Monday, December 5, 2011

Neuter Dogs Before Their First Birthday

By neutering the male dogs and spaying of female dogs you are not only helping future generations of the animals but also ensuring that the existing pets are prosperous.

Many people do not even think twice for the spaying of female dogs except when they are sure of breeding which causes problems when the female comes into season. However, when it comes to neutering the male dogs the men dog owners become anxious because of their male ego.


The male dog owners say that they do not have any problem for them in spaying their female dogs; however they resist neutering their male dogs.

This is because they associate their male dogs with themselves. They are bothered because they feel that their dogs will lose their masculinity once they are neutered; hence they do not want to take responsibility for the dog's castration. Men stick together!

Many veterinarians opine that a normal healthy male dog can be neutered and no subsequent problems occur; in fact there are advantages due to this. One of the main advantages is that a neutered male refrains from roaming the neighborhood or fight with other dogs; but still they are capable of protecting the family and home.

The ideal age for castrating your male dog is between 8 and 12 months. At this time no personality change occurs in the dog; but the dog loses its desire for the female dogs. In this age range their male instincts would not have been fully developed and since he has not yet mated the female dog he would not really know what he is missing.

You must make sure that the operation is carried out too early.

Dogs' penis and urethra do not mature until they reach a certain age; if the operation is carried out before this age then the stones that may develop in later years make it very painful and the dog will find it difficult to pass. If the castration done on a dog between 1 and 3 years, it might cause visible behavioral changes occurring on the dog.

The operation will mellow down the annoying behavior of a dog which is sexually aggressive and always looks for female dogs or a fighter not only with other dogs but also with people and children. One dog owner has reported that his male dog which started to wet in the house after 2 1/2 years stopped this behavior after castration.

The behavior of older dogs remains the same even after castration.

Even if you castrate the older dog you will not be able to change its bad behavior and make him a nicer pet. In case the dog goes hounding for garbage or a runner the castration is not going to change this in older dogs. If he is sexually aggressive he will continue this even though the castration removes the cause for sexual attraction.

This is the main reason why castrating should be carried out prior to the dog reaching the age of one year i.e. to destroy the basic instincts before it becomes a habit; habits are difficult to change later in life.

Neuter Dogs Before Their First Birthday

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