occur every six months but this differs with each breed.


The signs that she's about to come into season include changes to her personality such as signs of distress and restlessness, changes to her appetite, swelling of the vulva and often a pink discharge and tucking her tail in if another dog comes near her.

During this time, you may find that she's clingy and doesn't want to 'share' you with anyone. She might also become aggressive towards other dogs - even dogs she's familiar with - especially if they are male. She may become difficult to control outside and might try to 'flirt' with male dogs but then become aggressive if the dog tries to mount her. Unless you specifically want to breed from her, it's usually best to keep her as close to home as possible with as little contact with other dogs as possible.

If she becomes pregnant, you may notice that she again becomes aggressive and/or anxious. This is normal and is nature's design to help the bitch keep her and her puppies safe at this vulnerable time. The average gestation period for dogs is about 63 days and it's very important to pay special attention to her diet; obesity during pregnancy can cause blood sugar disorders that endanger the lives of mother and pups.

Her need to protect her unborn pups is paramount to her so try to avoid putting her in situations that are likely to trigger that protectiveness into aggression or distress. For instance, avoid having new people around her and don't try any obedience training during her pregnancy. Don't make changes to the home such as moving her basket or redecorating; she needs things to be as calm and 'same-old' as possible.

During the final three weeks of her pregnancy, she needs seclusion as much as possible. This includes stopping contact with any other dogs you may have. The past few months will have been a difficult and confusing time for your dog. On the one hand, she's doing what nature intended and reproducing but on the other, she's not used to doing this and some dogs cope less well with change than others.

Being in heat and being pregnant are very stressful times for a bitch but you can help her by ensuring that her world is as comfortable and unchanging as possible. Stability and wellness matter more now than probably at any other time in her life so whether she's in heat or pregnant, treat her as you would expect to treat a human female; gently and with understanding!

Heat and Pregnancy - The Most Stressful Times in a Dog's Life?

The author is the owner of Learn about dog parvo symptoms and pregnant dog symptoms from an expert at his dog symptoms site.


Precautions With Pets During Pregnancy

If you have pets in the family, it is natural that you will have concerns regarding them during your spouse's pregnancy. Fortunately, you need not rush to offer your pet for adoption. Discuss with your vet any risks that your pet may pose for the baby and take adequate steps to eliminate them before bringing the baby home.

These are some of the precautions you might have to take with your pet:



o Retrain your dog to modify any of its habits that could be a problem once the baby arrives.
o Teach it to distinguish between its own toys and those of the baby.
o Once the baby arrives, continue to show attention to your pet as before to avoid jealousy.
o Do not leave your dog alone with the child.


o Have your spouse tested for toxoplasmosis immunity to avoid infecting the baby.
o Do not let your spouse change your pet's litter box.
o Do not leave the cat alone with the baby.


o Inform your spouse's doctor about your bird and discuss precautions you may need to take.
o Have a pet bird examined beforehand to rule out the risk of infection to your baby.
o Make it a practice for both you and your spouse to wash your hands after handling your pet or its cage.

Exotic pets

o Inform your spouse's doctor about your pet and discuss precautions you may need to take.
o Make it a practice for both you and your spouse to wash your hands after handling your pet or its cage.
o Do not allow pets such as reptiles, amphibians, or tarantulas near the kitchen or area where you prepare your baby's food.
o Do not let your baby handle your exotic pet.

Precautions With Pets During Pregnancy

Paul Banas is a founder of

He writes articles on planning a baby, pregnancy tips, newborn baby and many more topics related to dads.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pet Health Care Costs

One of the biggest things to keep in mind before deciding to purchase an animal is going to be the pet health care costs you'll be facing. These costs differ dramatically between different types of pets and different situations. For instance, there's probably no comparing the most dire medical costs for a hamster to even the most basic health costs of a horse. While we'd all like nothing more than for our pets to be entirely healthy and happy for all the years of their lives, we must operate under the assumption that something serious inevitably will happen, and that in such an event, we, as owners, must be willing to pay the resulting veterinary costs. So what kind of up front costs can you expect? What should you be prepared for? Read on to have your questions answered.

As you make your pet purchasing decisions, ask yourself how much pet health care cost you're prepared to deal with. If your answer is "not very much," it's probably best to invest in a lower budget animal such as a goldfish or betta fish or a small mammal like a hamster or mouse. This is not to say that these animals will have perfect health and will never need to see the vet, but the likelihood of a fish or hamster incurring hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of medical care is slim. Unlike dogs, cats, or horses, a fish or small mammal doesn't require yearly vaccinations or check-ups. If you're on a budget, avoid any animal that's considered "exotic" such as reptiles, amphibians, and exotic birds like parrots. Many times, these animals require special, difficult to find vets who charge more for their expertise. Research and plan before you buy!


While you may not have any up-front health costs for a hamster, fish, or other small animal, you have to consider the fact that your pet may take ill at some point. For fish, one of your biggest concerns will be a disease called Ich, which can be treated with a bottle of solution from the pet store. For hamsters, mice, and other rodents, home-diagnosis is usually tricky, so a trip to the vet will be necessary. Most vets charge a flat fee for an office visit-that is, just for bringing your animal into the exam room. This fee varies from vet to vet, but expect to pay anywhere between and just for the visit, plus extra for whatever medication your pet might require.

