Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Should Your Shitzu Be Neutered?

It is just as important to prevent problems before they arise, as it is tender loving care, when it comes to your shitzu. One of the most important health decisions you will make is whether to have your shitzu spayed, or if you have a male shitzu, to have him castrated. These procedures (called "gonadectomy" or "neutering") refer to the inactivation or removal of some, or all, of the tissues in the body associated with reproduction.

Your female shitzu should be spayed before her first estrous cycle, so that she will have a lower chance of developing breast cancer later in life. Breast cancer is common in older dogs, and 50 percent of breast cancer in dogs is life threatening. Therefore, it makes good medical sense to neuter your pet at a very early age.


Early surgical neutering can be performed safely on pups between six and sixteen weeks of age. There are distinct health advantages for dogs that are surgically neutered early in life. Advantages are:

1. It greatly reduces the chances of developing breast cancer if the ovaries are removed before the female's second and preferably first estrous cycle.

2. Prevents ovarian, uterine, testicular, prostate, or epididymal diseases, such as cancer and infection.

3. Prevents unwanted pregnancies.

4. Leads to fewer behavior problems.

An alternative for pet owners to surgical neutering is chemical neutering. This is where the drug (amino acid 1 arginine and a zinc salt) is injected into the testicles, and causes shrinkage of the testicles and prostate gland.

No matter what method you use, the right thing to do is to have them neutered. You are giving you're shitzu the best chance for a long healthy life. You are also doing your part by not contributing to the problem of pet overpopulation. For every female dog that produces one litter of puppies, there is the potential to give rise to 67,000 descendents in a six-year period.

More than 2,500 dogs are born every hour in the United States and more than 2.1 million dogs are euthanized annually in animal shelters. That is one dog every 15 seconds and shitzu's number among them. By neutering your shitzu, you are helping to reduce these numbers.

Remember, the shitzu is a regal animal bred to live a pampered life of luxury in lavish estates. It is not an easy dog to maintain. It requires a lot of personal attention and its coat requires frequent grooming.

Should Your Shitzu Be Neutered?

Get information and resources about shitzu dogs. For all your shitzu needs please visit my website. http://www.shitzu-puppies.com/


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