Sunday, December 4, 2011

Helping to Treat Anemia in Your Dog With Healthy Dog Foods

Your dog is not exempt from anemia. Anemia is not a specific disease, but it is the result of a disease process. Anemia happens when red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both are drastically reduced. There are common signs of anemia in dogs, such as: loss of pink color of the gums, tired, listless, and very lethargic. Anemia is not the same type of disease as in humans. It is not caused by iron deficiency.

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These signs alone warrant a visit to the veterinarian. Your dog's veterinarian will take several tests on the red blood cells. The most common test is the PCV (packed cell volume). If your dog is diagnosed with anemia, there may be some other tests that will need to be done. The veterinarian will need to know if the bone marrow is producing increased numbers of new red blood cells to replace the lost. This can be shown in a blood smear.


Also in a blood smear, parasites will be looked for that might be causing the destruction of the red blood cells. This could be a sign of leukemia. Parasite presence will be tested also in a fecal exam. This is also a reason that could be causing blood loss.

These are a few tests that can be run to find the cause of your dog's anemia. It is important for these tests to be done because there are many diseases that can cause anemia in dogs. These diseases can be grouped into three different groups. These are:

1. Diseases that cause blood loss - These diseases can be caused by trauma or injury that severs blood vessels or internal organs. Fleas, ticks, and hookworms can cause blood loss. Intestinal tract, kidney, and urinary tract tumors can cause blood loss. Blood loss could be caused by diseases that prevent proper blood clotting.

2. Diseases that cause hemolysis (red blood cell breakdown) - Diseases that cause the red blood cells to destruct include: autoimmune disease, blood parasites, chemicals and toxins, and cancer.

3. Diseases that decrease red blood cell production - Bone marrow suppression can be the result of decreased red blood cells because of: severe, chronic disease, poor nutrition or nutritional imbalances, autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism, chemicals and toxins, and cancer.

Treating anemia can be moderate or severe. If it is life-threatening, a blood transfusion may be needed. This will stabilize a dog in order to give the veterinarian time to find out the source of the anemia. If the anemia is moderate, you will need to make sure your dog can get enough nutrition during this time, especially.

Making sure your dog is given all natural healthy dog food packed full with vitamins and minerals will help give your dog more strength during this tough period. Hopefully, the veterinarian will find out the cause of the anemia and your dog will be up and running around in no time. Consider keeping your dog on an all natural dog food to help protect him from becoming sick in the future.

Helping to Treat Anemia in Your Dog With Healthy Dog Foods

Anthony Petrozzella is the founder of Pet Food Cafe. Pet Food Cafe is dedicated to the holistic well being of your beloved family companions. For the most part, your dog eats the same food every day. That is why carefully choosing a food is so important to your dog's long-term health. Have you researched what you're feeding your cat or dog? Visit Pet Food Cafe.


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