For larger or more exotic animals, your pet health care costs will inevitably increase. Puppies and kittens alike must have 3 or 4 rounds of booster shots in their first few months of life. Depending on your vet, this set of vaccinations can run anywhere from to 0. After the booster shots, your cat or dog will need a check up, vaccination, and rabies shot every year for the rest of their life. On top of that, you'll need to have your dog or cat spayed or neutered around the age of 6 months. The cost of spaying or neutering depends upon the type of animal, and upon the animal's gender. As spaying is far more invasive than neutering, it's naturally going to be more expensive, and since dogs are generally larger than cats, the cost will be greater for dogs. Expect to pay between and 0 to have a cat altered and between and 0 to have a dog altered. Some cities offer low-cost spay/neuter clinics where you can get a considerably reduced-cost surgery--a feline neutering could be as little as at a low-cost clinic!

As much as you don't want to think about it, you must also factor potential major illnesses or emergency situations into your pet planning. A basic broken bone can rack up a bill around ,000 for a dog or cat. A major internal surgery and stay at the vet could cost you upwards of 00. Treatment for a chronic illness such as cancer could have you looking at numbers in the ,000's as well. Some animals may develop conditions that require daily medication, in which case you'll have monthly costs to contend with that could be from for a basic medication on up. For horses or other larger animals, add another zero to each of these cost estimates.

While owning a pet should never be reduced to a matter of numerical figures, the reality of pet health care costs must be dealt with before you bring an animal into your home. You owe it to yourself to be fiscally responsible, but moreover, you owe it to the living creature who is going to be depending on you for its every need.

Pet Health Care Costs

About The Author: Barry S. Mcgee is a pet enthusiast. His site at: provides advice and information on all aspects of pet care for all types of pets including dogs, cats, ferrets and others and makes it easier for pet owners to choose the best solution for their companion's care.

For answers to all your pet care questions, please visit:


Dog Food Reviews - Helping You in Getting Top Quality Food for Your Pets

Have you just owned a new pet, are you looking for getting best dog food for your pets?

You can get some of the best ones online. There are many of the dog food reviews that you can find online. These reviews will be very helpful for you to know what is best for you pets and what is not. Providing your dog with the best food can be very pleasing for you and your dog. Your dog will be thankful and happy at the same time finding that you care so much for them. Also with the best quality food your pets will have healthy and active body.


Healthy living is must for all of us. So why not treat our pets also the best we can. Give them the beat food they deserve and see what difference this makes. They will be more loyal to you and you will be served better for your services.

In the market flooded with lots of pet foods, it is sometimes harder to get the best quality of food for your pets. But if you invest some time into it you can get the best food that has high minerals and vitamins together with good quality ingredients.

You can get this high quality of foods at affordable prices if you search a bit. Compromising with low quality of food because of low-budget is not a better idea. You can even get branded and top quality of pet foods like Beneful, Blue Buffalo, etc. if you invest some time into it. There are many companies that offer you discounts and best deals when you order them online.

Also there are many of the food coupons that you can get online and get heavy discounts on every purchase. With the offers like these and much more it is very easy to get high quality of pet foods at very affordable prices.

Dog Food Reviews - Helping You in Getting Top Quality Food for Your Pets

Get some Blue Buffalo coupon and Beneful coupon to make your purchase really affordable.


Is Your Dog Angry?

A growl is part of a dog's language. They growl when playing and they growl when threatened. So how do we know when our dog is angry?

stop your dog from barking

Your dog is probably the most honest living member of the household! You know exactly what they think when they give you that 'look'. Most owners become attuned to their dog's characteristics and traits and can usually identify the dog's attitude by its manner.


However, some dogs will change their behaviour for any number of reasons. Here are a few to consider.

Illness and injury
If, for no reason, your dog suddenly snaps at you, the animal could be suffering from an undiagnosed illness or injury. If a dog is in pain, it will immediately use aggression to warn the person or other animal to 'get away'. This is a natural reaction, but it should be investigated immediately.

Common conditions include arthritis (joint pain), a missing tooth, foreign objects wedged in the paw and eczema. Seeking veterinarian assistance immediately is recommended.

If the dog's condition is not remedied it will begin to think it is being punished for no reason at all which will only lead to more stress and increased aggression.

Fear Your animal could be experiencing fear for any number of reasons. If your dog came to you from an unknown origin, it may have developed responses to certain movements or actions from past abuse. For example, a dog that was kicked by a previous owner will probably have an aversion to feet and legs. When a dog is fearful or frightened it will reflect this by its posture. The tail will rest tightly between the legs and it will probably snarl. In such a situation it is important to remember that any form of punishment will only add to the animal's problem. Identify what is causing the fear and ensure that all members of the household are aware of the problem. In such situations, the remedy is to work on improving the relationship and gaining the animal's trust.

Dominant dogs
A dominant dog will display aggression differently to a dog that is afraid. Where a fearful dog will complete its growl with a high-pitched bark, a dominant dog will simply growl long and deep. Its posture will say, "watch out", the tail will be erect and the ears will sit forward.

Never approach or challenge a dog that is showing this form of aggression. In the first instance, it is best to ignore the animal rather than challenge it. But do not ignore the problem. There are also a number of books available that deal with aggression in dogs, including 'Who's the Boss - Understanding and Living with Your Dog', by Australian dog trainer Val Bonney, telephone (07) 3300 2959. However, seek guidance from a qualified dog trainer in your area as soon as possible.

There are many reasons why a dog becomes irritated and the only way for it to express its irritation is to growl and bare its teeth. This is a common problem around children and people who are not familiar with dog behaviour. A person or child could inadvertently irritate the animal or even threaten it by certain actions. Supervising young children around dogs is essential. A young child can not expect to know the ins and outs of dog psychology yet they are very susceptible to injury should a dog decide to bite or attack.

Is Your Dog Angry?

For lots of easy to read articles, full of useful information that is sure to help you out with your pet or pets, go to While you are there sign up for the PET NEWS email newsletter - it is FREE and packed with handy tips for pet owners.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Spaying And Neutering Pets - Myths And Facts

With millions of unwanted animals losing their lives in shelters around the country each year, clearing up some common misconceptions about spaying and neutering that pet owners have is a very crucial part of humane education. Below are some of the common objections people raise when they are urged by animal rescue workers to alter their pets, and the facts provided to overcome these objections.

Myth: Spaying or neutering will make my pet fat and lazy. The truth is: Pets become overweight for the same reasons people do: overeating and not getting enough exercise. Don't overfeed your pet, and be sure that he/she gets plenty of play time and has lots of interesting toys to play with.


Myth: My cat/dog should have one litter first. The truth is: There is no medical evidence to support the theory that having a litter before spaying is good for a cat or dog. On the contrary, females spayed before their first heat cycle have a greatly reduced occurrence of breast cancer. If the reason you want your pet to have puppies or kittens is so that your children can witness "the miracle of birth" then contact your local no-kill rescue organization and foster a pregnant cat or dog. Many no-kill organizations take in pregnant animals, and are always desperately seeking foster homes for them. Usually the rescue organization will cover any veterinary expenses involved with the foster animal and her litter, and many will even provide food and litter for the animals in their foster system.

Myth: I can find good homes for the puppies and kittens. While you may believe that you will be able to get friends, relatives, and acquaintances to adopt the first litter, how many of the offspring will really have a good home for life? What about subsequent litters? Will the person taking the offspring take responsibility to get the animal vet care when needed, and alter the puppy or kitten...or will the animal produce litters of its own, thus adding to the growing tragedy of pet overpopulation? Kittens and puppies given away for free often end up in research labs or used in dog fighting rings as bait, so don't EVER advertise free puppies or kittens.

Myth: My pet is a purebred, so I don't want to alter him/her. The sad truth is, at least one fourth of the animals that enter our shelters each year are also purebred pets. They are often purchased from a puppy mill or high priced breeder and then become abandoned or given up when they become inconvenient. If you are looking for a purebred pet, most shelters actually have lists where potential owners can sign up and be notified when the breed they are looking for comes in. There are also many breed-specific rescue groups that exist to help unwanted purebreds. If you must have a purebred, save a life and adopt one from a shelter or breed-specific rescue organization.

Myth: I cannot afford to get my pet fixed. The truth is: How can you afford NOT to? Spaying or neutering is a one-time cost, which greatly benefits the animal, you, and your community. Many organizations offer low cost spay/neuter help. In fact, if you live in Florida you can visit This site is a directory of Florida low cost programs, organized by county. Even if you are not a Florida resident, there are national links provided on this site so that residents in other states can find assistance as well. Because your pet will be less likely to develop certain cancers later in life, and altered males are much less likely to fight (and become injured), in the long run you will most likely save on vet bills. Also, the financial costs incurred by county agencies to euthanize unwanted animals run high...and their expenses to euthanize these animals are passed on to us, the taxpayers.

Spaying And Neutering Pets - Myths And Facts

Joanna Sunderman is the publisher of

To learn more about the benefits of spaying and neutering pets, humane help for feral cats, and how to find low cost spay and neuter help in Florida as well as in other areas, please visit


Should You Feed Your Dog With Hills Science Dog Food?

Hills Science Diet dog food has been in development and improving since the 1960's. Each of their lines are designed with your dogs breed, size and health requirements in mind and they offer plenty of exiting deals such as the "3 Bag Challenge" to prove their food to be superior to other name brands.

All of the Hills Science Diet dog food lines are built around the principal of them not being a miracle product, but rather merely giving your pet the proper nutrition they need in the first place. Many dog health problems are directly related to the poor grade dog food that many of us are brought up to believe is good for them.


So many of us have heard that it's bad to feed anything but regular food to our animals -- not realizing that many commercial dog food has nothing but fillers and by-products in them, with little thought toward your dogs nutrition.

Your canine friend should have a naturally shiny coat, have a bowel movement 3 or more times a day and be otherwise quite active even while in your house. Commercial foods (even expensive ones) will leave your dog feeling sick, bloated and have to put forth much effort to have a regular bowel movement.

Hills Science Diet dog food uses natural animal products -- with only essential plant products in their foods. Your dog will thrive mostly on premium protein ingredients, with vitamins and natural antioxidants added to aid in the prevention of liver, kidney and heart problems. Older dogs will benefit from the Glucosamine and Chondroitin formulas that help keep their joints lubricated.

Go ahead and give their "3 Bag Challenge" a try. Once you sign up online, you're given three off coupons for your next three bags of food.

Should You Feed Your Dog With Hills Science Dog Food?

Find out more on hills dog food and read many interesting articles on pet health care.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

About Indian Dogs - Which Dog is Desirable For Indian Climate?

Many people dream of owning a domestic dog just look-alike on television, or in a magazine. But it is necessary that climate should be according to the dog. In past years, dog breeders are trying to breed European and American dogs in India and they're successful. Nowadays you can find a lot of imported dog breeds in India, some of which have global recognition, while some which were made popular by a local movie or so.

The best and perfect breed of domestic dog for the Indian climate is Rajapalayam. You can found this breed in Southern part, mostly in Tamil Nadu. They are very affectionate towards their master. Mostly ancient Royal families used these dogs. They are very obedient and intelligent.


These dogs are most admired by Indians. The reason behind is that the a lot of other Indian dog breeds are generally very intense and high tempered.

Most dogs generally behave well in India. But the big problem is high temperature, therefore dog breeders in India advice to choose breeds with short hair for domestic purposes. Labrador retriever can survive high temperature during summer because they have short coat, a large nostril with the deep chest and their well sprung ribs give testimony to his stamina.

During warm days of summers it's not easy for dogs to take sleep.

Professional breeders however have been successful in maintaining and breeding almost all breeds. You can see that during the dog shows where the number of imported breeds is always on the rise. If you want to take your dog for show, you have to do some basic training for obedience, grooming and all. It implies investing some time with your dog and understanding its breed in a better way.

About Indian Dogs - Which Dog is Desirable For Indian Climate?

For help you can visit this site []. If you are looking for dog breeds in India, you may visit this link - dog breeds in India [].


Why Your Dog Marks His Territory

If it is a change in your dog's normal behavior, it might be a bladder infection or some other medical problem, so check that with your vet first.

knit your dog book

It's rather common for older spayed bitches to start dribbling. This is easily fixed most of the time with doses of estrogen.
In many cases, the doses can be tapered off after a few months. Some dogs require estrogen for the rest of their lives. Only small doses are needed, so it's not that expensive to treat.
Again check with your vet.


All dogs urinate, some more than others. Entire males will mark their territory by using urine.

Some dominant females will do the same. Castration certainly helps to slow down or even stops male dogs from marking their territory.

But this has to be done at an early age to avoid a habit formed condition.
Dogs also mark trees, shrubs etc to communicate and mark their territory.
If you walk your dog and you don't want your dog to urinate on public icons or structures, then before the dog gets to these items call its name. This will bring the attention back onto you and reward the dog for returning.

If it does not respond to its name then tag the lead back and give a suitable command like 'no' or 'attt'.

Important: To do the "Tag Back" on the lead it must be only to get the dogs attention and not used as a negative response. The idea is to keep the dogs attention to you.

Then you can walk the dog where it can urinate, like walk up to a tree or a telephone Pole. Give the dog a command like 'letgo' or 'wee' and praise the dog when it does.
Don't worry if you think your dog will only go when you give the command and that when you are not home the dog will burst.... it won't.

As long as the dog has a lot of freedom when walking on the lead, let the dog relax and be a dog.
Keeping a dog at the heel position all the time will create stress in the dog. Don't allow your dog to urinate on everything its wants.

Complete article can be found at www.Here-Is-Your.Info/About/DogTraining

Why Your Dog Marks His Territory

For your complete 5 part series on Dog Training & Obedience please visit www.Here-Is-Your.Info/About/DogTraining


Yorkie Hybrids: Meet the Morkie

MORKIES are the adorable result of breeding a purebred Yorkshire Terrier with a purebred Maltese. The result is a designer dog you just might like.

Dog crossbreeds or hybrid dogs are all the rage - in fact they're often advertised as designer dogs. (And actually, since a hybrid is a mix between two different species, and all dogs are the same species, they can never technically be "hybrids"). So what's the difference between today's designer dog and yesterday's mutt or mongrel and what are the pros and cons?


Designer dog or mutt?

Breeders or hobbyists will breed two purebreds for a crossbred result. Those results -- the pups -- are almost always different since it takes many, many generations to develop a true breed.

So when dog breeds are "designed," how do you know you're getting the best of both? Is it possible to get the WORST of both breeds? Well that's the problem... but then again you might find the risk is worth it.

If you visit a message board like -- you'll soon see that many dog owners disagree pretty strongly with the whole idea of "designer dogs" or hybrid breeds.

What's their beef? Often so-called designer dogs are really just someone's get-cash-quick scheme. They have a purebred, a friend has another - so let's just mix them and see what happens. While there are many ethical breeds of hybrid dogs, a lot are fly-by-night and aren't necessarily raising the most healthy, happy puppies.

Even worse... there's a greater chance that your new buddy could have come from a puppy mill, which is a surefire way to heartbreak. How do you know your breeder is ethical? Here are a few obvious warning signs

the person selling the dog won't meet you at his or her home. Instead they suggest another location like a mall parking lot, or will come to your house. BTW, be careful online. It's ok to find a breeder online, but not ok to actually order the dog that way, or by phone. they don't seem to know a lot about the breed, or designer breed, you're considering when questioned about the pup's parents, unethical breeders might seem clueless.

What are the pros and cons of hybrid dogs like Morkies?

If you're able to find an ethical breeder or hobbyist who's cross breeding dogs, what are the pros and cons? And specifically what are the pros and cons of Morkies, the Yorkshire Terrier/Maltese cross?

Pros - Morkies are...

small size ADORABLE puppies that grow into ADORABLE dogs varied colours very affectionate great temperament, although can be a little aggressive

Cons - Morkies can be

hard to potty train (The Maltese is famously hard to house train. ) very determined to get their way - many experts say that Yorkshire Terriers can be willful, making training difficult. big barkers - the Yorkie is very territorial - and so can bark a lot. The Maltese just seems to bark a lot! needy - Maltese in particular, need tons of human attention. can be finicky eaters (Maltese)

But if you do your homework - check out the seller or breeder of the dog and meet them in person - chances are you'll get a very adorable little dog "designed" to steal your heart!

Yorkie Hybrids: Meet the Morkie


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Train Your Dog to Be a Therapy Dog

Have you thought about taking your dog to assisted living facilities to be a therapy dog? Good dog training is the key. Actually, most any dog can be a therapy dog. We've all seen news segments about dogs that have been rescued from dog shelters, that were trained to work as therapy dogs to visit nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities.

stop your dog from barking

Little dogs like Yorkshire Terriers and bigger dogs like Collies, Cocker Spaniels or Poodles make great therapy dogs. Much bigger dogs like Great Danes are wonderful in this capacity, but sometimes the rooms in the facility are not large enough to accommodate everyone.


If you have a family dog that you think would be wonderful as a therapy dog, but he's a little rough around the edges, then you need to consider training. To save time and money , you may want to train your dog yourself at home. There's some great, easy information on dog training to be had online.

When taking your dog to a nursing home or assisted living facility you want to make sure that his conduct is above reproach. The only way you can be sure is proper training which will help him with his manners. Also, your dog must enjoy being petted or held. Your dog needs to be housetrained, trained to not be barky or aggressive. He needs to follow the commands of sit, stay, shake and hand signals from you.These are all easily taught if you have the proper knowledge and know how to convey that knowledge to your dog. Ask yourself if your dog has the proper temperament to meet and greet residents in these facilities.

Just imagine the joy you can bring to someone living in one of these facilities. Perhaps they had a dog earlier in their life, but cannot have one any longer. The chance to pet a dog or cuddle with a dog delights the heart. By training your companion dog to be a therapy dog has great rewards for you as well as the recipient of the dogs affection. Your dog will enjoy it too!

How to Train Your Dog to Be a Therapy Dog

Fast, easy and successful dog training tips that you can easily do at home can be found at


Obedience Classes For Dogs - It's Not Your Only Option

Dogs are similar to children. They need to understand right from wrong. There are many ways to train them, however they have the disadvantage of not speaking the human language. One must learn to communicate with their dog to begin the process of understanding and learning what is required from them.

Obedience training teaches you and your dog how to communicate with each other. Training will be a great asset to developing a great relationship with your pet. You will be happier because your dog will be much easier to control. Your dog will be happier because he will know what you desire, and dogs love to please their owners. The obedience training, while not essential, will make life with your dog more pleasant.


Having your pet professionally trained helps a master control his or her dog. It not only helps the dog stay out of trouble and immediately obey orders, but it protects others as well.

Training dogs is very much like raising children.You teach your children and dog the right things to do as well as correcting them when they are wrong. A lot of patience is needed because results do not occur overnight.Eventually,your dog will obey your commands with little or no coaching at all.

The price of dog obedience classes vary, depending on where you live. For example, in a small city, they might cost 0. Wouldn't it be convenient if you could learn effective dog training methods that you could use at home?

Obedience Classes For Dogs - It's Not Your Only Option

Don't pay for expensive obedience dog classes [], go grab a copy of the ultimate dog obedience guide at: []


The Facts On Spaying And Neutering Your Dog

Spaying or neutering your dog is an important consideration for any responsible dog owner. Not only does spaying or neutering your dog prevent unwanted pregnancy but it also can prevent conditions such as cancer and other reproductive diseases and conditions. Spayed females and neutered males are less likely to run away when other female dogs in the area are in heat and they are also less likely to engage in pack like behavior with other dogs.

Benefits of Spaying And Neutering Your Dog


There are many different reasons to spay or neuter your dog. While there is the obvious pregnancy prevention with spaying or neutering there are also other, more practical and subtle benefits. The following are all characteristics of dogs that have been spayed or neutered.

· The dogs tend to be calmer and less aggressive towards both people and other pets.

· Females will get along much better with other females, either spayed or not.

· Males will be much less aggressive towards other males.

· Males will less likely run or engage in pack like behaviors even if there are other female dogs in the area.

· Males will be less likely to develop testicular cancers.

· Females will not develop ovarian cancer and will be less likely to develop breast cancer provided they are spayed prior to having their first litter.

Spayed and neutered dogs do not become less protective or less able as watchdogs. This common myth is what prevents many people from spaying or neutering their dogs. The reality is the protective instinct is not based on reproductive hormones; rather it is a hereditary trait that has been developed within the breed. It is also very dependent on the training that the individual dog as had as well as the personality of the dog.

What is spaying and neutering?

Spaying is the procedure used for female dogs. The procedure is surgical and requires the veterinarian to make a small incision in the lower abdominal area between the hind legs. The reproductive organs are completely removed from the body cavity. The incision is usually stitched up with dissolving stitches. Often the dog will have to wear a plastic cone or Elizabethan collar around their neck for a day or two to prevent them from licking or chewing at the incision. The dog should be kept calm and avoid any kind of jumping or strenuous exercise for the first week after the surgery.

Male dogs are neutered. This process also involves surgical procedures and general anesthesia. The testicles are completely removed with the procedure. There is no possibility of reversing either of the procedures. As with females the male dogs will need to be kept quiet and calm for several days after the surgery.

It is important to remember that male dogs, even after neutering, may still be able to impregnate females for a period of a few days or even weeks after the surgery. This occurs because viable sperm may still be in the male reproductive tract. Be sure to keep neutered males away from females for a couple of weeks after surgery just to be safe.

The Facts On Spaying And Neutering Your Dog

Find hundreds more articles like this at, where you can also find unique dog beds, dog supplies, and pet furniture that you'll never find at your local pet store. In fact, if you later find your order being sold at your local Petco, we'll refund your purchase plus an extra !


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Collapsible Dog Crates

An enclosure generally made of wires, fabric or plastic to keep your pet safe is known as a dog crate. Different types of dog crates including the collapsible dog crate are available today with a lot of interesting features. Dog owners love choosing the ideal crate for their pets and offering them comfort, luxury and a feeling of safety and security.

Different varieties of crates are favored for different reasons such as strength, rigidity, security, style, convenience and comfort of the canines. On many occasions, pet owners may like to carry their pets along with them on trips or when they go camping or on picnics. Dog crates make it easy for owners to transport their pets and provide them with the peace of mind that their dogs are safe and secure.


Choosing the best option among a wide range of choices available today is the best you can do to ensure the safety of your pets and provide them with adequate comfort and luxury. As most pet lovers consider pets to be a part of their family, they purchase good quality dog crates to help them take their pets on all their trips.

While traveling, having a portable crate is a good option. This will save you the hassle of carting around a heavy dog crate that has to be fixed with tools and screws. A crate is really handy since it is solid, easily portable; light weighted, and extremely safe for your pets on the road and at home.

The collapsible dog crate is usually made of nylon fabric which is durable and this is wrapped on a heavy gauge steel frame that is very sturdy. Since, thecrate has rounded corners and soft sides it helps in protecting the interiors of your car and the walls and floors in your home from scratches.

The entry doors in the front, top and sides of the crate allow easy flow of air, good visibility and facilitate easy access into the crate. Handles on the crate make it convenient to carry it around. Sleeves are provided for name tags on the crate, which makes identification really simple while traveling.

Cleaning a crate is really simple, as it is provided with removable interior features and a waterproof tray. The padded soft fleece on the reversible side of the crate makes it comfortable for the canines. The crate has storage compartments where you can store treats for your pets. The ideal design and the light weight of the crate make it portable and easy to carry around.

A collapsible dog crate is available in five different varieties and generally accommodates dogs weighing up to 90 pounds. Yet, it is important to check which crate is most suited for your pet and not just go by the weight limit. This is because all breeds have a different body structure. What ever be the breed the comfort you give your pets is what matters the most.

Collapsible Dog Crates

Check out our great selection of Collapsible Dog Crates [] today at []!


How to Potty Train Your Dog

As a dog owner you are responsible to potty train your dog. If you potty train your dog, it will save you the messy job of cleaning up your dog's poop and pee. It is best to potty train your dogs when they are still young or puppies. Young puppy needs to poop or pee 15-20 minutes after eating or drinking. If you don't potty train your dog, your life will be miserable cleaning up your dog's mess around your house.

stop your dog from barking

The first step to potty train your dog is to take him to the same spot every time he needs to poop or pee. This will train him to recognize the spot or place by smell where he needs to go back to pee or poop.Take him outside on scheduled time daily. In the morning when he wakes up, after his meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks), after his naps and before bedtime. You need to observe your dog's behavior before he pee or poop to know the signs when you need to take him outside. Dogs usually sniff the floor and squat before they eliminates. Watch your dog carefully for signs to know if you need to take him outside. It's better for your dog to learn to go outside on his own. Your dog needs to recognize a definite word or phrase each time he needs to pee or poop. You can say "go outside and poop", by repeating the words your dog will recognize this as a command each time he needs to poop or pee.You need patience to potty train your dog. If he pee or poop inside the house or in your carpet, don't yell. Just ignore him and clean up.Praise your dog when he followed your instructions and training.


You need a lot of patience and time to potty train your dog but bear in mind that if you succeed, your life will be easier. You will raise a well behaved dog that you can be proud of and enjoy.

There are cases that dog owners are unsuccessful in training their own dog due to dog's behavior problems and aggressiveness. On this case you need help from the experts for your dog's obedience training.

How to Potty Train Your Dog

Did you know that there are dog owners who solved their dog’s behavior problems immediately? Earn your dog’s respect and obedience visit Dog’s Obedience raining.

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to potty train your dog.


Tibetan Mastiff

The latest craze in China is the Tibetan Mastiff. The dog has become a symbol of affluence sought by wealthy Chinese. One wealthy Chinese woman paid 0,000 for an 18 month purebred male.

The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed of dog associated with nomadic cultures of Central Asia. It is considered a holy animal that brings good health and security to its owners. Two types can come from the same litter. The monastery type and the nomad type. The monastery type is bigger and has more facial wrinkling.


Males can reach a height up to 31 inches and a weight up to 180 pounds. The coat color can be black, black and tan, gold, blue/gray, chocolate brown and rarely solid white. It has a long double coat that has an unpleasant smell and sheds throughout the year. It is a primitive breed having the instincts to survive in the wild.

The dog can be very temperamental and exhibit ferocity, aggressiveness and unpredictability. It is an intelligent, strong willed breed but can be an excellent family dog if the owner does not allow it to take control. It is used to guard flocks and is not afraid to confront predators.

It can live up to 14 years. Although it has less genetic health problems than most breeds, it can suffer from hip dysplasia, nerve disease affecting its ability to walk, thyroid problems, skeletal defects and serious ear infections.

The dog starting gaining popularity after 1980, but was considered an uncommon breed. In 2008, it competed in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show for the first time. Dog shows in China are being held more frequently exhibiting the breed.

Tibetan Mastiff

Frank Loethen lives with his wife and three cats, Sunny, Sinclair and Midnite, in Georgia. My wife and I recently added a new member to the house. A long haired chihuahua from a rescue shelter. If you enjoyed this article, please visit my cat products website,, your one stop site for all your cat and kitten needs. Cat food, cat toys, litter accessories and cat treats are among the many items on the site. You can also see my three cats on the site.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Top Reasons And Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

The decision to spay or neuter a pet does not come easy for some people, but there are several excellent reasons to consider the procedure. Spaying or neutering is an irreversible way to render a dog or cat unable to reproduce that can improve your pet's health, safety and quality of life. This procedure also helps control the population of unwanted companion and feral animals.

Spaying or neutering your pet can reduce his or her risk of certain types of cancers associated with reproduction. Neutered males have a lower incidence of prostate problems, including prostate enlargement and prostate cancers. Neutering also eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and testicular torsion, a painful and life-threatening condition. Spayed females have a much lower risk of developing mammary cancer (especially if spayed before the first heat cycle), and the procedure eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers. By minimizing or eliminating the risk of these cancers through spaying or neutering, you can help ensure your pet a longer, happier and healthier life. In fact, spayed or neutered pets live up to 3 years longer than their intact counterparts.


Neutering also reduces aggressive behavior in some males, and reduces the tendency to roam or spray. Reducing or eliminating your pet's natural desire to roam helps protect him from accidental injuries from vehicles, and encounters with other animals. It also reduces the possibility that you will lose your pet temporarily or permanently.

Neutered male dogs may still mark their territories, but owners report that the procedure reduces or eliminates marking and/or spraying inside the house. Intact males, who can become very aggressive and persistent around intact females, are not attracted to spayed female pets. Neutered pets also display less dominating and anti-social behaviors around children, guests and other animals.

Spaying or neutering eliminates your pet's ability to reproduce, and helps to control both the unwanted companion and feral animal populations in your areas. Finding homes for unwanted companion animals is challenging, especially in a soft economy. In many cases, shelters that cannot secure homes for unwanted pets must destroy them. Feral animals - who have never been in a home - pose a danger to the communities in which they live. These unvaccinated animals may carry rabies, venereal, or other infectious diseases, breed (and fight) with intact house pets, and often cannot be rehabilitated, socialized or adopted. By spaying or neutering your pet, you can ensure that your pet does not contribute to the problem of pet overpopulation.

The benefits of spaying or neutering your pet are significant, and the procedure is appropriate for most house pets. By spaying or neutering your pet, you can extend your pet's life, improve his or her health and safety, and ensure that your dog or cat does not contribute to pet overpopulation.

Top Reasons And Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

All 4 Paws Animal Hospital is a place where pets receive the excellent quality of care they deserve. Our team of animal care specialists offers you the peace of mind that comes from receiving knowledgeable, compassionate care and individualized attention. We believe that a visit to the veterinarian should not be a stressful or traumatic event for you or your pet. We make every effort to ensure you are informed, and that your pet is comfortable and free from pain.


Teach Your Dogs Tricks - Easy Tricks To Teach Your Dog With Just 20 Minutes A Day!

How many of us loved to watch the TV show "Lassie" when we were young. Oh the fancy tricks that dog could do! (OK, only those around my age, obviously!). Right, forget Lassie. How many of you would like to teach your dogs tricks? We'll look at some easy tricks to teach your dog and wow your neighbors at this year's street party!

knit your dog book

Mind you, if your dogs haven't learned to sit, down, stay and heel, it's too soon to teach your dogs tricks like these. That said, here are 3 easy tricks to teach your dog!


1. Shake paw

When you feel it's time to teach your dogs tricks, the easiest one to start off with is to "shake paw".

Tell your dog to sit first. Just take your dog's paw (either one but choose only one) and place it in your hand and give it a small shake. Then say "shake paw" and immediately praise, pat your dog, reward it.

Do this 5 times in a row to reinforce the lesson. In fact reinforcement is the best way how to teach a dog tricks. Remember to use the same paw and your same hand.

Repeat this lesson 4 times within a day until your dog gets it and does it without you having to pick up its paw. When you teach dog tricks, reinforcement is very important.

2. Play dead

Now, it's time to teach your dogs tricks that are slightly more advanced. In this case "play dead".

Get your dog to lie down. Sit next to your dog and roll him/her on its side. Say "play dead" after this action. Once your dog learns to do this, praise, pat and reward it.

Again, you want to do 5 repeats 4 times a day to reinforce the lesson. Don't forget, reinforcement is the best way how to teach a dog tricks.

3. Crawl

Finally, if you want to teach your dogs tricks, there's no better one to look at than the "crawl".

Have your dog lie down on its front. Tell it to stay. Next sit yourself a few inches away, Making sure your hands are close to the floor, signal to your dog to come towards you and say "crawl, crawl". Remember to praise, pat and reward him or her when it crawls forward.

You can see that it's actually quite easy to teach your dogs tricks. The thing to remember is that your dog needs to see some action on your part followed by a word command. This way, it will know what to do when it hears you say that command. Easy tricks to teach your dog using this method include those above and even dancing. (But that's another article for another day!)

So do on, wow your friends and neighbors. Better still, show them how you teach your dogs tricks so that they can do the same for their dogs. They will owe you big time!

Teach Your Dogs Tricks - Easy Tricks To Teach Your Dog With Just 20 Minutes A Day!

Did you find these tips on how to Teach Your Dogs Tricks useful? Get your FREE 6-part mini-course that will teach you more Fun Dog Tricks as well as little-known Dog Obedience Training Secrets to correcting dog behavior problems using REAL-LIFE scenarios.

Just go to to learn...

How to teach a dog tricks most dogs can't do How to get your dog to respond to commands even when it's nowhere near you How to train your dog not to bark at strangers and other dogs How to teach your dog to stop destructive and attention seeking behaviors How to overcome every disobedient behavior your dog could potentially develop over its lifetime, and much, much more...


Walking Your Dog

Do you walk your dog?

pamper your dog

It is important that you walk your dog at least once daily.


Your dog needs the daily exercise for health reasons and also it will take the boredom away from it else it is likely to be mischievous during the day; like digging your garden, chewing on things around the house, barking for your attention to play. After the walk, it is likely to rest peaceful during the day and it is not so restless.

Whether it is a small or big dog, it needs the daily walk.

Besides the exercise, your dog also gets to explore the surroundings and also socialize with who you come across during the walk; like your neighbors and possibly their dogs too, or even strangers around the housing area. Socializing your dog is also an important part of training your dog.

I recommend that you do it at the same time daily; like early in the morning or after dinner at night. You should also take the opportunity to toilet train your dog to pooh during the walk. Please remember to bring along some plastic bags or newspaper to pick up its pooh.

How long or far should you walk your dog?

Well, you need to make some judgments depending on the size of your dog. You may not walk too far for a small dog compared to a bigger dog. You should also take the age of the dog into consideration too, as the older dog even if it is a big dog, is likely not to have the same stamina as before.

If you tend to have a long walk as part of your routine or the route is such that there is no short-cut to it, then remember to let the dog rest and you may even want to carry a bottle of water and a small bowl for a water break.

What do you need for the walk?

I recommend that you leash your dog no matter how well it is trained as there could be people who are not comfortable with dogs, big or small ones. In Singapore, it is against the law and the owner could be fined if his dog is not leashed in public.

Please bring along some newspaper or plastic bags to pick up your dog pooh, if the park does not provide such pooh bags.

A bottle of water and a small bowl may be required, depending on the distance you intend to cover and also your dog too.

I have seen people jogging or cycling with their dogs, small or big ones, in the park and I noticed the poor dogs are having a hard time keeping up with their owners. Their tongues are hanging out of their mouths and some are even being dragged along too. I think you should avoid stressing your dogs unless you have done it often and you are aware of their stamina. They should be running by your side effortlessly.

I have 2 dogs and I either walk them separately or together as one is a 10 years old beagle and the other dog is a 5 years old corgi, a smaller dog. The beagle has better stamina than the corgi but it has also slowed down due to his age. They look forward to it daily and they are now trained to pooh at the same time too.

Walking Your Dog

David Poh has a Beagle and a Corgi dog. He has a website where he shares his experiences and tips on caring for dogs. For more information and to view photos and videos on his dogs, go to


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Benefits of Dogs

Dogs are wonderful creatures and are favored by millions all over the world for their good company, working ability or any number of the other reasons dogs are used for work or companions all around the world on a daily basis. Discussing the benefits of dogs is a big topic and I'm sure there will be thousands of you wanting to comment on your personal experiences and bring these situations to light for all others to be persuaded to switch to owning one and caring for a new canine friend, but as this is not possible I'll go through some of the more popular reasons for owning a dog and why it makes people happier.

The first is a sense of security, if you live alone or are alone wile other are at work or otherwise engaged then a pet for the feeling of being safe and secure is more then enough to make thousands if not millions of people want a dog.


With security comes a friend, and a constant need for your love and affection. Some people love to play with their dog and like to have them keep them company, humans bond especially well with dogs witch is where the saying 'mans best friend' comes from. Without a pet of some kind, life can be quite lonely and dull. They bring a lot of excitement and interests to households, causing a feeling of happiness and comfort. They are also used on farms and security type jobs, although these dogs often seem vicious and angry in their job, in most cases they are loyal, well trained, obedient ones coming from friendly protective and affectionate breeds.

These reasons are just a glimpse of what dogs are all about and to really understand the happiness or excitement effects they can have on you, you have to own your own canine friend. If you have time to give and are educated about the different commitments they need then acquiring a dog will be one of the best things you ever did.

Benefits of Dogs

For more information on Dog Behavior Training take a look at


Why Natural Balance Dog Food is Essential For Your Dogs Health

Although you may not be aware of this fact, the overall well-being of your dog has a great deal to do with the ingredients used to make up his or her food. With this in mind, if you want the very best of health for your canine friend, selecting a natural balance diet is the way forward.

stop your dog from barking

The ingredients of all commercially produced dog foods are listed on the label of the packaging and this is the place you should start when choosing what you give your dog to eat. These components are detailed in the order of amount with the highest percentage of the overall product at the top, and the least at the bottom of the list.


Products showing meat and vegetables as the highest percentage on the label should be the recipe you are looking for. Try to avoid foods that state they contain such foods as chicken meal, fishmeal and other meat meals as these are not meat; they are simply by products from those animals. Such by products could be from the fur or feathers of the animal or even fish scales in the case of fish meal, so it is best to steer clear of foods with their main ingredient as "meals".

A natural balance dog food should be one that contains no chemicals. However, within the wide range of commercially produced food for dogs, these are few and far between as the majority of this type contains preservatives, flavorings and colorings of a chemical nature.

So how do you find the best kind of dog food? Well, you could start by taking a little time to carry out some research of your own. You will discover that natural dog foods only use healthy ingredients and this promotes a shiny coat, bright eyes, as well as ensuring the perfect functioning of the internal organs.

What you need is a natural balance dog food made up of meat and vegetables reared or grown by organic methods and this way you will be providing your animal with the very best food you possibly can, ensuring a happy and healthy life for your best friend.

Why Natural Balance Dog Food is Essential For Your Dogs Health

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